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Everything posted by gjones

  1. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1342004346' post='1727739'] Chaps, a brief follow up to my previous adventures in having f***ed hands - but is there a secret to any pain relief? Bloody hell, considering they feel numb they don't half ache! [/quote] Futher to my previous post here's more info on the C-Trac [url="http://www.carpal-tunnel.net/node/76"]http://www.carpal-tunnel.net/node/76[/url] It's also a very good forum for people who have symptoms like yours and where you can get advice from medical experts.
  2. If it wasn't for basschat and the information I found out about carpal tunnel from bassplayers who suffer from it, I wouldn't have gone to my GP as soon as I did to get treatment (the sooner the better to avoid permanent nerve damage). Amusingly, the impression I got from both my GP and the surgeon I was referred to was, because of basschat (and other online forums), I knew more about the symptoms and treatment available for carpal tunnel than either of them. My GP of course is not a specialist and the surgeon I was referred to is a specialist in surgery not neurology. I am now to be referred to a neurologist who will assess the damage to the nerves in my wrists and advise me further whether surgery or other forms of treatment would be best for me. Getting advice from medical experts is all well and good but It's taken 9 months to get this far (which is not very far). If it wasn't for basschat I would probably be sitting around still wondering why my hands had gone all numb.
  3. I have carpal tunnel too but I don't get the pain just the numbness. Hopefully you have seen a specialist and they've suggested options. In the meantime I have found this little device that may give you relief without having to resort to steroid injections or surgery. This is a NHS report on C-Trac which stretches the ligament over the carpal tunnel. It's now available in the UK and costs about £100. When I heard about it I was sceptical but this NHS trust assocation pdf says it gets good results. The information starts on page 16 of this pdf file [url="http://www.nhsta.org.uk/documents/nhsghl_08.pdf"]http://www.nhsta.org...s/nhsghl_08.pdf[/url] A US report [url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17254905"]http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/17254905[/url] NHS trails were undertaken in 2006 but I can't find the final conclusion on the web [url="http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Carpal-tunnel-syndrome/Pages/clinical-trial-details.aspx?TrialId=ISRCTN26618585&Condition=Carpal%20tunnel%20syndrome&pn=1&Rec=0&CT=0"]http://www.nhs.uk/Co...pn=1&Rec=0&CT=0[/url]
  4. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1341943330' post='1726769'] Aye but the video above is for a Farida. [/quote] I'm a twit. I could pretend I was dyslexic but I don't have that excuse. I meant Farida.
  5. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1341937763' post='1726574'] Fodera cough splutter choke [/quote] See the video above. It would make a very nice spare bass.They're very decent build quality made in the same factory in China the CV Squiers are made. I'd buy it but I already have two nice Jazzes.
  6. I've a good mind to email the seller to tell to them to put the price up to something sensible.
  7. You all know how good these are and they're over £200 new. [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/farida-fjb-6-bass-guitar-for-sale/106276527#gallery-item-full-4"]http://www.gumtree.c...ery-item-full-4[/url]
  8. I have somebody bidding on one of my auctions who has bought a load of books off ebay on the occult, withcraft and how to be a wizard etc. I'm crossing my fingers he/she doesn't win they're obviously a loony.
  9. [quote name='such' timestamp='1341839287' post='1724865'] I'm now following this thread... No budget now, but may give you a shout in a few weeks. Could you please update the topic in case you sell or withdraw the bass? [/quote] I shall.
  10. Why did you leave them? Was it because you enjoyed playing with other bands better or because, as an original band, they never made any money (and you play in covers bands that do). If you didn't enjoy playing with them, then you made the right decision.
  11. [size=6]Turn your amp up really loud[/size]............and then play softer.
  12. That's sad to hear those amps aren't exactly cheap. If they're rated at 250 watts each they shouldn't be farting out. Most Ashdown combos don't deliver their max power into 8 ohms, which means you'd be getting much less that 500 watts through those speakers (you'd need an 8 ohm extension cab to get the full 500 watts). I'd get in touch with Ashdown first and ask them about the issue and see if they can sort something out for you.
  13. Going for £49 at the moment with no bidders. If the guy had bothered to fix it up he could get £200 for this. Bargain for somebody who knows their way around a soldering iron. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Squier-60s-Vibe-Precision-P-Bass-/320937626832?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4ab95f8cd0#ht_500wt_949"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Squier-60s-Vibe-Precision-P-Bass-/320937626832?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4ab95f8cd0#ht_500wt_949[/url]
  14. Make sure you don't have the deep button pressed in and ensure the EQ is actually switched on (I used to have the deep and high buttons switched on 24/7 and the EQ pretty flat on my EB 15 Ashdown and it never sounded boomy). As far as EQ, goes try turning the bass knob down completely and adding some low mid to get a deeper sound. Then if it's not sounding deep enough start dialing in some bass to fatten the sound up and stop before it gets boomy. Try this with the Squier Jazz first then try it with the Yamaha.
  15. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1341648742' post='1722191'] the one up loch lomond way? with the schaller bridge? Was owned by someone on here, they couldn't get it set up properly, Jimmy Moon couldn't either so sold it for about £300 in Moon guitars stores- turned up a month later at twice the price in the lovely CC music with the action just high enough you wouldn't clock half the issues- sold and then a month later was on ebay again! [/quote] Phew! That was a close one then. I almost bought it.
  16. I almost bought an early surf green 81-82 Tokai for £300 on ebay about a month ago. That was all original so I'm thinking this one would be lucky to fetch £200.
  17. Maybe this will help [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Zk6Kbg6p78"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Zk6Kbg6p78[/url]
  18. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I'm no expert but I think it's ply. Sounds good though and in good condition. I got it secondhand about a year ago from somebody trying to sell it for £800. I bought it for £500. It's not been out of the house since.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I'm primarily looking for cash but may be interested in trades depending on what you are offering.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Gareth[/font][/color]
  19. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1341497737' post='1720067'] Strange that! Wonder why he didnt re record it? I dont think its out of tune at all!! [/quote] He'd moved on and become a space cowboy jazz funker with wraparound shades - as shown in this clip (and very good he was too) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlervrBqiHg&feature=relmfu"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlervrBqiHg&feature=relmfu[/url]
  20. Unfortunately my carpal tunnel makes playing DB impossible at the moment. So I'm putting my Gewa double bass up for sale. I don't know much about the brand, other than they are German, but notice that Thomann the German online music shop sells bridges, bows and bags made by them. The website is pretty impressive and although the bass doesn't give a place of manufacture I'm assuming it wasn't Germany (Some information on the internet says that Gewa violins, cellos etc were made in Romania around about 2004 when this bass was made). I paid £500 for it in 2011 so I'm looking for £400 which I think is a fair price. I'm based in Edinburgh so it would have to be picked up from me. Or I could deliver as long as it's within a reasonable distance. This is the Gewa website [url="http://www.gewamusic.com/uk/produkte/streichinstrumente/kontrabasse.html?manufacturer=3"]http://www.gewamusic...?manufacturer=3[/url] [attachment=112269:front1.jpg] [attachment=112270:side.jpg] [attachment=112271:label.jpg]
  21. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1341447305' post='1719360'] Sorry if this has already been suggested, but I would love you to do the following: Get a selection of Jazz basses in for review - high and low end Fenders, along with both cheap and expensive copies, like Squiers, Faridas, Laklands and Sadowskys. Then let reviewers compare them blindfold........ and no cheating! Then you could do the same with Precisions [/quote] Oh I like that!
  22. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1341407701' post='1718464'] I've just searched this topic and can't find the word "Fender" in it anywhere? Go down the pub this weekend, and there is a better than even chance that the bass player in the band that you see will be playing a Fender (There. I've said it twice). Also, chances are, he/she won't be doing any slapping. The thing that puts me off bass guitar magazines is the strange bias towards exotic basses and slap bass players. Can we have lots of Fender stuff in the mag please and not much of these exotic players whom the average guy in the street doesn't know and couldn't identify. Oh yeah. Once last thing. Fender. [/quote] He has a point. Maybe the magazine is aspirational in a similiar way top gear is for cars i.e. it highlights basses (cars) that we can gaze at from afar but never actually afford. That's probably the reason I have very rarely read a copy. The ideas put forward of 'Pimp My Bass' and giving guys at the magazine a, 'Top Gear', quest to find the best bass for a limited amount of money (possibly £300/£400) new or secondhand would float my boat and get me spending my cash.
  23. Boz Burrell never liked this bassline. He played it on his fretless and not very well. He said it was out of tune and it pi**ed him off every time he heard it.
  24. Those necks make me feel like I've taken LSD.
  25. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1341424771' post='1718839'] it sounds funny, but I guess that might be how it's been recorded. it quacks a lot [/quote] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJVwvq5z3MI
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