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Everything posted by asingardenof

  1. I prefer no pickguard and no control plate, but am contemplating taking the guard off my Sire V7. The one thing that stops me is the holes left behind, but putting the screws back will look even worse. Decisions decisions...
  2. I recently had a set of D'Addario XT strings, which I believe are just the NYXL strings but coated. They sounded great and lasted ages, but I think I'd struggle to justifying buying them again as I can get two sets of my usual EXL165s for less than the price of one set of NYXLs/XTs, and I'm not sure that any tone improvement is that noticeable.
  3. The songs aren't the reason people are watching...
  4. What? That's arguably one of the better cover versions out there. Paul Simon gives it his seal of approval too.
  5. I suspect if it had an MUFC logo on it the value of the bass would plummet.
  6. I use Dunlop Tortex 1mm or 1.14mm (depending on what's closest). I suffer with carpal tunnel issues, so if numbness strikes while playing I have some Dunlop Max Grip 1mm picks handy so I don't drop it while playing.
  7. My #1 but has recently taken a back seat to my Sire V7. Trying to give it some attention now and will be introducing it to the band next weekend.
  8. I should probably post a link to a video, shouldn't I...
  9. I was considering all of those amps but think I'm going to treat myself and go for the RM-800-EVO II. I have an Ashdown cab coming my way thanks to @Merton but there will be some Barefaced Two10S cabs in my future. Not my immediate future mind you, but the future nonetheless...
  10. Hmm, very tempting. I'm not sure Mrs asingardenof would appreciate more gear filling up our house though!
  11. Indeed, I'm at the start of the journey so it's just a stopgap measure until I can justify spending out on something more robust.
  12. Watching Norman Watt Roy playing Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick was a bass awakening for me.
  13. I've only just started my journey with compression and only really use a small amount of it for just the reasons you've outlined. I try and use just enough to make sure my bass sounds like my bass, but that it also "fills out" my sound so my bass sits well in the mix. The first time I used my pedal my band were very impressed at how much of a difference a relatively small amount of compression made. I'm not a fan of massively compressed bass tones but I think a little goes a long way.
  14. I have a collection of Ernie Ball patch cables just waiting to be used, and one of those daisy chain power supplies, so I think I'm sorted on that front for a bit. I think I can do without the others for now at least though XD
  15. Better with Peavey than with Gibson! I'm sure there are those out there that consider anything after the exodus to Ashdown to be "not a real Trace". I need to give my little Boxer some love and attention soon.
  16. I wish you luck, having lived in Redruth for ten years I feel the lack of decent music shops in that part of the world deeply!
  17. Mostly listening to the new Ithaca album on repeat. The bassist's sister is a friend of mine, but that's not the reason it's on repeat, which is that it's freaking amazing.
  18. Seconding the bit about not getting a cheap one. We inherited a Mahalo one from a friend and the damn thing can never stay in tune (my breaking one of the machine heads didn't help matters though!)
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