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Everything posted by gjones

  1. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1339746156' post='1693532'] I'd have loved to have played with Mitch Mitchell, he's my kind of drummer! [/quote] You'd better be prepared to go plonk, plonk, plonk all night because somebody would have to keep the beat and it would't be him. I play with a drummer like that. He's a great guy and I like him a lot but put a cymbal anywhere near him and he can't help himself he has to hit it (and usually on an offbeat). Other drummers marvel at his flashiness but in my opinion I think he should hit his bass drum now and again......after all he dragged it to the gig he might as well use it occasionally.
  2. Noel Redding. He wasn't a bass player he was a guitarist drafted in at the last moment by Chas Chandler. In his defence though playing with Mitch Mitchell couldn't have been easy since he was the inventor of the drum style called 'drum kit being thrown down a flight of stairs'.
  3. As far as jam nights are concerned the best advice I can give you (having played in the house band of a few) is to go along and watch, get the general vibe then find an approachable participant and tell them that you really fancy a go but are a bit nervous (butter them up a bit about their own performance first). If you're game then someone will loan you a bass and away you go. Nobody will force you to get up and play but as you get to know people and what level they are at musically you'll find the thought of getting up and playing with them a lot less scary. I recommend you play along to some rock 'n' roll (chuck berry etc) and blues (bb king etc ) at home because these are usually the easiest to jam to. Good luck and I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun and maybe find another musical collaborator.
  4. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1339504648' post='1689389'] I usually say "Thanks, glad you liked it. Thanks for coming. Are you a bass player?" Then get into a massive argument over why I don't play a fender and whether the second note of the fourth bar in the third song should have been an E or a G#. [/quote] What's a WAL? Can you not afford a Fender mate?
  5. The last time the band was introduced at our last gig by the singer. A member of the audience actually came up on stage and gave me a kiss. Unfortunately it was a bloke. I'm not really into stubble.
  6. The band I play with will be doing our thing once again. [url="http://www.edfringe.com/whats-on/music/blues"]http://www.edfringe.com/whats-on/music/blues[/url]
  7. [size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Primal Scream 'Rocks' that'll get them off their arses. The Black crowes 'Hard to Handle'.[/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]The Spin doctors [color=#000000]'Little Miss Can't Be Wrong'[/color][/font][/size] [color=#000000][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]The Red Hot Chilli Peppers ' Give it Away' [/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Or Reef .....Remember them?[/font][/color] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2--ersHZzto"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2--ersHZzto[/url]
  8. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1339491078' post='1689066'] I think this too. I'm sure the OP is not an unreliable person but more than once I have seen second best musicians taken on because they can commit and the better couldn't - because they were good and in too much demand! [/quote] Very true.
  9. Rubbish bass at a competitive price. Not mine by the way. [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/bass-guitar-cheap/104350896"]http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/bass-guitar-cheap/104350896[/url]
  10. Peavey TNTs are really loud too and cheap 2nd hand.
  11. Don't make the mistake I made when I first started out i.e. to go for new underpowered cheap gear (carlsbro cobra 90 watt combo anyone). Go for something secondhand with a bit of power. Ashdown EB 150 combos are very loud, sound great, are relatively light to carry and are really cheap secondhand. Laneys are good for the money too. Don't get anything under 150 watts because frankly once your drummer learns to hit those skins of his anything less will not be powerful enough.
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  13. [quote name='Legion' timestamp='1339419239' post='1688105'] I was a fool to ever sell mine! luckily it was always on Basschat so I've been able to buy it back (twice). Best of luck with trading it, amazing basses. [/quote] You sold it twice............and bought it back both times?
  14. That's why I never buy anthing new if I can help it because it never stays new for long. As Andy says it gives it character and really won't reduce the value by that much. Of course if you're planning on keeping it then it's not too much of an issue.
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  16. Great sounding bass. If only i could spare the cash.
  17. They mime silly...........just like cheryl cole.
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  19. [quote name='MrFingers' timestamp='1339180553' post='1685079'] Because I'm stuck now (waiting on lacquer to dry is as tense as [url="http://www.watching-grass-grow.com/"]this[/url]), and because I wasn't 100% satisfied with the made-up warranty card based on a 1962 model, I was browsing "teh interwebz". I found an auction from 5 years ago from a guy who sold is 1964/65 P-bass, with an original hangtag/booklet. The pictures were 200x450px, so not good enough to read what was on them, but good enough to get the basic outline. Since those booklets are generic (it says the same in every version, just the layout differs) I got to work with 2 manuals I got laying here at home. An afternoon in paint.net, word and typing later, this was the result... (is there a therapy for people like me? ) [/quote] Don't worry. The world would be a much duller place without obsessive weirdos. And I mean that in a good way.
  20. [quote name='EmmettC' timestamp='1339144817' post='1684204'] +1 This also stops you just playing the same patterns over every song. [/quote] +1 What he said. And also listen to the bass in music you like. What's it doing? Does it complement the song? Is it bringing out the melody? Or pushing the rhythm? Or just filling out the low end? If you like what it's doing try to mirror it in your own music. And whatever you do...........don't overplay.
  21. [quote name='gapiro' timestamp='1339156192' post='1684499'] For a laugh, I watched a few more videos.... Of note was lady marmalade.... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oOeyCoVtbE&feature=relmfu[/media] Hes playing with a punchy attacking sound and isn't bringing the main bass riff through on that.... [/quote] It needs something playing 16ths whether it's the hi hat or maracas or wee shakey egg or something to bring the rhythm together. Try it at home folks and all of a sudden they sound almost...er.... not crap. edit : it would also help if the brass section was in tune.
  22. Sounds like Level 42 to me. You can tell I'm not into slap.
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