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Everything posted by Merton

  1. That's odd (or maybe it really isn't), my newest band is Wednesday's Child My history: Piglet Clone - late teens original rock band. Had some (but not enough) great songs and we split when we went our separate ways into university/army etc Freaky Blue Monkey - first attempt at an original band at uni 23 Beasts - second attempt at an original rock band at uni Back In The Day - a boringly-named function band which lasted 2002 - 2016, when our singer stole £4.5k from us and we fell apart InSoFar - original alternative rock, I was in the bas seat for a year but a personality clash made me decide to move on Cengiz - named after the guy who wrote the songs. Pop/rock, some cringingly awful cheese and some quite good. We made it to the Exit Festival in Serbia in 2006. Quit in 2010 after my son was born. Boogie Monsters - live music for kids. Quite successful at melding nursery rhymes with pop songs. Beginning to think a man in his mid-40s bouncing around trying to entertain 6 year olds is a bit weird though.... Youths - original pop/punk, started by the male singer from Back In The Day when he recorded a set of songs himself. In theory still going, but Covid has definitely slowed us to a crawl The Uproar - new function band, same musicians as Boogie Monsters and born from a wedding where there were 30 kids and 40 adults. We did a Boogie Monsters set for the kids then a couple of "grown up" sets for the adults later on. Can't really call it the "adult" version of Boogie Monsters because, well... Wednesday's Child - pub rock covers band, but doing either the less obvious songs from obvious bands, or doing songs from bands people may not have heard before but that we love. First gig in a fortnight, cannot wait.
  2. Depends. How loud is the drummer? How about the guitarist(s)? Is this for stage monitoring only (i.e. bass will also go through the PA) or do you need the bass rig to fill the venue?
  3. Ah, would love to go for it but my amp funds are tied up in getting another Barefaced Two10 and a crazy mini-valve project with Stoneham!
  4. Probably my favourite Alpher creation. Glorious. GLWTS!
  5. Which courier was used? There've been all sorts of shenanigans in Europe with various couriers going on strike - TNT in Germany for example spent about 2 weeks in June refusing to move anything which was a royal PITA for the company where I work. Our Polish factories have had some issues with couriers as well, still citing Covid but I'm not sure how much is actually down to that in reality vs other factors...
  6. Yep - to be fair some have been better than others. For some reason I got on well with the VS212 cab but hated the VS112. A find the ABM cabs too deep-sounding and scooped. The newer white-coned RM cabs are more my thing but felt very limited in terms of power handling and volume capability.
  7. Ashdown. 1997. https://ashdownmusic.com/pages/about
  8. They only started life in 1997 so an early 90s one is a rare beast indeed 😛 But I think you've hit the nail on the head about variable qualities, I still feel (personally) that their cabs are not a patch on the amps and that really affects their reputation. An ABM with a Barefaced cab, for example, is something to behold.
  9. Like @LewisK1975 I started on the SCs and still think they're a bloody great cab, I've just decided I prefer the Two10 as well. Currently got one, looking for a second
  10. I absolutely agree, and that example is lovely. I’m a caveman in comparison to his playing (or in fact in comparison to a lot of people to be fair 😁) but I do enjoy everything I see/hear of his playing.
  11. Nice! If I wasn’t having my Zoot P made (nearly on the finishing straight in fact) then this would have been a worthy contender. It’s potentially a good shout for @BassBunny EDIT: just seen the weight, so perhaps not. 🤦🏼‍♂️
  12. Oooh tempted by that cab, no idea how I could collect it though 😆
  13. Yeah your guitarist was very wrong in the case of the ABM. Not that it matters now 😆
  14. Yes it can Very surprised the ABM couldn’t, who said that? I’ve run mine without a load several times without issue…
  15. Was trying to keep it on the down low.. ah well 😅
  16. My rig for last night’s loud band rehearsal. This is a very loud band, and the Glock has been the choice for obvious reasons (1000W…) but to get the best from that I really need a second Two10 cab. Yesterday I decided to try the Elf for a giggle, and it copes admirably. Not quite the same, dare I say, heft, to the notes from a distance but that will be the difference in the power output rather than because its class D. The Glock can just shove more weight behind the notes. On the whole, as an experiment it’s one which the Elf passed easily. I know I’ve said before about it coping with a (different) loud rock band on a gig, but this band is a bit different. We are silly loud, a heavy hitting drummer and two guitarists with 2x12 cabs going hell for leather… All that being said I can see myself using it for gigs with this band where there is PA support no problem at all.
  17. The “Retro” range is the series with 10” drivers in… If you have two One10s already I can’t see you being happier with earlier Gen cabs, at least not the ones with 12” drivers. They were very aggressive in the mids (in my experience) - the Gen 3 driver is a lot smoother to my ears. You may like the Gen 1 / 2 Compact though, a single 15” driver in a box not far off the old Trace 1153 cab size. They were light, loud and nicely balanced to my ears.
  18. Any news on a new batch of R400s - I'm guessing they're still some time off?
  19. Very - they are on at least 50% of my basses I think. On top of that, I ordered recently and the package got lost in the post, so Neil kindly made up a fresh batch of strings and sent them out same day. Can't fault his service or his strings!
  20. Oh you see I like that too. It has to be a brown tort though, not a fan of red tort…
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