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Everything posted by Rich

  1. I always wear the band t-shirt to the venue and wear it while setting up, but I change into a different one before playing.
  2. UPDATE: Saw my GP yesterday. It is definitely trigger finger. The fact that it has happened simultaneously in both hands make me quite the rarity, apparently, especially as it's my index fingers. I've had a steroid injection in the base of the left index as it's the worst of the two, if it's going to work it will take effect within a couple of weeks. Right at the moment, it's as sore as f***. This is annoying as I've got a rehearsal tomorrow night and a gig on Friday. I've bought a couple of said stretchy finger protectors, wearing one at the moment on my poor aching left. Typing is, errm, interesting with it on
  3. Oh yes, about 3/4 of a mile from where I’m sitting right now 😃
  4. That was the very wonderful and recently late Mr Mo Foster on the bass.
  5. Old Red Eyes Is Back - The Beautiful South Barfy tune, utterly gorgeous bass.
  6. Hi Sandy, you will of course be more than welcome. Hope you can make it, it's a great day. Whereabouts will you be travelling from?
  7. I'd like to hear a version of it sung by someone else. It could probably be half decent. Yay, a whole new bunch of gigs that they can be 2 hours late for.
  8. I'm not overly fond of Madge either, but the Like A Prayer album is utterly sublime.
  9. Cool. Is this still available @Burns-bass?
  10. Trigger finger, stenosing tenosynovitis, or "stop clicking, you stupid bastard". I've developed this rather alarming condition in both index fingers. At the moment, it is at its worst first thing in the morning; at one time it would ease off during the day to the extent that it was barely there by mid afternoon, but now it appears to be gradually worsening. Here we are at 3.30pm and they're still noticeably clicky, the right more so than the left. The right does not currently affect my playing, as I don't tend to bend my finger much whilst playing fingerstyle, and I keep it bent when holding a pick, so there's no flexing to speak of. The left is a different matter... if it really worsens, it's going to bugger my fretting right up. I feel like my playing career might be staring down the barrel of a gun. Any other sufferers here? There are quite a few online resources that I can look at, but does anyone have first hand experience and advice that they can share?
  11. Ooooh lordy... nurse, quick, my pills... You're in good company there.
  12. I'll take it if it's still available, unless @oldslapper wants it.
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