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Everything posted by longtimefred

  1. WOW, pure Trace porn that is! Cant believe its still here. Good luck with the sale, there are plenty of Trace collectors knocking around, hopefully one will spot this.
  2. i have had a few incredible drummers to play with and also some that have lost me some hair and got anger management problems with. the guy who drums in the band i play for now is brilliant, no messing around, simple set up (kick, snare, floor tom, cymbals) and just rocks the hell out of his kit, in great timing and just does the job. I have played with guys who lug massive kits around, spend hours setting it up perfectly, going on about the newest stick tricks and techniques and then cant play for toffee! loosing rhythm, forgetting songs, and manage to get the whole band stressed! Its all good fun!
  3. as i am waiting for my new PM4 to be built and delivered ( 2 months waited - another one left to wait!!) i cannot say i am going to buy this but you can have a bump from a soon to be Sandberg owner. These machines are absolutely amazing and sound incredible. You only need to check out the videos on youtube of the factory tour to see how well and impeccably made these are. Someone please buy this as it is just awsome!!
  4. i know i am a bit off topic but having recently used a Warwick for the first ever time over the last few months which has been kindly lend to me by my friend on here "Amnesia", i felt i wanted to say that i used to hate them with a passion as i was a Spector fanboi and nothing would change my mind. After using his 1994 Streamer LX 4 string for a good few rehearsals and gigs i love it. Nice n light, one of the best necks i have played (very narrow at the top, kinda reminded me of an old Gibson SG) and in passive mode it gives a Fender a good run for its money in grunt. I still dont like the active circuit on any of them as its just not the sound i like, its too Hi Fi and modern but if i had looked into their range a little more before ordering my Sandberg i am still waiting for, i could have easily been swayed into buying one if it had a more varied passive EQ. Its a shame these quality instruments are suffering at the moment in value as the few i have played have all been top quality and real keepers in my eyes. I think it was Nu Metal that killed em! lol, every idiot in baggy jeans and dreadlocks owned one! lol. I hope the market picks up again for them as they are totally worth paying for. (apart from that crappy one with the split headstock!!!)
  5. i had a MIJ 1989 J bass and it was absolutely amazing. If i were to buy another Jazz, i would scour the earth for another MIJ. it urinated from a great height on a lot of USA models i have played. That one looks awsome.
  6. ooooh ooooh i will also play..............Oh no, i am still waiting for mine I put a custom order in at the beginning of December, gotta wait til March. I am having a Cali PM4 in matt blackburst with matching headstock with rosewood board and white MoP scratch plate. Instead of the standard Delano pups which i found to be a little on the modern side i opted for Harry Haussel hand wired pups with large magnets to go for a more vintage RAWK sound. the wait is killing me! As soon as it appears i shall add photos and also a review as there aint many around.
  7. i sold my 1989 stingray for the same price i bought it for 6 years ago. but you will be lucky to get an old ray for £500 so this post is a bit pointless! sorry
  8. Dougie Wilkes would be able to do that, he is in Keele in Newcastle Under Lyme. I know it's not in Manchester but not too far down the m6 and the man is a genius. He has a website but I can't remember it so just google him if your interested.
  9. i know i'm late with this one but i figured i would post anyway. I have just ordered myself a Sandberg PM4 and cant wait for it. BUT..... if i had not ordered it that weekend i would have ended up walking out of guitar guitar in birmingham with a Lakland P bass Skyline. It was AMAZING and it played stunning. So good for you on buying a Lakland, they are just brilliant. Maybe next time i will get one!
  10. Doh! just heard back that my delivery date on this is due in ...march.... long wait ahead for me! damn them for getting so popular!
  11. ah man i would love to own that crazy looking machine! Always wanted one with a trem. baddass!!
  12. just to let you guys know, just in case you care... I have ended up ordering a custom Sandberg Cali PM4 with Haussel hand wired pickups for extra fat! Gotta wait 8 weeks or so for delivery but as soon as i do, you shall have pictures.
  13. Really really excited about this. I have after a bass that does what this does for a long time now. Peter and synergy distribution has been fantastic and really helped me out with my order. I am having the California PM4 in Matt blackburst with matching colour headstock with a rosewood board with no inlays. A White mother of pearl scratch plate and a spare black one just in case I fancy a change and here is the beaut... I am having Harry Haussel hand wired pickups fitted for that extra growl, made with extra large Alnico magnets! I seriously can't wait and the next 8 weeks are gonna go sooooo slow until I get this. One thing I was going to order was a custom inlay of my daughters name on the 12th fret but they have said they are not doing that option at the moment. So does anyone know of a top company that do inlays after the bass has landed as it is something I really want. Christmas is coming 8 weeks late for me
  14. my lord that is a little amount of money for a large amount of quality bass guitar for sale!! Stunning. just stunning!
  15. [quote name='amnesia' post='1031235' date='Nov 21 2010, 11:11 AM']Had one...sold it! [/quote] dumb ass! i reckon a service and bias then get some fresh better quality cabs.
  16. nice douvet cover!!! bass aint half bad either always fancied a go of a Zon since hearing the guy from Machine Head's killer sound.
  17. hup droog! Good to see you here mate. Get that T'bird bought!!
  18. [quote name='ikay' post='1022590' date='Nov 13 2010, 04:40 PM']There's a wiring diagram on the Seymour Duncan site for their musicman replacement pup 3-way switch here which may help: [url="http://www.seymourduncan.com/support/wiring-diagrams/schematics.php?schematic=musicman_3way"]http://www.seymourduncan.com/support/wirin...c=musicman_3way[/url] EBMM customer service are generally very good though, I've had quick responses to several questions over the years[/quote] Hey! I found the Seymour Duncan one literally 15 mins before your post. Worked perfectly!! Good call on that one. I cant complain about how quick EBMM were to help me but its taken nearly a month to get it right. They sent me the wrong 3 way switch to start with, also stating that they were sure that it was the right one. Again they were really quick to help but the wiring diagrams they gave me were crap! really old photocopy quality picture that didnt match the switch they gave me. Thank god for Seymour Duncan! Also when i was questioning them about the switch and that i still needed their help, they just palmed me off and said in future i should just get in touch with one of their authorised technicians. But tis done now so i can finally sell the thing!!!! (and buy MrGreg's bass )
  19. Hey hey! I am in desperate need of a wiring diagram for the 3 way switch for my 1989 stingray 5. If anyone has one hey could post on here or if anyone has a decent photo of one that will do as the one I got from ernie ball is rubbish!! Desperate to get my bass fixed so I can sell it!! Thanks Will
  20. Dood, are you really doing a band with Thomas Lang??? He is just amazing!! well done mate, you got some great coverage on there,
  21. I have been chatting to Gregor for a bit about his bass and he is a top bloke. If this had the extra string i would have bought it. These basses are pure class and i cant wait to order mine, some one please buy this as its the dogs taters and it hurts to keep seeing it here for sale.
  22. [quote name='Chrishkhoo' post='1004491' date='Oct 28 2010, 10:32 PM']Hi there! Much love for this ray, I've been looking EVERYWHERE for something like it! EBMM Stingray is pretty perfect, and then you gave it an extra string *gasp* But yes, absolutely brilliant. Are you still selling?! Thanks, Chris.[/quote] Yes mate still for sale at 700 quid. Plus it's just had a service and re wired so it's as fresh as a daisy. pm if you are interested
  23. so so gutted this aint a 5 as its exactly the same as the one i am ordering!
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