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Everything posted by Merton

  1. Had a great catch up on the phone with @Cosmicrain yesterday (mostly to do with graphite necks and broken feet, don’t ask!), but the progress of this baby was mentioned and Mike has kindly sent across some photos this morning. Have to say it’s looking pretty damn fine. “Just” the painting and final assembly/set up to go now (essentially a creamy white is how it’ll end up, I think Mike can explain it better than I) - we all know Mike’s finishing is top notch so it’s going to be a cracker. Love the scratchplate, all those tort haters can shush 😀
  2. Ashdown have form for announcing new products months before they're available. I remember the original RM800 being announced, I ordered one immediately and it arrived about 9 months later...
  3. And if I get to play through one it’ll have a knob trying to make noises with it too 😀
  4. I think you’re in the clear. Mainly just so we still have someone still standing in this 😀 PS love the bass
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  6. I would love to try one of these!
  7. The Rolls Royce of bass amps; I have the Blue Rock which is similar I believe (different preamp). The power amp is effortlessly powerful, the fan is silent (I mean absolutely silent even after a hard 3 hour gig) and the EQ is ridiculously flexible. Superb amps
  8. https://www.grbass.com/portfolio/dual/
  9. Oh, Spector do a Bantam 5er now which is 32”
  10. I am not going to lie, that thought crossed my mind too! But given Mike’s order book I decided against it, and accidentally bought an ACG fretless from Alan instead. As you do 😆
  11. How does it compare to the BF Two10?
  12. Both the options above are sound. My initial thought was a Super Compact as @chris_b said, but the Epifian cabs are great shout by @Gareth Hughes too.
  13. That is lovely, it’s pretty much exaclty what I’d go for in a Lionel too. Enjoy (when it arrives!)
  14. Not surprised they didn’t last long 😅
  15. Ashdown RM610 cab for £124?!! https://www.pmtonline.co.uk/ashdown-rm-610t-evo-bass-cabinet Ashdown Shavo head for £314?!! https://www.pmtonline.co.uk/ashdown-head-22-shavo-signature-600w-rackmount-head You can thank me by paying me the difference 😄
  16. These are great cabs. Very loud, clear, full blooded noises. And Joe is a good egg, albeit with far too many P basses 😀
  17. Yep, I've never used an Active input, always use the passive input and adjust the Gain to suit.
  18. Get this, if you don’t like it you won’t lose much/anything moving it on..:
  19. I’m mainly a rock player and so like warmth, punch, some grit, but also some clarity. The RM800 is a good class D head for all of that, especially paired with the Two10. I think it’s a huge step change from the MiBass heads. I only moved mine on because I managed to snag a Glockenklang Blue Rock which is incredible.
  20. I didn’t read your first post properly - a Two10 and RM5/800 won’t sound boomy at all, as long as you don’t go crazy on the bass EQing of course I basically ran that rig* last year and it was glorious. *two One10s but the difference is negligible.
  21. Could be the cab too… Personally found the Rootmaster 5/800 heads to be very good. Punchy, loud, clear, a good warm core tone, drive option is nice too.
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