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Everything posted by gjones

  1. The originals band I play in were offered a deal, by a promoter, where we would support Alabama 3 at a decent venue in London but had to buy £300 worth of tickets (which we could sell at a 25% mark up to get our money back). Unfortunately the band all live in Edinburgh and we know very few people in London and therefore would have no chance of selling 50 tickets and getting our money back. But if you were a London band with a following it could be a good deal to get a bit of recognition for your band.
  2. It depends on what you want. Some people want that honky nasal Jaco tone from a Jazz and some people want a rounder sound like John Paul Jones. There's a lot of love for wizard pickups on basschat because he makes 3 types of Jazz pickups and he can tailor them to your preferences. Check out his website [url="http://www.wizardpickups.co.uk/shop.asp?category=Bass"]http://www.wizardpic...p?category=Bass[/url] I bought a set of DiMarzio 123 pickups because I heard them on someone else's bass and knew that was the sound I wanted.
  3. Simple.......replace them with the pickups in your MIM.
  4. [quote name='captain black' timestamp='1339001352' post='1682266'] Think thas a bit cynical though. No one deserves to get conned. Speaking as one who bought a spector euro 5 for a little over 200 quid last year, there are still bargains to be had out there. You just have to tread carefully. [/quote] Conmen appeal to the greed in us all. I have a friend who was recently conned out of £20,000. He went into a deal with a property developer where he was guaranteed a return of 25% within 18 months. When he told me about it I told him that it sounded like the person he was loaning the money to was obviously desperate and he was unlikely to see his money ever again. Guess what? The woman (who never had any intention of paying the money back) declared herself bankrupt and he will get nothing back. He was lured by the promise of easy money and got burnt and I find it very difficult to have sympathy for him as he was both greedy and stupid (and he would be the first to admit it). Edit : of course sometimes the 'conned' party hasn't been greedy or stupid and has just been swindled by a criminal slimeball. In which case they don't deserve the grief they suffer. There are predatory lowlifes out there who see gumtree and ebay as just another opportunity to steal peoples money and their victims are in no way to blame for being preyed upon.
  5. The first rule of being a conman is to offer something that is too good to be true. Greed and stupidity are the qualities that a conman appeals to in a mark. If something seems too good to be true it probably is. So always proceed with caution. If you think you'll get a £600 bass for £140 you deserve to be conned.
  6. I have a J-retro fitted and bought it so that I could fine tune my sound when I was out front while the band were playing rather than have to go back and forth to my amp. The mid sweep function - where you can pick the mid frequencies you want to boost is very useful. It's nice to have but I don't feel it's indispensable. Strangely enough I've been favoring my passive Jazz more recently because I prefer it's old school sound. Watch this space I may have one for sale soon.
  7. It's strange but the guys/girls I know who make a living from playing music don't collect basses or guitars because they see them as tools not objects of desire to lust after. Also because the income of your average musician is a bit unreliable they just don't have the cash to buy an instrument they don't strictly need. In my experience the ones who have loads of instruments are usually bedroom bassist/guitarists (I know one guy who at last count had 17 guitars sitting on stands in his house but is not in a band and frankly I've never seen him play one outside his living room). Nothing wrong with that if you have the cash. After all Eric Clapton had accumulated over 100 guitars at one point before selling most off at auction. At one point I had 8 basses, 3 guitars, 4 amps, 4 cabs and was running out of room to store them all. I'll be culling the herd over the next couple of months so look out for some bargains.
  8. [quote name='bigsmokebass' timestamp='1338855492' post='1680209'] Reverse tuners? [/quote] Yup nice big vintage ones.
  9. At one time I had 7 basses and I had to play them in rotation. My secret favorite was the Indonesian Jazz Squier I picked up for £95. I've sold most of them off now and intend to end up with just my Frakenfender Jazz (made up of cannibalised bits of other Jazzes).
  10. Good recording very echo and the bunnymen (ish). By the way that's how they recorded vocals in the 80s Grtz (not that I was even born back then.......cough, cough).
  11. Sonic blue Fender Classic Player ’60s Stratocaster for sale £330 (plus £15 P&P to UK). The Classic Player was designed by Master Builder Greg Fessler of Fender’s Custom Shop. It sports a number of top-shelf components which include better electronics, Custom Shop ’69 singlecoil pickups, noticeably better hardware, a two-point vintage bridge, fatter frets, and a thoroughly modern 12″ fretboard radius. I bought this Strat in 2007, from Guitar Guitar, to use when home recording and it's never been out of the house (and hardly used). It's a beautiful thing and in showroom condition. No marks, scratches, scuffs or dinks etc.They are selling for around the £550 mark new these days. I'm no guitarist and it's just sitting on it's stand at the moment unloved so I think it's time to move it on. It comes with a Hiscox case. [attachment=109453:bodyweb1.jpg][attachment=109455:body2web.jpg][attachment=109459:neckplateweb.jpg][attachment=109458:bodyneckweb.jpg] Video of a Classic Player being played [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3cIOSoNA_g&feature=related[/media] And a review from 2007 [url="http://www.electric-guitar-review.com/2007/04/09/review-fender-classic-player-60s-stratocaster/"]http://www.electric-...s-stratocaster/[/url]
  12. Hows about this? Promethean head (not mine might I add) [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/177938-promethean-500w-bass-head/page__p__1677822__hl__promethean__fromsearch__1#entry1677822"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/177938-promethean-500w-bass-head/page__p__1677822__hl__promethean__fromsearch__1#entry1677822[/url]
  13. Well I played the first loud gig, in a rocky 3 piece band, last night with the MiBass. It was going through my 8 ohm Ashdown Neo 15" and it certainly did the job. At the start of the gig the master volume was at approx 3/4 and by the end it was maxed (my ears were ringing on the way home) but it didn't let me down. I don't think I have to worry about the sound level of this little amp and with two cabs and a 4ohm load I feel it could easily deal with the loudest of drummers. Although I didn't carry out a direct comparison I feel the volume and tone I got out of it was comparable to my ABM.
  14. [quote name='simon1964' timestamp='1338808134' post='1679430'] That's a full fat proper Stingray, not a Sub. Good price too! [/quote] No it's not it's an 'enterprise router'.
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