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Everything posted by Rich

  1. Cool. Is this still available @Burns-bass?
  2. Trigger finger, stenosing tenosynovitis, or "stop clicking, you stupid bastard". I've developed this rather alarming condition in both index fingers. At the moment, it is at its worst first thing in the morning; at one time it would ease off during the day to the extent that it was barely there by mid afternoon, but now it appears to be gradually worsening. Here we are at 3.30pm and they're still noticeably clicky, the right more so than the left. The right does not currently affect my playing, as I don't tend to bend my finger much whilst playing fingerstyle, and I keep it bent when holding a pick, so there's no flexing to speak of. The left is a different matter... if it really worsens, it's going to bugger my fretting right up. I feel like my playing career might be staring down the barrel of a gun. Any other sufferers here? There are quite a few online resources that I can look at, but does anyone have first hand experience and advice that they can share?
  3. Ooooh lordy... nurse, quick, my pills... You're in good company there.
  4. I'll take it if it's still available, unless @oldslapper wants it.
  5. Flightradar is so cool. I've just watched some in-flight refuelling taking place over the North Sea. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rich


      Yes can see some, yes. If they're doing anything sensitive they drop off the radar, but there are usually a few to be seen. 

    3. alyctes


      Worth also watching the firefighters; water bombers and spotting aircraft. 

    4. alyctes


      It's not usually possible to see the fast jets doing operational stuff or operational traiing, at least for me.  But if you want to watch fast-jet training, try west Texas (T-38s) and Snowdownia (Hawks, mostly from Valley).  Sometimes you can see the electronic targets over the North Sea, but not often the aircraft flying interceptions.

      Sometimes you get exotic stuff too.  Hurricane hunters (mostly P-3s) over the Caribbean).  NATO AWACS and reconnaissance aircraft over Bulgaria.  Spitfires, Mustangs, SAAB Tunnan.  The Canadian Lancaster when it came to the UK via Iceland.

  6. An Old Raincoat Won't Ever Let You Down - Rod Stewart
  7. Flats would be a non-starter for me, I just hate the feel of them under my fingers. I use Elixir coated nickels on my fretless and they work perfectly for me. Nice and soft so they won't chew the board, but with as much brightness as I could want. And zingy harmonics by the gallon.
  8. Updated list as at 15/08/2023. @Phil Starr did float the idea of an amp shootout this year rather than a cab one, which I reckon is a great plan. There's a delicious array of amps in the who's-bringing-what list so far.
  9. He's definitely a repeat offender in these stakes. The bass on the otherwise gash Lady In Red is utterly gorgeous. John Giblin, I think? He and Pino are both on that album but I can't find anything to say who played on what tune. To my ears it definitely sounds like JG.
  10. Oh damn, I've got a far-flung gig the previous night and hence a v.late bedtime. I'd have been up for this otherwise. I've been promising myself that I'd make it to a SEBB one of these years.
  11. I've got a ska gig the previous night, but I'm going to get to you as early as I can.
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