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Everything posted by GarethFlatlands

  1. So a 2 * 12 guitar cab would benefit then? I'll give it a try next practice. Thanks.
  2. I think its just wattage of most powerful speaker times number of speakers so it should still be 100 watts. And yeah, looks series to me too so 16 ohms.
  3. Does this apply to guitar cabs too? Is there any benefit of stacking them vertically?
  4. Apparently the Korg is true bypass which makes sense why the battery lasted so much longer when not switched on so if you use batteries it's probably the better buy.
  5. That's common with most pedals, plugging the jack in completes the circuit and it starts drawing current. Boss pedals aren't true bypass so I assume draw more when not engaged that ones that are.
  6. [quote name='Doddy' post='1311901' date='Jul 21 2011, 07:07 PM']I use the AKG D5 and it's really good. Alternatively look at the Thomann copy of a Beta 58-the T Bone MB85.I know a few top sound guys who use them as their main vocal mic-one guy in particular recently used one for Beverly Knight.[/quote] I've got a D5 too, decent mikes and reasonably priced enough to give one a try for the sake of it. I think I paid £50 for mine.
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  8. I have small, girly hands so I'm fine with that.
  9. [quote name='GЯДИК' post='1308090' date='Jul 18 2011, 05:00 PM']The guitar part though sounding more simple is actually harder to play! The bassline indeed sounds complex but is pretty easy really[/quote] It's the really fast strumming on the top 3 strings that gets me, I keep loosing grip on the pick. But yeah, the bassline is nice and easy and fun to play.
  10. Got asked to help out a friends acoustic band with a few songs at Sheffield Pride yesterday. Played on 3 songs with 2 rehearsals and it went alright. There are already 6 people in the band so it's not like I was carrying any of the tunes, just adding mandolin, glock and ukulele. It was interesting, I wish I hadn't been rotten hungover but there we go.
  11. Started off on guitar (because of Metallica, who I now have very little respect for) and bought a bass before coming to uni as I figured there were probably more bass playing opportunities than guitar ones. Turns out there were, and as an added bonus, playing bass was loads of fun and less pressure than guitar.
  12. [quote name='thodrik' post='1307156' date='Jul 17 2011, 10:16 PM']She obviously has a good deal of talent but I think that a lot of the attention she gets (both good and bad) is based on how she looks rather than what she does. Shocking that such a thing could happen in the music industry![/quote] I was going to say something along those lines but you said it much better than I would have. Best of luck to her, she's clearly not a bad player by any stretch even though what she's doing isn't my thing at all.
  13. I remember someone saying it introduced noise, not sure if that's why they stopped doing them though.
  14. Jeff Berlin gets a free pass for life for writing 'Take My Breath Away'. I couldn't be bothered going through 7 pages to check if that joke had been made yet so apologies if it has.
  15. Very nice. Will get to learning that to increase my tiny repetioire of DB songs.
  16. [quote name='NJW' post='1290135' date='Jul 2 2011, 02:40 PM']I got to play Calebs bass once. That was a good day.[/quote] I interviewed Steven for a website back a few years ago. I was hoping to meet Caleb but it didn't happen. He'd just started playing a P bass regularly and I didn't get to see the Grabber.
  17. This is why I'd like one, even though I reckon it would look daft on me as I play my bass pretty high which wouldn't really work.
  18. [quote name='Danimal' post='1288907' date='Jul 1 2011, 12:39 PM']Doesn't really feel like 9 minutes[/quote] It wasn't, it got turned off at 6. What year do these guys think it is? I though prog was short for progressive. Time to start called them reg rock.
  19. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='1285202' date='Jun 28 2011, 12:52 PM']Looking at the prices they are quoting for Epiphone Les Pauls, Jap strats and squier strats, I'd say they look to be a bit on the pricey side. Do they do much trade at these price levels?[/quote] I've been in once and wouldn't go back due to the pricing of... well, everything. I'd rather drive the hour to Doncaster and go to Electro Music despite their dwindling stock, and I could walk to Wizard in 15-20 minutes. Never had any run ins with the staff but I've never really spoken with then in any depth. Got some Dunlop straplocks from Academy of Sound back in the day and fancied some more so walked to Wizard to find they were about £6 more than AOS for no discernible reason. The only reasonable thing in there were a couple of D*A*M pedals which were RRP and quickly disappeared after I foolishly pointed them out on the D*A*M forum.
  20. That is really nice. Being a fan of Caleb from Cave In, I've always liked the look of Grabbers but play my bass way to high to look cool with them. Nice agressive sound too.
  21. [quote name='umph' post='1284563' date='Jun 27 2011, 08:26 PM']tempted ;o[/quote] Do it. Then lend it to me regularly.
  22. [quote name='lanark' post='1283614' date='Jun 27 2011, 02:35 AM']I saw maverick harpist Joanna Newsom in Leeds and it was near the end of a loooong tour and she took breaks between songs to superglue the skin on her fingers about half a dozen times in the show. What a trooper.[/quote] Which is fine unless you forget to let it dry before you touch the strings again. Waiting round A+E stuck to a harp is an interesting story at its best.
  23. [quote name='andydye' post='1278670' date='Jun 22 2011, 04:15 PM']What did you use to fill/stuff the cab?[/quote] Maplin sell acoustic wadding for speaker cab stuffing/tuning. I imagine other places sell it too, and probably cheaper.
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