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Everything posted by longtimefred

  1. Ah well I could well be wrong there then. So hopefully it shouldn't cost you much more than just the high gloss finish then.
  2. is this seriously still here??? if i were in London then it would be sold. Great boxes these are. bargain
  3. nah we smack bang in the middle of the country! Nothing to see here, move along If i had a big enough front room, didnt have neighbours that will threaten to try have me arrested for breathing and enough beer, tea n biscuits i would invite everyone! lol. But as its Amnesia who kindly lent me his Warwick for 5 months he is probably the only one coming. Unless there is seriously someone who needs to know what these Sandbergs are like or wants to swap my V4 and Ampeg cab for their Mesa bigblock 750 and 8x10 gimmie a shout and shall see what we can sort out.
  4. lol sure come along, just remember to leave your roadworn in my living room
  5. oooh sorry just seen this. I did deal with Synergy Distribution as they were dealing with me as an artist relations kind of thing. I think they much prefer people to go through the dealers. you obviously know what you want and if you give those details to a dealer they can relay that to Sandberg. From what i can gather you want a Cali P or whatever they call it now, in Gloss Black with matched headstock (mine was £30 but that was matt finish), ebony fretboard (as its black! probably an extra cost) and black hardware (not sure that would be an extra charge). I think the only real price you are gonna get stung with is the non pick guard as its a totally different routing compared to the normal ones. Personally i would add a Harry Haussel pickup (they really bring the RAWK!!) more of a cost but they are made of Charlie Sheen. Like JTUK has said, if i were going to have any serious customising that is totally away from any options on the pricelist i would make sure their specialists would deal with you directly to make sure its done to how you want. Good luck dude!!! hope you get one ordered. I shall be unveiling mine tomorrow!
  6. ok cool! if you wanting scoff let me know and i shall pick something up.
  7. [quote name='amnesia' post='1197305' date='Apr 12 2011, 08:51 PM']I'll be round tomorrow evening for a tryout. I'll bring the Sansamp and T'bird. F&%* the neighbours![/quote] Cool!! Are ya bringing the boss or she not interested in geeky bass porno sessions? Lol.
  8. Haha yeah it's tough being attached, I was like that with my old 'ray5 but I so desperately needed some P style goodness and the PM was the perfect compromise. [quote name='TRBboy' post='1197263' date='Apr 12 2011, 08:14 PM']Ha ha! That's why I was glad to discover Basschat, so that I could geek-out about gear without boring the missus! I'm half considering selling my jazz to fund another Sandberg, but I'm emotionally attached to it 'cause we've been through a lot together, even though it's by no means my favourite any more...... another dilemma![/quote]
  9. Lol I love it that my bass buddies are excited for me, everyone else just thinks I'm nuts! Yeah I had sandberg GAS and had to buy one straight away! I know I will want another but it's a lot of pennies!
  10. shall do buddy. Gonna get my rig set up at home tonight ready for a blast, sod the neighbours! lol. I ordered mine directly as i was specific of what i wanted and it was a 4 n a half month wait Just shows how popular they are getting.
  11. Lol tell me about it, it's coming to work and we have around 8 different couriers that come in the morning, it's gonna be torture!
  12. WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO, just had the call, my Sandberg Cali PM4 with Haussel pickups is being delivered to me at work tomorrow morning. SO excited its untrue. I have been waiting since the beginning of December for this. Shall put up a review as soon as i can as i know a few people have been asking about these recently.
  13. i dont have any!!!! i have to borrow one at the moment as my Sandberg is still on order
  14. if you order a Sandberg directly, you can choose to have dots, blocks or whatever you want on the fretboard. I am currently waiting for my PM4 to be finished and shipped to me and i cant wait!!!! the detail these guys go into is awsome and for the price they wipe the floor with anything around the price range! TBH though, after i ordered it, i went to Guitar Guitar in Brum and if i hadnt already ordered my 'Berg, i would have left with a Lakland P bass, it was awsome.
  15. I am always looking at companies that could possibly offer something for me, mainly because i hate paying full price for anything and also because if i do love a bit of gear, i want the company to know about it and sort me out! I have luckily got something going on with Sandberg basses which is awsome and they are really taking an interest in me rather than just using what i am doing as a way of getting some advertising for sorting me out with a cheap bass. Strings are the next thing and i couldnt care less who gives them to me as i can use cheapies or 'spenive ones as they only last a gig or a handfull of rehearsals then i have killed them. What i have found is that i have only approached companies that make gear i love and have usually come up trumps in one way or another, mainly because i think they can tell you really do love their stuff. If Ampeg hadnt started making nasty chinese crap then i would be all over them like a rash! lol
  16. that is one NICE bass guitar. I have never really looked at the Aerodyne before. Love the binding around the body and the colour rocks. Where are they made? how much do they go for? Does it sound like a standard P or any differences? Will
  17. just my 2p worth. I bought a USA SVT410HLF from a guy on here and was in prestine condition when i had it. I have done a fair bit of gigging with it and lugging in and out of cars, studios etc and now the tolex is really starting to take a battering. It tears, unsticks dents with the smallest of contacts. I have had a good few other brands of cabs and my old Trace 8x10 took a far more battering than the ampeg and didnt even rip once. basically, i think even the USA made stuff (well my cab at least) is crap at being used! sounds awsome and i want the bigger 6x10 but i want it to last and not look like a peice of crap! SORT IT OUT AMPEG!
  18. Bet they would if you wanted them to.
  19. My lord someone is gonna get such an AMAZING amp for this price. I have one and I will never sell mine. I would love a pair of them for collectors value but I don't have a penny to scratch my arse with! Good luck with the sale buddy.
  20. I miss my '89 Ray 5. I think I always will. I sold it last year to fund my new Sandberg I am waiting for. That was the best sounding and playing stingray I ever played or heard Also miss my Spector Euro 5lx. That was a dream of mine to own one. Didn't stand up against the ray though.
  21. ooooh nice!! you are making me excited!! i am expecting delivery of my California PM4 any time soon direct from the factory. Glad you like it, Cant wait to get mine, only been waiting since the beginning of December!!!
  22. WOW! just WOW! I dont think i will ever sell my V4. Its just too damn good, at everything. Yours is slightly different to mine, mine has the overdrive channel and compressor. I didnt know they did 2 models. Do you know any history about the differences? just to please my geekiness As far as i know, they only made around 20 of these. Good luck with the sale, someone is gonna be in heaven with this sound!
  23. very cool. Great sounding equipment and bass player. That guy is so relaxed it was sending me to sleep! lol. Amazingly built amplifier, would love to have a play through one. Bet they cost a bit!
  24. Yo! Does anyone know who the main UK distributor for GHS and La Bella is? A friend of mine who owns a rehearsal / recording studio / a&r / band managment company wants to start selling quality strings and we are struggling to find where to buy them from with a trade account? any ideas folks? thanks guys.
  25. if Chuck Norris played bass... it would be that one!! what an amazing machine that is. Have a bump on me.
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