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Everything posted by ColinB

  1. [quote name='philw' timestamp='1424170975' post='2693326'] I heard (in a TED lecture) a brilliant way of resolving head/heart conflicts a while a go. It went something like this: "Allow yourself to follow your heart by trusting your head to deal with the consequences". There you are, sorted, go fretless. [/quote] [quote name='philw' timestamp='1424181340' post='2693519'] Although of course, as a kind of illustrative health warning, I did indeed follow that philosophy a little while ago and got my heart broken. All my head had to say on the matter was, "You stupid arse, you bloody knew that was probably going to happen but still you did it!"….. [/quote] That was very funny indeed!
  2. I'm just in the process of sending a TC combo back..... I didn't want to hear you had to send two back! eek!
  3. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1424190926' post='2693660'] Well, that was a disaster! Got the amp this afternoon, and it's going right back. The whole amp rattles and buzzes with even a hint of bass. Maybe it's just mine? It sounds good, but it's obviously a faulty one as my Markbass can be cranked up without any buzzes! [/quote] Have you tried tightening up all the screws that hold the speakers in and the amp in etc etc. I've heard stories of them being loose on delivery. Just a thought (unless ParcelForce delivered it!!!)
  4. I've heard a few reports of the combos having no wadding or bracing in the cabs and there is a marked improvement when these are added. It's not the sort of thing you'd notice at bedroom levels, so it only becomes apparant at loud rehearsals or gigs.
  5. I'd go for a tiny dab of clear nail varnish....just in case your tiny dab of super glue is a tiny bit too big!
  6. Lovely! Is that wood grain as deep as it looks in the piccies?
  7. [quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1423751995' post='2688621'] Is that a step-by-step guode to a preamp upgrade? Seems harder than I thought :-( [/quote] Nope, that's the 'Volume Mod' pictorial guide and it makes it seem more difficult than it actually is. The Stinger pre-amp replacement is a lot easier.
  8. There's certainly something happening at Warwick........
  9. That's a beauty - nice one! CAR with a maple neck is a classic combo.
  10. If you're handy with a soldering iron then there's a veroboard layout for the [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]MM-2EQ preamp (late 70’s model) [url="http://www.talkbass.com/threads/sterling-sub-ray5-pickup-and-preamp-mod-thread.1132797/#post-16932278"]here[/url].[/font][/color]
  11. [quote name='BruceBass3901' timestamp='1423666158' post='2687664'] Very nice looking bass What does the pickup in series with a 4k7 resistor sound in comparison to the standard series setting? [/quote] Thanks. It sound half-way between series and split. I found the output between series and parallel too big to be of use, so this mod gives three useable outputs, all of similar tone but increasingly more 'polite' - if that makes sense. I suppose one could use a push/pull pot for the volume with 2 out of the 3 options wired in.
  12. I did a gig in Didcot Working Men's Club about 8 years ago. We were on a small stage near at the back near the exit to the car-park. At half-time one of the very pi$$ed punters only just made it out of the door before he threw up. The gentle breeze wafting in from the door blew the smell straight at me all through the second half of the gig. Sorry, can't help you about the Wheatsheaf.
  13. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1423661096' post='2687551'] Loving it, lol [/quote] Thank you.... so am I.
  14. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1423662983' post='2687593'] Those blocks!! Yum! [/quote] Thanks. It's not just 'cos I like the looks - even though I do. I've got rubbish eyesight and the blocks really help on a darkened stage. Talking of which - one thing I really don't like about Fenders is that the side dot-position markers are half-and-half on the maple and rosewood and I find that very difficult to see. So much so that on my Squier VM Jag I drilled out the side dots, enlarged the holes and put new dots in surrounded by dark brown glue. This makes them easier to see. On the Ray4 the side dots are completely in the rosewood - and that's [u]so[/u] much better. Things like this can make a big difference.
  15. Thank you. OK - trying to describe sound is difficult, but I'd say it was smoother, rounder and responded to vol and e/q adjustments better. I've never been a fan of ceramic magnet p/ups all through my 6-string days as I found them 'tiring' to listen to, so changing to an Alnico p/up was something that I was always going to do. I think, to me, it was a worthy improvement - and for the cost it was a no-brainer. Would the Seymour Duncan p/up be even better? I don't know, but I doubt it will be anything like as much value as the GFS and the p/up is only one link in the chain for the final sound that emerges from the loudspeaker. If I wanted a J-bass I'd be very tempted to buy another SUB Ray4 and route it for J p/ups (or P etc etc). I'm smitten with it and it's really inspired me to try new things - I've got my Mojo back .....so much that I've just ordered a TC BG250 208 from Thomann.
  16. I got this from Thomann a couple of months ago and have slowly been working on it. So far it's had; A new bone nut A very light fret-dress (not really needed, but I've got the stuff and it's fun) D'Addario ECB84 Chromes 40/60/80/100 A GFS MM pro-plus pick-up ([url="http://www.guitarfetish.com/GFS-MM-Pro-Plus-Alnico-Music-Man-style-pickup-INCREDIBLE-tone_p_323.html"]here[/url]) wired with a on-off-on stubby switch to give split, series and series with a 4k7 resistor to earth The 'Volume Mod' (starting at post #339 [url="http://www.talkbass.com/threads/sterling-by-music-man-sub-ray4-and-ray5.871370/page-17"]here[/url]) An aged pearl scratch plate ([url="http://www.guitarselectric.co.uk/product/music_man_stingray_bass_4_scratch_plate"]here[/url]) Faux block position markers ([url="http://www.inlaystickers.com/"]here[/url]) I've hardly touched my Squier VM Jag with Wizard P/J p/ups since I got it. I am very, very pleased with it indeed. It was very difficult to adjust the height of the p/up when I got it.... and opening it for the p/up replacement showed exactly why. Note the screw holes - I re-drilled the offending one: This is the OEM p/up on the left and the GFS on the right: Naked bass!!!!: The bass with blocks and OEM scratchplate ([i]note to self: clean s/plate before photos![/i]): ....and now: Stubby 3-way:
  17. [quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1423649787' post='2687358'] Tom, can you tell us a wee bit more about how the Stinger improved the bass please mate? [/quote] I'm interested in that, too, please. Does the bass pot have a 'cut', or is it just boost?
  18. That looks lovely...... must post up piccies of mine. Moos3h: the pre-amp mod starts down at post #399 on [url="http://www.talkbass.com/threads/sterling-by-music-man-sub-ray4-and-ray5.871370/page-17"]this[/url] page.
  19. I've been a Joni fan since my late teens in the late 70's and often put the iPod to 'play all' when MrsB is out. I couldn't begin to pick out my favourite bit of lyric 'cos there's is just so much that is brilliant. Both Sides Now has consistently been my favourite song from the day I first heard it. I distinctly remember getting home in the early hours of the morning after seeing The Ramones in Birmingham, and putting For The Roses on the record player, and listening (very quietly) and feeling really quite at peace with the world.
  20. [quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1423499855' post='2685566'] That's got the Aguilar preamp mod as well as the pickup. That's very close to the tone I crave. The Ag pickup comes in at around £90 but goodness knows how much the preamp is. I think, however, I may do this upgrade to my Sub and keep it forever :-). [/quote] The Ag pre-amps seem to start at about $170 [url="http://www.bestbassgear.com/aguilar-preamp.htm"]here[/url], depending on the configuration you want.
  21. GFS are very good p/ups for the money. [url="http://www.guitarfetish.com/GFS-Bass-Guitar-Pickups_c_97.html"]Clickety-click[/url]
  22. [quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1423473693' post='2685058'] Thanks Colin, some good reading there. If I was to mod my Sub, I think I'd plump for this as I think it sounds absolutely awesome: [/quote] mmmm - It'd be good if he held onto a note for longer than a millisecond so one could hear the tone 'develop'!
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