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Everything posted by Rich

  1. Love Missile F1-11 - Sigue Sigue Sputnik
  2. Is there going to be a SEBB this year?
  3. As I'm only 5' 8", this has happened to me at every single standing gig I have ever been to. I've never had an obstructed view at a seated gig. Actually no, I tell a lie. It happened at one seated gig. And that's because when the main act came on, everyone stood up.
  4. "I hate it when people misquote me on the internet." (Abraham Lincoln)
  5. I'm in two covers bands. Each has a PA. Sometimes it comes out with us, sometimes it doesn't. I used to be in an originals band. It had a PA. Sometimes it came out with us, sometimes it didn't. I'm not sure where I'm going with this exactly.
  6. Updated list as at 08/08/2023. The gear lineup is starting to look properly awesome!
  7. Top man! You get the long distance prize, unless @Kiwi puts in an appearance...
  8. Ditto all the above. For a loooong time I was bass > cable (and then wireless) > amp, but then I started experimenting with a few different stomp sounds and eq settings and, well, that was that my board is quite dinky but I enjoy fiddling with it. Although I'm told I will go blind.
  9. I would offer you the spare bed I said you could have next year, but we're out the night before the bash... d'oh
  10. Yes. Not everyone is lucky enough to be able to actually stand for 2 hours.
  11. Somewhere in the world, a US artist manager has just read that and is now on the phone to his talent, "hey, I've just had this like amazing idea for the next tour..."
  12. Just fitted some shiny new Gotoh GB707 tuners to the Spector, replacing the cheapy no-names that were on there... oh my word, they are lovely. 


    1. Dood


      YUMMYYY!!!!! I MUCH prefer the look versus the smaller, weedy looking posts.  I recently dropped a set of res-o-lites I found cheap online on a Peavey Cirrus and they have similarly made a huge improvement. Gotoh definitely make my favourite tuning keys! 

  13. (bear with me, there is bingo content) Many years ago when I lived in Swindon, my blues-rock trio (Hendrix, Gary Moore, ZZ Top etc, and though I say so myself we were really good) had a booking at the Plessey Social Club... when we walked through the door, we lowered the average age in the room by about 40 years. As we set up, I could feel the glares from the light-&-bitter brigade burning holes in the back of my head. We had backline and a vocal PA only, nothing DI'd or miked up -- Steve the drummer was first to get set up, he sat down and picked up a stick and hit his snare drum ONCE... and I heard a croaky old voice from out in the shadows say, "ooh, it's a bit loud...". Predictably the first set was horrendous, every song met with almost total silence apart from a few “turn it down!”s from some of the oldies and some muted applause. One of them even walked up mid-song, stood right in front of me and stuck his fingers in his ears and bellowed “It's TOO LOUD”. It really wasn't. Our amps were barely ticking over. The end of the first set couldn’t have come soon enough for me. During the interval, the club MC asked if he could borrow one of our mics to do the bingo. (see, I told you!) Eventually we couldn’t put the second set off any longer and trudged dejectedly to the stage. I was just putting my bass on when a woman approached me. I thought, if she tells me to turn it down I’m just going to pack up and sod off home, and to hell with the fee. But she said cheerfully, “OK lads, all the miserable old farts have bugggered off home, they only come for the bingo... you can turn it up now”. So we did... needless to say, the second set was a lot better and we never set foot in there again.
  14. Simple lines, intertwining. I'm a mixture of these two. As I've grown older, I have become the most dreadful cynic about most things. You know in Monty Python & the Holy Grail, where they first sight Camelot and the old geezer goes "bleh, it's only a model"? That's me, that is. But having said that, I have become incredibly sensitive to films, TV and especially music. Some pieces have always set me going, Elgar's 'Nimrod' leaves me in helpless floods for example, but now I find my eyes pricking when I listen to all manner of things. Even happy things. Bloody southern softie.
  15. All the folks complaining about the vocals... you do realised his voice has changed a lot since 2112, right? He couldn't hit those high notes now if he tried. The cackling witch is long gone!
  16. My god, this stuff is quite intriguing even if it is pretty much all waaaaay over my head. May I just make one small amendment though: Thanks. As you were.
  17. I have reason to believe that an ebay seller I recently purchased from has been giving my name and address out to third parties without my consent. I think this is a breach of GDPR and the Data Protection Act. What are my options?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Woodinblack


      contact eBay I guess

    3. pete.young


      GDPR doesn't apply to private individuals.

    4. daveybass


      Data Protection Act does but I'm not sure what Ebay does to ensure it is observed as ultimately they act as the third party in the transaction and the name and address details must be given to ensure delivery from the seller.


      Would say to discuss with Ebay, not sure they can do anything in all honesty

  18. Version 1. I far prefer string slots rather than holes.
  19. Hipshot licenced HB6C 1/2 They're not a direct replacement, I had to drill new screw holes and fill the old ones but it was a very worthwhile mod... they're more precise and smoother than the stock ones, and half a pound lighter.
  20. I think they're slightly brighter, more aggressive. I was hoping they would be, as I use the bass in my ska band and some of the songs are quite in-yer-face.
  21. The Spector has been extensively modified cosmetically and is wired with coil taps. The Sire has been modified with lightweight tuners and a top-loading bridge. All three are strung with Elixirs -- nickels on the fives and steels on the Q4.
  22. My 3 main working basses now are: Shuker custom 5-string Spector Q4 4-string Sire V7 5-string Yes of course I have others but these 3 get all the gig action.
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