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Everything posted by Rich

  1. [quote name='Old Man Riva' timestamp='1474666199' post='3139809'] My favourite Beatles album is Revolver. [/quote] That is my 24-year-old son's favourite too.
  2. Enjoying the long, hot summer ('76), spending every waking moment on my pushbike arsing about with my mates (apart from skool daze, of course), scrumping and playing knock-down ginger and all the other stuff you do when you're 11. I didn't really have any remote interest in music until 1978/79, when 2-Tone changed my life.
  3. You are 'blue' and I claim my five pounds.
  4. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1473368489' post='3129613'] Have you considered velcroing a dog to your cab to keep cats away? [/quote] [/thread] x lots
  5. I agree with HazBeen. Just watched the video review, it's excellent. Some nice playing on there too. I love the way he pronounces the word "balance" as "bell-ends".
  6. I adore my ash V7 fiver, got to say I'm quite tempted by the vintage one but only out of curiosity.
  7. [quote name='gelfin' timestamp='1473021741' post='3126207'] He's touring with Wakeman and Rabin in UK next year. [/quote] From what I understand, their bass chair will be filled by the seemingly ubiquitous Lee Pomeroy. The guy's CV just keeps getting better. I've said it before and I'll say it again... he's living MY dream.
  8. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1472393683' post='3120762'] Behold, Prog fans: [/quote] At a very quick glance, this looks like the last band on the bill are a low-key bunch called 'MORE TEA'. Now that really would be quintessentially English music!
  9. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1472519115' post='3121806'] And I don't know if you know that I'm 63 and have no interest whatsoever in band management. [/quote] I suspect that by now there are hitherto undiscovered tribes hidden away in the depths of the Papua New Guinea rainforests who know this.
  10. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1472576977' post='3122306'] Crikey Dad, you need to change your screen name to great great grand Dad if you're recalling that from experience! [/quote] What do you mean "if"?
  11. I must be the only bugger here who likes electronic drums. Modern electro kits are incredible. The only reason my drummer doesn't bring his out to gigs is that the wiring loom takes ages to sort out, even with his careful braiding and colour-coding.
  12. I remember these going for a fair old wedge of cash back in the day. I liked the Wilkes basses, they were something a bit different. This is an absurd bargain, I will be astonished if it lasts more than a day before it gets snapped up. GLWTS!
  13. I'm not going to try to convince you or anyone else, because it's all individual taste, and the main thing about individual taste is that it's, errm, individual. If you like it, fine. If you don't like it, fine.
  14. Somewhere between a zebra and a dazzle-ship looks amazing. Watching this with interest.
  15. [url="https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/144394-Belgian-jazz-legend-Toot-Thielemans-dies"]2016 continues its relentless campaign of Total Bastardness[/url]
  16. Along with the post-gig tear down, the waiting to go on bit is my least favourite part of the gig. Once we're soundchecked, I'm raring to go and just want to get out there and play.
  17. Rich


    "He inspired me...". Those words seem to be a recurring theme here. The big guy touched so many peoples' lives in such a good way. I hope that somewhere, somehow, he knows that.
  18. As if the album title wasn't bad enough. Words fail me.
  19. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1471104388' post='3110574'] Never? I'm astonished that former member Inti has passed so swiftly from the public consciousness. IIRC, he boiled the concept of playing for money rather than artistic or personal satisfaction down to the noun 'clownwhore', a term which enjoyed brief popularity as a forum meme. [/quote] Yeah, but nothing he ever said was worth reading anyway
  20. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1471056003' post='3110273'] This sounds like the old, "I have a traditional job, I play what I like when I want" so I'm a little better than those that play for a living. [/quote] This would be a "the old" that exists purely in your imagination then, because never in all my years here have I seen anyone even [i]suggest[/i] that playing as a hobbyist/semipro/part-timer makes them better than a pro.
  21. Professional in terms of approach, hobbyist in terms of returns/income.
  22. How much could i get for a kidney?
  23. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1470941240' post='3109546'] ... through a KORG SDD Digital Delay (i) > Korg SDD 3000 Digital Delay( ii) > Line 6 DM4 Pro > TC 2290 Digital Delay > TC 2290 Digital Delay > Line 6 Pod Pro > Korg A3 Multi Effects > TC 2290 Digital Delay (E) > TC 2290 Digital Delay (F) > KORG A3 Rack Multi Effects Unit > Eventide H3000 Harmonizer >Lexicon PCM80 Digital Effects Processor > Lexicon PCM70 Digital Effects Pro > Backline and DI [color=#ffffe0].[/color] [/quote] No, that's the signal path for the kazoo. The washboard's has four tubescreamers and a Mu-tron.
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