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Everything posted by gjones

  1. Auction starts at £220 and there's a make offer button that will disappear once somebody makes the first bid. If somebody makes an offer of £200 I reckon he's take it. This is the second time it's been up for auction, previously it was up for £250 and didn't sell. It's for collection only, which tends to put people off. Time will tell.... Exactly! These basses are fantastic but they sell used for peanuts. Even £300 is a steal. I bought my L2500 for just over £300 and it's one of the best basses I own, I own Fender Elites, Fender Deluxes, Stingrays and my L2500 gives them all a run for their money.
  2. G&L L2000 Tribute going for a song. I already have the 5 string version and know how good these are. These basses are so good but for some reason you can't give them away? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/165160167449?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D777008%26algo%3DPERSONAL.TOPIC%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20200708143445%26meid%3D65401fc21f494ec5bb4b4c636bfebded%26pid%3D101251%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D1%26itm%3D165160167449%26pmt%3D0%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D2380057%26algv%3DPersonalizedTopicsV2WithMultiCoviewWithPrice%26brand%3DG%26L&_trksid=p2380057.c101251.m47269&_trkparms=pageci%3A09dd7d90-3db8-11ec-a275-021e44302694|parentrq%3Aece6c43b17c0ab9708d40f88fffd7d20|iid%3A1
  3. When borrowing interest rates are low, so are saving account interest rates. Rates are low when governments want to induce people to borrow or spend their money (on bass guitars perhaps) rather than save it.
  4. I cashed in one of my pensions and after upgrading my car and going on holiday, had about £8,000 left. I realised that if I left it in the bank, it would go down in value rather than up, as the miniscule interest rate my bank was giving me was way below inflation. I then realised that all the basses I'd bought secondhand, never went for less than I paid for them when I eventually sold them on. So I spent the money on preloved basses. I don't expect them to shoot up in value but at least they'll hold their value over the years. I used to have one bass, now I've got 10. I tell myself, it's not self indulgence......... it's an investment
  5. I know Guy Pratt uses his ABM as a pre amp, in his music videos. I'm not sure if it's a later model than yours though. I'm sure the nice man from Ashdown will be along soon, to give you the correct answer.
  6. Not back to the old band if there's no prospect of that band actually gigging, anytime in the next century. The others may want to rehearse, to keep their chops up but my opinion is, what's the point? The new band has to be up and running and gig worthy before the end of the year. That will take a lot of rehearsing. We have a rehearsal on the 11th, for the old band, so we'll break it to them then. I am in another band with her, unfortunately the covid phobic drummer is in that band as well.
  7. The guitarists are all for that, we will tell him we're starting another band, we won't keep him in the dark. I've already asked a friend of mine, who's keen to gig, to drum for the new band. The person I feel sorry for is the singer. She's a great singer but her voice is really not suitable for a heavy rock band (and she's not into that kind of stuff). She'll be left in limbo.
  8. Well it's not quite the same band. It will be a heavier band and the singer in the original band won't really be up for that. So it's the guitarists, me, plus a new singer and a new drummer. If it was up to me, I would have said to the drummer he'd have to step aside, which he was happy to do. Then carry on the old band with a new drummer.
  9. Well the band meeting was civilised. Tea and biscuits at the house of one of the guitarists. The guitarists were very sympathetic to the drummer's concerns and thought we should put everything on hold for the foreseeable future. I was a bit disappointed, as I would have preferred that we got another drummer, worked on the set and started gigging ASAP. Not at all what I was expecting? Fast forward 7 days. I've just received a text from the guitarists to ask if I want to join their NEW band. The new band will have another drummer of course and more or less the same band members. It's the oldest trick in the book. Don't kick the offending band member out, just form an new band, with the other band members
  10. Where you planning on eating it? If not I'm pretty sure you'll be ok. Edit: ........I think
  11. Been there, got the T-shirt. Had CT in both wrists. Had an operation on left hand and within 2 weeks was back playing gigs. Right wrist was not so severe, so now I wear a velcro weightlifters brace (cheap and unobtrusive) while I'm playing. I also wear my bass low so my right wrist is straight. Make sure you wear splints in bed. Go to doctor and bug him/her to get surgery. I had to give them a hard time before I got an appointment with a neurologist, who recommended surgery.
  12. I remember buying a really long lead, a few years ago, and while we were playing at a wedding, going on a wander out front. I was amazed how great my Ashdown MiBass 550 sounded, through my Barefaced Compact, 25ft away, than when I was standing right next my cab.
  13. That looks like the only bass anyone would ever need.
  14. gjones

    So fed up!

    I know the feeling.
  15. No manufacturer brings their manufacturing to the UK for patriotic reasons. I have to presume that transportation costs from the far East are now exorbitant and that automation means that the difference in labour costs are no longer a factor in whether the company makes a profit or not. Which is bad news for China.
  16. One of the guitarists is a fan of David Icke. Luckily he isn't on facebook so I don't have to put up with his nonsense day to day. Whenever he starts about conspiracy garbage, eyes are rolled and the subject is changed instantly. Hopefully things will remain that way.
  17. i wear it on my right wrist that I pluck the strings with (my left wrist had an operation on it to cure the carpal tunnel and is ok now). It's pretty light and doesn't get in the way.
  18. I suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, which is a pinched nerve in my wrist. It means I get severe pins and needles type symptoms, which would make it impossible to play bass without taking the following measures. I now ensure my wrist is straight when I play standing up (basically I lengthened my strap) and play with a velcro weight lifters brace on my wrist, to stop it from bending. After taking these precautions I no longer have any problems when I play. I recommend you do the same, after all prevention is better than cure.
  19. Well we have a band meeting tomorrow, where the drummers reluctance to gig will be discussed. He's already said he'll be happy to sit in at rehearsals until a new drummer is recruited. Now all we need is to find a decent drummer who is as committed to gigging as the rest of the band is.
  20. It's an ABM EVO lll bought for £134 from Ebay a couple of years ago. Quite a bargain.
  21. You have a guitar amp at ear height, my commiserations. It sounds a pretty dumb arrangement. If I was playing there, I would probably bring my own amp. Or ask the sound engineer to get the guitar amp as far away as possible from your ears (in a diplomatic way).
  22. I would only use UK gear if it was stuff I specifically wanted, that just so happened to be British. I do have a UK built Ashdown ABM and a couple of Barefaced cabs but also have US built GK heads and a Markbass combo made in Indonesia. I have read articles which say that, as companies need less and less humans involved in the manufacturing process, cheap labour will no longer be a reason to 'offshore' manufacturing plants, in order to save money. In the near future manufacturing will be a mostly automated process, where labour costs are minimal and it will be more cost effective to base your manufacturing plants near where your customers are, to cut out the cost of transporting your goods over large distances from the factory to the consumer. Many manufacturers are already doing this.
  23. As a teenager I was told, by the boyfriend of my sister who was a sound engineer, that bass soundwaves take a long distance to form, so you can't hear your bass correctly until you're 20 ft from your cab. That means the sound onstage doesn't ever sound like the sound 20 ft away. Harmonica players don't have this problem ☹️ What a bummer.
  24. A couple of songs in my bands set require a B string but they aren't impossible to play on a 4 string (I just have to play some notes an octave up). The problem is that our singer tends to change the key of the song, to make it easier for her to sing. My 5 string is a G&L L2500 tribute, which sounds great, but I have 10 other 4 strings and I don't want them sitting at home gathering dust. Ahhh....first world problems eh?
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