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Everything posted by gjones

  1. I now own a Markbass CMD 121 but I played through an Ashdown MiBass 550 for some time and I really liked the sound. I've played through Ashdown Rootmasters in rehearsal rooms and I also like the warm, punchy sound they have. I was very impressed the first time I heard one, so I would reckon it's definitely one to consider if you like the Ashdown MiBass sound.
  2. I've been playing bass and gigging for over 40 years, and I've probably got to the stage now that I've mastered what to leave out and when not to play. That's definitely a start.
  3. I lust over sonic blue Jazzes. They're few and far between. Most of the ones that claim to be sonic blue are actually daphne blue. It's weird, in some lights they look white. You have to change the scratchplate to a cream pearl one though. That's the law.
  4. I was having a typo moment and typed gain when I should have typed master. As far as I am aware, there is no noise to amplify on a class D head, so you can turn the master to full and then use the gain to adjust your volume. When the amp starts to clip, as you adjust the gain, you know that's as loud as you can go (assuming your cab is good enough to take that level of input).
  5. I was under the impression that the master on a class D amp can be turned to max and you can then use the gain to adjust your volume. Which means that your gain shouldn't clip, unless your band is seriously loud.
  6. Another vote for a G&L L2000 or L2500. Ridiculously versatile with all sorts of sounds including a good Stingray impression.
  7. Interestingly, the last time I used my CMD121P the sound engineer didn't bother to DI it, he just put a mic in front of it and listening back to the recording that was made that night, he got a very good sound.
  8. Great interview, by Colin Murray of Radio 5 Live, with legendary bassist David Hood from Muscle Shoals https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001947y
  9. John East does a 2 band Stingray Pre at a reasonable price. I had a 2 band EQ in my USA Stingray SUBs and the 2 band EQ does have a darker tone, like a P bass on steroids.
  10. Tears For Fears in the grounds of a big old castle in the Scottish borders. Great gig and a great sound. They looked like they enjoyed it as much as I did too.
  11. It's a cross bass players have to bear. It's one of the reasons I like active basses, as I can go out front and adjust the sound from a distance.
  12. I like the aggressiveness of my 3 EQ Stingray. I have Precisions and Jazzes and got the Ray specifically for that Stingray sound. I have a tendency to try and make all my basses sound like James Jamerson's precision. If you do want a deeper, thumpier sound, I recommend buying a USA built SUB. I owned a couple a few years ago and the 2 band EQ gave a great thump. I used to describe the sound as a Precision with the sound of a kick drum behind it.
  13. I saw TFF playing live last night. Roland was reminiscing about his and Curt's unfortunate ska band period.
  14. I've got a couple of GK MB D class heads and they're pretty bulletproof and extremely loud.
  15. I'd recommend buying bigger strap buttons and then you can fit your normal rubber thingies to them. I've got those big cumbersome strap locks on my Fenders (they came fitted) and they're a real pain, as you have to remove them when you put the bass back in the case.
  16. The world's best cheapest cabs. Or possible the world's cheapest best cabs. I can't be sure?
  17. Dave swift takes his Bergantino gear with him on tour (Jools Holland's bass player) but it's just for show as I believe he has an endorsement with the company. He uses in ear monitors and stands on a plinth that vibrates with the bass notes, so that he gets the impression of standing in front of a big old bass cab, when in reality the master volume is turned to zero on his amp. Sad but true.......
  18. At age 18 I went into Sound Control in Edinburgh and the shop assistant was a condescending twerp. I met him again, 40 years later, and guess what, he's still a condescending twerp.
  19. I've written to the Queen, complaining about this very subject, several times. So far I have received no reply.
  20. I tap my foot on the offbeat. Don't know why? Although I did play in a Ska band for a couple of years.
  21. gjones


    Chris recently bought my john east pre amp and the deal was smooth as a baby's bottom. Recommended basschatter.
  22. Real nice bass sound you have there.
  23. I experimented with replacing a 200watt 8 ohm speaker with a 400 watt 4 ohm speaker, into an Ashdown EB 150 combo . I also replaced the 150 watt amp, in the combo, with a 500 watt one. I was told that I was mad and that it wouldn't work but I did it anyway. It sounded great and I played it in various bands, with great success, for a couple of years. So go for it.......what's the worst that could happen?
  24. I suggest, to make it perfect, get a new wiring loom to switch controls to master volume, blend, tone.
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