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Everything posted by Golchen

  1. I got a MIJ strat, then added a strat plus, then added an American strat. One had to go ....... the plus went! For starters I never liked the look of the ugly blank pickups. Didn't particularly like the sound of them either. The TBX didn't seem very good, I thought it was faulty so I had a new one put in. Sounded exactly the same. It was a good guitar overall, but the other two were just better. I wouldn't get one again as I prefer a trad looking trem, nut and pups.
  2. That is such a lovely bass and a very attractive price! I'm afraid that my GAS fund is empty though
  3. [quote name='mcgraham' post='717542' date='Jan 19 2010, 10:15 AM']Guthrie Govan's 'Erotic Cakes' album. Started with the main heads/phrases of most of the songs (few of them I'm not too fussed about), then my favourite licks, and now moving to some of the solos.[/quote] Great album from a great guitarist! Are you learning the guitar parts or the bass parts? I think that there’s some great bass playing on that album from Guthrie’s brother ....... but the guitar parts are impossible!!!!! I still consider myself a newbie bass player, I’ve been on and off for a couple of years but it’s still only a bedroom indulgence. I seen to find it impossible working out bass parts off of records – I just can’t seem to tune into what the bass is doing, and then translate it onto the instrument that I am holding. Even stuff that sounds fairly clear in the mix seems to give me grief.
  4. I’m not a fan of the headphones route personally. We have a tiny utility room and I get in there and shut the door. I have a great little roland bass practice amp that I use, and I plug my laptop into some decent powered speakers for backing tracks. Works great for me.
  5. Awesome looking guitar. Unfortunately GAS fund = zero. I’m holding out for your beautiful desert burst anyway!
  6. If the wife said give up all instruments or she'd leave then I'd let her go. Playing music isn't like cross-stich or knitting - it's something that you can't just turn away from, it's in your blood.
  7. [quote name='chriswilliams666' post='724695' date='Jan 25 2010, 11:07 PM']Anyone know what bass it is? lol[/quote] Well, breast guess from mammary I'd say it's a Rickenf*cker, isn tit?
  8. Stu Hamm: country music - predictable but I love it! Jeff Berlin: Bach - Beautiful fluid fingerstyle Mel Schacher (Grand Funk Railroad): I come tumblin - I used to love this band, and not many people stuck a bass solo in a rock track back in 71 Billy Sheehan: the whole Eat em and smile album - best rock bass ever for me! Note: vids not great, you need to hear the originals really!
  9. Golchen


    This is the most bumped thread I've ever seen! Great bass there, a maple fretboard and I'd consider it perfect! If I didn't have a jazz bass I'd go for it ............. but I'm afraid that I do have one.
  10. Brilliant looking bass, and I love those to play as well. Apart from no cash I'm sticking with 5 strings from now on though.
  11. I was drawn to the skinny neck of a jazz originally, but then I got a 5 string and they feel completely different!
  12. I totally couldn't play it, but if I had the cash I'd buy that in an instant! Beauty of a bass.
  13. [quote name='Sibob' post='720204' date='Jan 21 2010, 03:20 PM']This makes me chuckle lol Good luck though Si[/quote] Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking! That would be a great gig if one was up to it. I can't think of a tribute band I'd rather be in.
  14. I love doing up stuff like that! I'd buy it in a snap if the price was right.
  15. You gotta love the internet for buying odds & sods. Makes life easy!
  16. Sometimes things like this happen. I bought a guitar here a couple of years ago in 'very good condition', but in actual fact the frets were the worst I have ever seen on any instrument! Someone had used a block and flattened them all TOTALLY over the middle frets, leaving virtually nothing for a re-crown even. The guy genuinely didn’t realise that it was in that condition though. I’ve known a lot of musicians who wouldn’t dream of taking a scratchplate off.
  17. Too bad, I thought that Tal and Vinnie were perfect with Jeff. Mind you, I'm sure the new band will be amazing ......
  18. For me it's Stu Hamm's Country music. Totally blew me away years before I got into bass.
  19. Hmmmn, some interesting stuff there.
  20. I've got two 12 string Chapman sticks. Does that count?
  21. [quote name='RhysP' post='714466' date='Jan 15 2010, 11:39 PM']Electronic drums still make a lot of noise when you thump them, it's the bass drum pedal that's the main problem. My step daughter has a Yamaha electronic kit & you can still hear her hitting it on the ground floor when she's in the loft.[/quote] Yeah that's what I was going to say. Mine are in the garage, but it annoys the wife if there is a house window open and I'm bashing away with headphones on - It's a lot of clacking and thumping!
  22. Major ugly. Could be useful for starting a fire in the cold though, or clearing the drive of snow. I think that poll tells the tale ....
  23. It's always very sad to hear that someone who means something to you dies, but there was only one that really shocked me to the core. I was helping to run a youth camp many years ago, someone was reading a paper and mentioned that Eric Clapton had narrowly missed death by not getting on a flight, I casually took the paper to have a look and just went white as a ghost to see that my favourite guitarist, Stevie Ray Vaughan had actually died in the crash. I just had to get away from people, so I wandered off by myself for a couple of hours just trying to get my head around it. I couldn't play any of his records for a year after that. He had so much more great music and inspired playing in him.
  24. I bought it but I never use it. I got it to use with Garageband but it is pretty crap with GB. I think that it works a lot better with other software. I'm desperate for a 3/4 drum pattern for a project, but it doesn't have anything useable!
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