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Everything posted by Merton

  1. Absolutely! I’ve got two Barefaced Two10 cabs so we can do decent A/Bs with any amp people choose
  2. They really do. So far it seems to prefer passive basses but that just needs a bit of tweaking and I haven’t really got enough time for that right now. It’s a good start, the natural tone is more musical to me than the “EQ at 0” on the Glockenklang but it will take time to work out if that’s just “new amp syndrome” kicking in.
  3. Already had the right fuses ready to go and flicked the switch before doing anything else 🤓
  4. So. MASSIVE thanks to @Russ who has been an absolute legend; I found a B-Stock TE-1200 on Peavey’s ebay page but they’d only ship to the US. Russ kindly took it in for me, and then arranged postage to the UK. I owe him several beers, for here is possibly the first TE-1200 on UK soil (aside from John Taylor’s ones…)
  5. I know Greg, he is a scholar and a gentleman, buy with confidence
  6. https://www.instagram.com/p/CiYPZg1qYpd/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  7. Cheers fella! Hope the holiday was good
  8. Already done one gig today - a kid’s birthday party with my “rock band for kids”. It was great, and if I’m allowed to share any pics later on I will - short version is it was the kid of a relatively famous drummer so they are understandably nervous of too many pics getting out. Just learning songs for the second one, a pub/club gig in Eastbourne depping for our @Graham again 🤓 (There’s a last minute dep guitarist too, so the setlist has had a slight tweak and that means three songs I’ve never played 😎)
  9. Not that I’m aware of. What I will say is… watch this space 🤓
  10. Think I added myself a few hours ago, just waiting to be approved A few people nearish to me it seems
  11. No indeed, but in terms of “without EQ influence from the preamp controls” this is the answer
  12. There is a EQ bypass button, use that.
  13. This was the cause of tinnitus in Reigate on Friday: (and yes, I know I need to sort matching grilles!)
  14. Last night was the debut of my new pub rock band. We do songs we like, rather than all the old cliches*, so it’s a bit of an experiment, but we went down well and had a blast. *we had to throw a few cliches in of course but mostly we are doing new bands, or less well-known songs by well known bands. Two weeks ago our drummist broke his leg, so our second guitarist, the sickeningly talented git that he is, moved across to drums. Meant one guitar only but I managed to fill the sound out because my rig is stupidly loud and fat. Sorry everyone in Reigate, if you’re deaf this morning that was my fault 😳
  15. They did. Not sure either brand have any official UK support thesedays but for a secondhand amp purchase you don’t necessarily need that. If it were my choice I’d go for the Nemesis too, I had both the 320 and 650 heads at one time or another and they have that gorgeous sweet Eden tone. I did (at the time) feel the 320 was a little underpowered but that was more because I’d come from Trace where all the volume was in the first 1/4 of the control’s movement, and I was a naive 20-something. Hartke have always been an “ok” amp in my eyes - the LH500 was great - but the others just felt a bit sterile and lifeless.
  16. Yes. Well, he was talking about his fanned fret Mayones bass and heaping praise on my Zoot - of whom he’d never heard - and then when he saw my HX Effects he was excited about that too. Nice guy, can play better than me, clearly knew the band as he said he wanted to sing the Arctic Monkelys song as he had more of a northern accent than Matt 😅
  17. Never played there before but it was great! Even with the pressure of the bass player dude standing right in front of me - I just concentrated on the lovely lady instead 😅
  18. Just back from a loud, rowdy pub gig looking after the bass seat for @Graham again. Got to use my newly acquired Two10S (thanks again @RickW!) with the other already in my possession. Sounded marvellous! Crowd were great (especially the lovely lady dancing right in front of me, ahem) and the dude who took this pic - a fellow bassist who was probably horrified at my sloppy playing 😀
  19. Just bought a Barefaced Two10S from Rick, couldn’t be happier. Lovely guy, very easy deal. Watch out for the Sandberg he may be selling soon, it’s lush 😀
  20. Fair points. I suspect a Peavey utilise the same designs as their pro audio power amps etc, so the video is just marketing-speak, but even then the economies of scale are vastly different from the ICE range.
  21. Still none this side of the pond - looks like late 2022 or even 2023 before they appear. I am still very interested as I love the Elf so if this can do that but with bucketloads more power then I think I need one in my life 😀
  22. I'll let you know after the first gig
  23. Weird again. I was in a blues band called Psychedelic Smith for all of 5 minutes. We rehearsed once then Covid ruined everything!
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