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Everything posted by kingforaday

  1. i've gone through various fuzzes, distortions and overdrives and for me its gotta be the tech21 VT bass for subtle but fat tubey grit, Fulltone bass drive for mid to heavy drive and if you want something capable of way over the top distorted lead tones check out the tech 21 XXL bass, its a bit too much for the music i play but its great fun!
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  3. 1st one is a toby deluxe, (jazz type pickups, bolt on neck) i've seen them go for as little as £150 or as much as £250 the 2nd is the Toby pro (soapbar pups - neck thru) i've had 2 toby pro's, i sold one for £340 on ebay. some go for more, depends on condition and finish also depends which run it comes from, they're all good and great value or money but the earlier ones are better build quality in my experience neither the deluxe or pro have the asym neck found on american tobias' or the bartolini pups/electrics i've heard that the toby pro custom has the asym neck... can't confirm that cuz i've never owned one. they're confusing basses to be sure, trying to find info on them is not exactly easy! try finding the acoustic pro, i've been looking for one for ages!
  4. [quote name='BenK' post='508472' date='Jun 8 2009, 07:37 PM']Bumb,so anyone know any good brands??[/quote] ibanez basses are pretty good and i'd say pretty easy for former guitarists to get to grips with (pretty sleak small bodies and thin necks) but i would say that being that i have one i'm thinking of selling! PM'd!
  5. [quote name='BenK' post='508434' date='Jun 8 2009, 06:43 PM'][font="Tahoma"][center]Hi to all, I have just come from the world of six strings and I'm looking to get a dirt cheap bass to muck around with.I have looked at the sx basses but as I live in the UK there impossible to get the good ones, that are not the 21 fret starter packs.I have thought about buying one from rondo but the shipping is expensive and by the time the tax man has caught up with me it will be out my price range if anyone else knows any decent brands in that price range with good UK dealers your ideas would be greatly appreciated [/center] [/font][/quote] not sure about where to get an SX from but why not check out the for sale section here for your 1st bass? unless you've got your heart set on an SX? you could get something pretty decent for not alot of money 2nd hand, there's a peavey fury in the for sale section for £150 and a few Squier VMJ's which are great value for money
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  8. nope! will do to someone though i'm sure try (if you haven't already) typing that and 'suggested settings' or something into talkbass or google and see what comes up
  9. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='503595' date='Jun 2 2009, 10:57 AM']Is there anywhere online I can get examples of compressor settings? I'm not sure if that makes sense :S What I mean is somewhere I can see what I should set my compressor to if I require a certain sound?[/quote] probably is if you search for the perticular compressor you've got, what is it?
  10. there's a chap in the wanted section looking for one [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=46982"]here[/url]
  11. you could staple gun strips of velcro (fuzzy side) over the existing carpet or if you're pretty happy with your set up then use it just where you need it in squares. solves the over frayed carpet issue and the staples should keep the pedals from lifting the velcro off i did this on mine cuz i was worried about the carpet lifting off and its worked a treat, of course mine was a homemade board not a diago one... i'm guessing a load of staples/nails etc may affect the resale value a touch
  12. [quote name='Protium' post='500271' date='May 28 2009, 09:03 PM']Compressor or EQ?[/quote] multicomp and sansamp Vt cover that for me... i tried a RAT years ago and loved it, totally forgot about them! hmmm, a fuzz with a blend is a good shout... so to the flanger idea, not got much experience with flangers/phasers etc but for some reason thats what i'm leaning towards. digital delay is an interesting one, just cant imagine i'd use it that much?! think i need to do a bit of research on this, i'm in no real hurry just annoys me having space for something thanks for all the suggestions people!
  13. got a rack tuner, shoulda probably said that! i've tried a couple of fuzz pedals as that was my initial thought too but i just don't find the sound works in a band context. the fulltone and the VT give me all the dirt i need really...
  14. hi all, i built myself a pedal board to the size i wanted and have got all the pedals/sounds i had in mind when i started thinking about this... but i've got one space left! i've got: Jim Dunlop 105Q wah EBS Multicomp Digitech bass Synth Wah (used as an octaver only) Fulltone bass drive Sansamp VT bass danelectro Cool cat chorus i'm happy with all these pedals and most importantly i use them all at some point during the songs i'm playing in the bands i'm in. so no tag alongs on this board! only just got the cool cat but i think its a keeper, just such a beautiful tone to it... but its 18volt so runs off a separate adaptor leaving me one daisy chain and one space for one more pedal... i'm thinking a nano small stone but not sure i'd use it much, just wondering if there's anything glaringly obvious that i've forgotten about!? i'm playing kinda dirty punk-rock with one band and rock n roll with the other (may end up using an EDB for this one)... so to be honest the pedal board is mainly for the more dirty rock side of things i have a bunch of pedals that haven't made it onto the board which i like they just didn't quite fit the sound (they're listed in my signature as potential trades/sales) but i figure rather than just keep buying stuff i'll ask for some advice! so... thoughts?
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  18. yeah the pedulla rapture is probably my favourite or as a cheaper alternative my TBC bass: the wooden scratchplate on that is blatantly an idea borrowed from the pedulla
  19. there's a guy looking for one of these in the wanted section. link:[url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=45766"]here[/url]
  20. bought clarkys modded boss compression sustainer for my brother, was exactly as he'd described (probably even better condition than he gave it credit for actually) it arrived quick and was packed well too. thanks mate matt
  21. really think we should do some kind of Poll type posts for each effect where everyone votes for their top pedals, best compressor, best chorus etc etc just as a quick reference to see what the majority are using... i was looking at getting a bass chorus but had no idea what to start looking at so i waded through tons of post on here. would be good to have something in the pinned posts bit at the top. anyways.... in terms of a compressor my vote goes for EBS multicomp, its perfic and i never turn it off
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  24. got a bass wah from ray, no problems at all, arrived quick and was packed to within an inch of its life! thanks mate matt
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