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Everything posted by Merton

  1. I was just getting pics of my 32” scales for that thread and decided I needed an updated family shot for my shorties. Left to right: ACG Mule fretless ACG TKO Classic Conway Instruments Taranis fretless 5
  2. It’s about time I updated this. I now have two sets of non-identical twins plus a cousin for one set of twins… Zoot Funkmeisters: ACG Finns: ACG Skelf:
  3. Started 2022 with 6 basses. 0 out (yet, there’s still time…) 2 in, though strictly one was paid for in 2021, it only arrived in 2022. Looks like I’ll be finishing on +2 at 8. Best we don’t talk about amps and cabs… Definitely need to abstain next year.
  4. Probably the Trace Elliot TE-1200 helped over to these shores by @Russ. It’s a stupendously good amp and makes a exactly the noises I want. A very close call between that and my glorious new Zoot P5, though strictly that was a 2021 purchase 🤓
  5. Hello! The P-Retro was swapped out by Alan before I bought the bass, but I'm sure he would have one you could buy to put back in if you so desired. The coil positions on the BZ1 are: ceramic single coil -> ceramic and alnico parallel -> ceramic and alnico series -> alnico single coil. I did a little video to show the differences, albeit with a different bass - will find it and link it
  6. I wish…. It’s going on car repairs 😭
  7. Well my wife’s car has decided that this is the right time of year to have a major issue. And of course muggins here gets to pay for that… So, for the Christmas period* only this is £1350 delivered to mainland UK *(now til 6th Jan)
  8. Pretty sure the Ashdown account on Basschat died the moment Lee left… he was the one with the login details!
  9. Dear Basschat, I have a problem. I am so happy with all my basses and amps etc that I no longer feel the need to come here and look at things endlessly. How long will this feeling last?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. TheGreek


      This is a bit early for an April Fool joke isn't it??

    3. Clarky
    4. gjones


      Me too. I think I need help.

  10. Here’s a cool pic which has been posted on Facebook:
  11. Very, very cold. Played The Neon in Newport, which hosted the South Wales Country Music Festival. It’s was absolutely Baltic in the entire venue - no idea what was going on with the heating! Unsurprisingly a lot of people didn’t stick around but by the time we went on at around 10 there were a few dozen hardy souls still revved up for some country rock. It was my first gig with Katy Hurt, and despite the cold it was an absolute blast. Used my Zoot Funkmeister, a tiny bit of compression into my Trace TE-1200 and two Barefaced Two10 cabs and the tone was absolutely bang on. Shame about the cold but we all had fun It was hell of a long day though - we left early doors to get to Newport to rehearse first; and that presented its own challenge with a not-100%-soundproofed studio and a metal band playing full blast next door 😅 Finally left Newport around 12.30am this morning and was home by 3. Freezing fog on the M4 was… fun. All in all though, the overriding memory will be the 75 minute set and the fun we had despite the cold. https://www.katyhurt.com
  12. Back from Cheshire now - lovely part of the world! Next trip is Finland and Denmark in a week 😀 Anyways… will accept £1400 collected/£1450 delivered.
  13. Collected it today. My word it is a beauty. First gig tonight, then more pics and words 😎
  14. They were one of the original cabs, discontinued in around 2014 I think, occasionally come up on here. Similar in size to the old Trace Elliot 1153 but much lighter and sounded much better too
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  16. Booked in for a visit to Zoot Towers on Friday 2nd December - whoop 😎
  17. 40th birthday party in a horribly echoey golf club function Ron. Good crowd though, was great fun.
  18. Flying to Finland stupid o’clock Monday morning so yet to work out when I can collect but… I would like my business trip to go by quite fast please 😀
  19. This was bloody fantastic. What a great band.
  20. Oooh now there’s a thought! The first set are stainless Newtones but maybe in the future… 😎
  21. Here’s a non-sunburst and tort bass for your delectation 😎
  22. I failed months back. But I am now in a position of trying to consolidate a few things and not buy anything for 2023. Many people (for example @eude and @Quilly) have laughed at me about this proclamation. It’s probably true, if the Stoneham 100W project happens, but if it doesn’t, I am going to go the whole of 2023 without buying anything. Honest 😀
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