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The Twickerman

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Everything posted by The Twickerman

  1. Hi folks, I am looking for a compressor - primarily for my clean 12-string rhythm guitar playing actually - but it will inevitably get applied to bass too - if it sounds nice. I tried the Celmo Sardine Can Compressor and was really impressed. Has anyone tried this one bass? Any comments? Also welcome to suggest alternatives - rememberingg though that the principal use is for the strumming! Thanks bassootists!
  2. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='981598' date='Oct 8 2010, 02:14 PM']CRIKEY!! Thats gorgeous!![/quote] And the bass? ;-)
  3. [quote name='tombboy' post='978104' date='Oct 5 2010, 11:14 AM']Due to a chronic hand injury I have to face up to the fact that I cannot continue to play without suffering pain and extreme discomfort. Darkest day of my life so far!! [/quote] Ouch. That's awful. You have my sympathies. A friend of mine also gave up bass due to arthritis in her 20s. Nice rig. I hope you get lots of interest.
  4. [quote name='cheddatom' post='966397' date='Sep 24 2010, 09:25 AM']Nice one. What sort of sounds are you getting out of the lo-fi pedal?[/quote] [quote name='EskimoBassist' post='966549' date='Sep 24 2010, 11:43 AM']Yeah, I'd be interested to hear some clips of that on Bass.[/quote] I don't actually use it on the bass. I use it on the 12-string to play the intro to Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here (for that "AM Radio" type sound). I have tried it on the bass: We play Another brick in the Wall part 1 - which begins with an echoed guitar part and guitar embellishments. Because of our lineup (only one guitar) I play the repeated echo part high up on the bass, with the bridge pickup, through the flanger and the delay (naturally). I added the LoFi pedal and thought it sounded pretty good. I was outvoted!!! So the LoFi pedal remains shamefully under-used. I'll try to remember to capture some of it next time I am in the studio (Monday night).
  5. [attachment=59531:2010_0923_203621AA.JPG] I have posted this before - but I have just updated it so now, with a few words of explanation. This is the signal chain:- 1. Custom made switch box (instrument and amp selector and loop bypass) 2. Ernie ball volume (superb!) 3. Korg Pitchblack (the best tuner for a dark stage) 4. Wattson SuperFuzz 5. Fulltone BassDrive MOSFET (for the overdriven Rutherford tones) 6. Malekko B:Assmaster Germanium (for those Chris Squire tones) 7. Fulltone ChoralFlange 8. Boss DD-7 9. LovePedal Babyface trem 10. Ibanez LoFi pedal Now the odd thing about this board is that it suits my bass, 12-string guitar and 12/4 twin neck. The unique bit is the switch box I built (true bypass, natch). I can plug in a bass, or a guitar or my twin neck, and can switch either to the different amps. There is also a loop bypass. The really novel bit is that if I plug in a 4001 I can use the box to route each pickup to a different amp. In this mode, the selector footswitch determines which pickup is routed via the effect loop (unless this is disabled by the other footswitch). Great for those authentic Chris Squire tones. To be honest, I haven't used it like that (yet) though. As you can see, I am a bit of a prog-head!
  6. Hi folks, I have tried a few auto-wahs. The boss AW-2 remains a fave - although not currently featured on my pedal board. I am more interested these days in have a wah-wah pedal and was wondering what the AW-3 with an expression pedal is like. How does it compare to the EBS Wah One and the Jim Dunlop and Morley Wah-wahs, for example. Cheers!
  7. I am still looking out for an EBS bass wah-wah at a reasonable price. In the meantime, however, I found this:- [url="http://www.rocktron.com/products/wahpedals/utopiabasswah/"]http://www.rocktron.com/products/wahpedals/utopiabasswah/[/url] Any comments?
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  10. Not a fan of the Tortie pickguard - but otherwise, WOW wow WOWIE!. Gorgeous. I wish I had the funds, but I am looking for a Fender Bass VI and I must not get distracted!!!
  11. Wow, that submarine looks very VERY tempting!
  12. [quote name='The Twickerman' post='920128' date='Aug 9 2010, 09:58 PM']I think I can answer that! It's from a Eko. I have a Eko B02 short scale bass with one of these. It sounds fantastic. I subsequently had a bass build, by Brandoni, using a NOS Eko fretless neck, an unspecified (guitar?) body and two of these pickups. Strangely, they both sound the same - despite being spaced quite far apart.[/quote] See here:- [url="http://www.fetishguitars.com/html/eko/index/05finalyears.html"]http://www.fetishguitars.com/html/eko/inde...finalyears.html[/url] Click the 1983 brochure. Last column, third row.
  13. [quote name='Johnston' post='920122' date='Aug 9 2010, 09:52 PM']Interesting layers are the layers nailed together for tonal qualities?? Nice permanent marker binding. But what is the pick up from?? I've never seen a bass with anything like that before[/quote] I think I can answer that! It's from a Eko. I have a Eko B02 short scale bass with one of these. It sounds fantastic. I subsequently had a bass build, by Brandoni, using a NOS Eko fretless neck, an unspecified (guitar?) body and two of these pickups. Strangely, they both sound the same - despite being spaced quite far apart.
  14. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='919969' date='Aug 9 2010, 07:40 PM']Limited edition MonkeyDream board ( Ghost Monkey X3012) on it's way to me. Awesome wedding gift!! [url="http://monkeydream.com/ghost_monkeyX3012.html"]http://monkeydream.com/ghost_monkeyX3012.html[/url][/quote] Nice!!!!
  15. [quote name='Kraken' post='916937' date='Aug 6 2010, 01:22 PM']you appear to be in my neck o' the woods, would you be averse to meeting up in a pub or car park somewhere Surrey way to exchange it for £60?[/quote] I'll see you tonight at the Grey Horse in Kingston if you like!!! We're on at 9.
  16. Have a free bump from me. If I didn't already have the MOSFET version, I jump on this. £90 is a great price!
  17. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='916881' date='Aug 6 2010, 12:11 PM']Black made in England Marshall Guvnor?[/quote] Thanks. Another tempting offer - but I really have more than enough overdrive/distortion/fuzz in my arsenal.
  18. [quote name='danbowskill' post='916844' date='Aug 6 2010, 11:38 AM']fancy a straight trade for a davehall pedal halfway between the vt1 std and the vt1 mk3 [url="http://www.davehallamps.co.uk/Guitar_Pedals.html"]http://www.davehallamps.co.uk/Guitar_Pedals.html[/url] same as the mk3 but just no adjusting knob on back. its in great working orderjust a crap finish by me (sprayed black n looked good but stuck stickers on and its peeled)because of that ill toss in a power adapter for it(woth £15)as it wont run from a standard 9v one.[/quote] Thanks for the offer. That'd be a great deal, but (un)fortunately I already have more distortion and fuzz boxes than I really ought!!!
  19. Anyone tried this on bass? Anyone heard of it even?!?!? [url="http://www.activemusician.com/Johnson-Announces-WaVO-Wah-Volume-Pedal--t101i5604"]http://www.activemusician.com/Johnson-Anno...edal--t101i5604[/url] Seems quite obscure. Ugly looking - but apparently steel cased.... Comments?
  20. [quote name='willyf87' post='909766' date='Jul 29 2010, 11:22 PM']I should have the receipt I literally bought it no more than two months ago. It should also have the warranty card inside. What are you thinking trade wise?[/quote] PMed!
  21. [quote name='willyf87' post='909696' date='Jul 29 2010, 09:56 PM']Selling my nano bass balls £40 inc postage. I would add a picture but its literally brand new and been on my pedal board, not using because i got a digitech synth wah and have various distortions anyways !! Comes boxed with instructions as well:)[/quote] Interested in a trade?
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