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Everything posted by skychaserhigh

  1. I had a TNT Black Widow combo for a few years many years ago. I always found it to be a bit boxy sounding and compressed too much as it got loud , so hopefully this amp sounds a lot better. What are clown buttons by the way ?
  2. When I used class D amps , I could get an ok sound but it felt empty. Going back to my older amps gave me a better sound with that full fat bass feeling that drives the band. This is my interpretation of 'Heft'.
  3. Ampeg SVT 6 pro or Ashdown ABM300 plus Tech21 VT Bass pedal with either amp for me.
  4. G&L really are great basses , their playability is just superb.
  5. I hear mixing bins is a bad idea...2 the same should be the way to do it...
  6. A1 Music...i wish music shops were like that nowadays !
  7. My choice would be a 210 to go with the 115 cab.
  8. I got confused and thought you meant the Def Leppard track...I'll get me coat.....
  9. I never understood their popularity either. But saying that you don't rate the Stone Roses in Manchester is a bit like saying you don't like Barefaced on Basschat..
  10. @Grangur...no offense meant...I was just making a point too !
  11. Weight isn't a big factor for me. I always used valve or hybrid amps then tried the class D stuff for a few years. I eventually went back to my bigger older amps because to me they just sound and work better for me. I don't consider them particularly heavy. I used Hartke cabs for years , some heavy some not. I then used Vanderkley for a few years. Great well made etc cabs but I went back to Hartke because I prefer the way they sound to me. I don't care if they are technically better or worse than others , I use what works for me best. I also spend a lot more time playing through my gear than carrying it so to me , weight isn't the main factor when choosing gear and I know a lot of other people who think the same.
  12. @Grangur , Don't you help with your band mates gear then , just carry your own ??
  13. Casters make no difference to the sound in my experience but make moving it around is certainly more convenient !
  14. To say that one or two of these cabs will be enough for ANY situation could be slightly misleading..I've certainly done plenty of gigs where a big rig was needed , especially big outdoor stages. In my opinion of course.
  15. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1462603065' post='3044254'] And they're paying you how much to learn 20 songs? Blue [/quote] Do you really expect to get paid to learn songs for an audition ??
  16. Sell it and get an Ashdown ABM.
  17. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1461168487' post='3032126'] Wireless, line 6 G-50. Blue [/quote] That's not a lead........
  18. So..after years of being told a 410 is no good and unnecessary Barefaced announces ....a 410 !! Progress indeed... Now everyone will be saying how great a 410 is for bass...just like the old days !! Thing is , this is the first Barefaced cab i like the look of and could actually see myself using..time will tell ! P.S. I'll keep my eye on the For Sale section.....
  19. At least I can spell and pronounce this , unlike Marsuzzkeijjs.....however It's spelt !
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