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Everything posted by Gust0o

  1. Still early days, but we all seem reasonably relaxed - the guitarist possibly has a shade on us, but then we're [i]using[/i] him for the organisation, so who's really leading? We're very honest about the music. Yesterday I was too quiet, I was told; which, I explained, would account for your shoddy f***ing rhythmn then. I enjoy this patter
  2. Some fairly basic questions, here, so please bear with me. Up until we moved house last year I had an old Laney 100W combo, of unknown diligence. It appeared as though a tramp had once dwelled within it, but it was suitably loud to have been played throughout my teenage years - and was one of the first things to come back out of storage. Alas, it was not long for the world; and I ended up replacing it with a small practice amp, 20W or so, which seemed more than enough to play around the house. However, it now the band are now very much along the road to getting sorted; I struggle with volume at rehearsals; and I'd die on my arse live. I'd previously posted about what brands I should be looking, for a stoner rock/doom vibe - and had had some good answers, around Trace Elliot, etc. What I should have asked was, should I be looking for head, amp, cab, combo, or whatever? I don't need some Bon Jovi-esque rig, but a nice wattage would be good; the facility to run my effects; and ultimately enough to fit into York and Leeds' finest small venues. Budget will run c.£500, borrowing a hundred from my "replace my 5-string or my spine" fund. I keep looking at our for sale section, but then am never sure what I should really be looking for beyond the branding. Thanks in advance, and sorry to ask another basic question!
  3. Bumpy! Trade-wise, still looking for 80s-esque pointy-or-otherwise rock basses, but would consider some combo options also.
  4. I'd love to see him get a BC Rich Eagle, or Seagull - funky, solid-shapes. Not sure how much change he'd get out of £500 for a decent one. My two: Or a smattering: No idea where you'd find one; however, it was as good an opportunity as any to show decent BCRs are not all points. If you get one, you're my hero What about the ESP? Ltd Les Paul? I know Epiphone do a few flavours also - Goth, which isn't my cup of tea; standard; and a nice up-market version, which looked just the trick for a keeper. If you look about a bit there was one just posted, asking about prices on one - might be worth a dip in?
  5. I think you've copped the reverse karma I've been looking for. I'm looking to buy or rent my dad somewhere new to live, as I don't think his pension is going to afford much - you've obviously caught the positive reward from my good karma. I'll let you have my address and you can ship it to me Very nice, an absolutely fantastic gift from father to son. I'd hope, if you ever have children of your own, that you'll make a like gift.
  6. No, they use standard templates for their responses - you will not get a human response this side of writing to someone senior or causing a fuss. They are absolutely awful. Criminally awful. In fact, I'll post their MD the link to this article. Yet another example of how they can't get the basics right.
  7. I'm glad wot just posted that, as I use my nails pick-fashion with my right hand. I'm terrible with a pick, so that's my default when required. Odd confession. I had wondered if I might be one of the only people to do so! As for the left, short as. Shorter the better. That said, neither extends over the finger. That would seem far too long, to my mind.
  8. Reet, have managed to play/speak to players of both the Cort and Ibanez recommendations - even though it took me an age to get back to Cygnus, for which he has my apologies! Still pending on the Jack Cassady - though, bloody hell, does that look good! No idea how I'll find one to try, so might be limited to recommendations. Given my love for unique basses, it could do a job. Tau, I now sit down throughout rehersals - which does raise some eyebrows from people looking in. I think I'll struggle on the barstool on stage, but that could be nice for home - a stand and a seat!
  9. The face of the race! Back to the top with you. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1009543' date='Nov 2 2010, 12:57 PM']Good to hear it. She's Jessiqa Pace - made famous for her Loews hairpin Martini poster being too great a distraction for some of the drivers at Monaco. [/quote]
  10. Double sausage McMuffin - which was the right way to start my drive to Southampton, picking up this bass along the way. You'll need to plan this well, artisan. You don't want to stop at a Wimpy services - aim for a nice KFC, or some such
  11. And again. Conscious I need some more pics, but the only questions I've had to answer have been the differences from the much more common 4-string reverse Thunderbirds - and I'll comment that this feels like a totally different beast. The bodyshape cures most of the neck-dive in the reverse 4s; there's still some, but it's marginal and only apparent when the bass is unsupported. A decent wide strap and simply playing the bass resolves that. The sound is different, as a result of having the P/J combo over the twin humbuckers - and I've a preference for this set-up over the humbuckers, given that it's the one I have on nearly all my other basses. I'll measure the string spacing. Hadn't played a 5-string previous to this - the neck felt substantive, yet the spacing easy; ultimately I got on with the fretboard very well, considering I do not have the biggest of hands. Weight I'll check. It's a little subjective, considering the current state of my spine - it's too heavy for me, but I've damaged myself. Previously, as I said, it felt substantive - but then it's a big bass. It's no Aero; but harking back to the likes of my old Encore, it's no dead weight either. Would you have any additional to offer Guzzi?
  12. I met Keith's uncle on J27 of the M62, having a spot of Macdonald's breakfast, when I sold the bass to him
  13. It looks like a cool press shot, Guzzi - definitely one for the band website, with you pulling the moves!
  14. What, say when you triple-post for example? Sorry, the painkillers have left me feeling cheeky this afternoon I'm amazed, looking at the threads on this course, at how much people are able to get done - for some reason, I assumed it would all take so much longer!
  15. You'll make some coin from restoration, but upgrades should be for personal use - to make your money back you'll need to break the item down or charge a premium, and sometimes that can be hard to sell to buyers. I've had two come in on similar terms - an 1987 BC Rich ST bass from the States, bought for $50; Wizard pick-ups, Gotoh parts, and now a real thumper. Likewise my 1990s-ish Platinum ST; yet more Wizards in for my birthday, it's being stripped at the moment. Both great players, both fun to work on; I'll be doing it again - and, indeed, am on the hunt!
  16. It looks like it's got a lot of character, chief. I think this wil get snapped up for a bit of a restoration project, as overall it looks solid.
  17. Traded with Deaver, for a lovely MTD Kingston Heir 5-string - which, blimey, is a relief on the back! Thank you to all those who displayed interest. --------------------------------------------------------- Well, I'm a bit disappointed to be letting this go. I purchased this in May from the delightful Guzzibass, who you'll see featured below. At the time I was a strapping, virile, adonis of a man. Sadly, now I have slipped disc and nerve pain which means I can't stand for too long, and certainly not with a bass around my neck. I'm told I'm going to be this way for some time, and it makes sense to look at my collection in light of that. The back problem means this is too uncomfortable to play, and I'd like to let it go to a good home to support my search for something more featherweight - or, at the very least, to help pay my physio. I'll post some updated shots and a video review this weekend, but for now I'll borrow Guzzi's originals: ^ Guzzi doing what he does best! The bass is in good condition overall, with no significant wear or damage to body and neck. The pick-ups are stock split-P/J and lend themselves well to a good rock tone. The strings are new Ernie Ball slinkys. Happy to take additional questions, or shots on request. I will say, from personal experience, that this is one of the most robust basses I've ever seen. It feels very substantial, and solid and certainly lives up to it's looks; and thankfully avoids the worst excesses of the neck-dive on the reverse models. I'd prefer a pick-up, and am based in York. Shipping is an option, but be warned - I have a real bubblewrap fetish - and you will find yourself popping for weeks thereafter I use Interparcel, who are suitably economic. There's an option to ship with a padded Fender gig bag - we'll need a chat about what you think that might be worth in the deal. Lords know what a trade would be. BC Rich, Charvel, Jackson, Kramer offerings will go to the front of the class. Pillows and heat packs will also be accepted; as would young ladies well versed in the arts of making spines better. Please do shout - failing that, I'll post some updates over the weekend.
  18. Gust0o


    Sorry, this has now definitely gone. I've been very remiss in replying to people on this one, so I'll be sending round some apologies in due course.
  19. I'm booked in for this course next November, so I'll be watching this one with interest
  20. It's too late jimi, someone will be along to criticise before you know it! I'll bump it to ensure that people can see you've overpriced it/posted rubbish pictures, etc
  21. Very nice. Too much catching my eye at the moment. Ooh, I was going to ask about the weight, but it's on hold already!
  22. It's somewhat disappointing to note that this has a [i]clean[/i] ending. I had some Chat Roulette-esque filth in mind, which may say more about me than you.
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