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Everything posted by scalpy

  1. I use the vpf filter all the time, the posh control as I call it. I've got my eq the same pretty much all the time and then dial back the the vpf to as little as I can get away with. Works for me although the graph readers might tell us all why it's wrong...
  2. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1417520817' post='2621219'] Well having a bad drummer didn't stop the Beatles haha. [/quote] You- outside.
  3. Just watched it, you kind of guess what's coming next each chapter but it's great to anorak out at all the gear.
  4. It occasionally happens I have to drop a gig for a better one, although I do operate the prior engagement rule as much as possible. There are some rules for getting deps, one has already been touched upon, don't get anyone better than you (!) and don't get anyone blonde and bebreasted. Devil getting a reading bass player round this way though.
  5. This was a problem I was having, so did a little bit of research. The guy from megadeth, not someone I could ever say I've even heard, suggests concentrating on how you lift your fingers, making sure they're relaxed on the way up. This is obviously a bit left of centre and needs practice, such as when you warm up with some scalic exercises.
  6. Uber GAS now for the aguilar pre on the forum at the and a matrix 800. Would be perfect on top of my db112s.
  7. Another vertigo user here. I walked four miles to a gig in the rain using the mono and no issues whatsoever. Some people say the pocket is small but you can put plenty of charts and the like in there no worries. Plus that boot idea really inspires confidence.
  8. Doing 2 weeks of grease next year and they've paid the surcharge to do the film version, great news as without it you aren't allowed to do your the one that I want.
  9. In at the deep end last night, played the opening night of London Jazz festival in the entrance hall of the Barbican. Very nervous, not really a jazzer, there's students at the guildhall wandering round and the main house has a load of heavyweights performing. George Montague, the artist was on tip top form and the band was sounding good through nice pa being run by friendly sound guys who really knew what they were doing. Really chuffed I had the opportunity to do it and beaming this morning, despite 300 mile round trip to do it!
  10. You and your instrument is a relationship like any other, some are keepers and some you covet, some you just have to move on!
  11. Seeing as a 750/751 is just a pipe dream for me, let's continue wishing, db412 in tweed.
  12. Skittles out of the way, we did ours last night. Threw in monster mash, ghostbusters, time warp and thriller to be topical. Nice big crowd, dancing from the off, so it got properly hot very quickly. I was dressed as riff raff, so first job this morning is to wipe all the white and black makeup off I was wearing off my bass- it's got everywhere!
  13. Doing one tomorrow.... Couldn't persuade the landlord to swop with skittles night😔
  14. [quote name='bluesparky' timestamp='1414755185' post='2592914'] Thanks for the replies - I hope I've not sparked too much of a lively debate about it. On top of posting here I've contacted the examining board to see what the "official" answer to my query is, I'll let you know what they say! [/quote] Don't panic it's one of those things that's easier to do than read. Just start counting quavers a bar ahead of the signature change and you'll be fine. Oh, and practice the rhythm without the instrument in your hands, one task at a time. Oh and 9/8 is also known as compound triple, so conventially it's grouped into 3.
  15. [quote name='M@23' timestamp='1414680954' post='2592192'] That is low! Between 12 and 1 for me too with a LM3. [/quote] Clip light for me comes on at 8 o clock on the dial! That's g&l humbuckers for you! Amp still sounds blinking great though.
  16. The guitarist in our band just picked up, well became the owner of, picking up is nigh on impossible a 70s fender bassman 10. Glorious thing, first vintage amp I've tried that actually sounded good and it cost him less than a markbass combo secondhand.
  17. Will give any music a fair crack of the whip- if it's sincere. a great analogy with music is food. Don't mind a mucky ds every now and again, don't mind Michelin star food either. Going to a pub and being charged Michelin prices for something ordinary hacks me off. Like listening to coldplay thinking they are of the same merit as radiohead for example, or U2 still thinking its 1987.
  18. Well the foyer of the Barbican anyway.... Still would be nice to meet some basschatters South East way. We're on at 6pm. Feel hopelessly out of my depth on this date but also can't wait! http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=byJLdz5v1Ak
  19. Plastic 'top hat' came off the selector switch of my tele without me noticing. Gave it all the full beans at the end of the song, arm in the air for the final chord, crashed into it and promptly impaled my thumb by half a cm. Blood everywhere, couldn't hold onto the plectrum and all this at a posh hotel for a wedding.
  20. Apparently some comedians work on a basic premise on what to wear. If the audience are casual, they go smart casual, audience smart casual then wear a suit etc. pretty old school but helps when getting reluctant band members to dress well for stage. Personally I cringe when you go to a wedding and the band rocks up in clothes that haven't seen an iron since they were bought and everyone else is in their finery. On the comedian thing again though- I can't explain Noel fielding' attire!
  21. G&L with l series preamp or the new m series. Unbeatable value and tone, far from the most expensive and pennies left over to spend on your flavour of amp hopefully.
  22. This kind of behaviour is playing a large part in the death of live music at a local level. Expecting your audience to be entertained on the pain threshold of hearing and a venue keep it's license when your guitarists ego can be heard miles away does all of us a massive disservice. And no doubt you expect payment for this attitude.
  23. Debut album for me only too! Great drummer and bvs, plus the first time I heard them was one of the first times I was out and about driving by myself in my mums Renault 5. Ended up doing about 15 mph so I could hear all of undone the sweater song being played by mark Radcliffe. Happydaze 😄
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