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Everything posted by bakerster135

  1. Taking the neck off will be the true test. Should have small date stamp on the body socket, and big stamp on the neck end, e.g. 7NOV62A. Also good to check that the solder under the pickups and control panel is original. If this all checks out, I'll give you £100 for it! ;-)
  2. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1444378704' post='2882652'] Yes Martin certainly knows what he's doing... I've always used him for any work I need doing on basses and guitars. You've only got to look at the basses he makes to see the standard of his workmanship. [/quote] Definitely, the Sei basses are truly works of art! I was playing the Stingray before work today, and it's just sublime...I was on the verge of trading it in for a Classic Stingray, but it's been given a new lease of life and is certainly a keeper now!
  3. Just thought I should give a shout-out here to The Bass Gallery, Camden, for anyone looking to get their vintage basses (especially maple fretboards) refretted. I've had my 79 Stingray and 75 Jazz Bass in over the last couple of months, and Martin and John have done a fantastic job on them! They've taken the time to assess the necks and remove any unevenness. The varnishing is done incredibly well, keeping the vintage tint to not look out of place, but I now have what essentially feels like a new neck on both basses! Amazing job, and would thoroughly recommend for anyone looking to have this important work undertaken...Pics to follow (when I get chance! ;-)).
  4. I'm biased, but I think my Dakota Red 62 AVRI is the best looking stack - knob about! ;-)
  5. Hmmm, be wary that the "looper" doesn't quite work the same as the Ditto, etc, and requires some experimentation...You'll see what I mean! Awesome echo though, and one of my essentials. Whack up the "wow and flutter" straightaway and you'll be in heaven! ☺
  6. [quote name='deaky' timestamp='1443806652' post='2877916'] Fender have even used maple as the body for the bass just like Steves which was used back in the 70s by Fender. [/quote] Pretty sure Fender only used ash and the odd bit of alder for body wood in the 70s, never come across a maple - bodied P or J from that decade...
  7. I was thinking, it would be particularly interesting to know the weights of these basses, especially the 60s and 70s Fenders...
  8. Looks really good! ... http://www.ehx.com/products/key9
  9. [quote name='Patchbass' timestamp='1441833057' post='2862241'] Cheers, sounds like buying British is the best... Ive currently got an EHX bass big muff deluxe but don't really like it, so hopefully the Cog would be a big improvement [/quote] Tarkin has massive low end, and the particularly useful "Mids" knob. It certainly cuts through, and makes the Bass Big Muff sound like a joke...
  10. Might be worth looking at the Palmer PDI-09, great cab sim. I use loads of dirt and put mine between the amp and cab, works great and pretty cheap too. echoing what others have said, fuzz + tweeters = disgusting...
  11. [quote name='mart3442' timestamp='1441629341' post='2860355'] about 6.5-7.5kg [/quote] Are you sure? That's abnormally heavy for any Stingray... Lovely looking bass though, GLWTS!
  12. My 75 Jazz, recently re-fretted by the Bass Gallery, new nut, and pickups re-potted by Bare Knuckle. Still weighs a tonne, but plays and sounds like a dream! [URL=http://s66.photobucket.com/user/albakio/media/Optimized-20150901_134556.jpg.html][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h241/albakio/Optimized-20150901_134556.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  13. Has anyone tried one of these yet? Really eager to hear thoughts on it... I've noticed that Mantic Conceptual don't appear to have any UK Dealers, is this the case!?
  14. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1438890653' post='2838510'] None of the above. Only drives that get bitey or any with at least a 2 band EQ. Only out the box bitey overdrjvd is the darkglass B3K and B7K. Surprised they've not been mentioned yet. [/quote] Hmmm, don't agree with the eq idea at all. A decent tone control or hpf/blend combo will easily suffice. Also, I've had the B7K and B3K, and I wasn't able to get anything remotely Blue Messiahs or Stranglers-esque out of either. They're a bit too modern rock/metal and Meshuggah-ish for that I'd say...
  15. [quote name='Patchbass' timestamp='1438860217' post='2838095'] Yeah then again you could try it and love it as everyone seems to have their own ideas of bite etc. Haha, just wasn't for me, yeah ive looked at the fuzzrocious rat tail but it seemed too over the top, I may have another look at it. I'm more thinking of that crunchy JJ Burnel sound with lots of treble and growl [/quote] Key to the RAT, for that kind of sound, is keep the gain low (around 9 o'clock) and filter around the 9 o'clock mark too. The "Filter" on the RAT's an LPF, so works the other way round to a traditional tone control. That often confuses people! The Fuzzrocious has Hi/Lo saturation controls too, which I never found much use, so I'd just dime them if I were you. I've got a COG TK-421 (RAT clone) and can easily get a JJ type sound out of it, much more than any of my other overdrives or distortions, which include Tubescreamer and OCD-based pedals.
  16. Actually not really Repairs or Technical, so moved to Bass Guitars. Can someone delete this please?
  17. Hi all, The other day I took the neck off my AVRI 62 Jazz to do a bit of truss rod adjustment. Before I even took the neck off I noticed a little paint missing around the neck plate (bottom left in picture below). I took the neck off and removed the neck plate, and it seems that the plate has pressed into the paint leaving indentations around 1mm deep in each corner. Just to clarify that I definitely never over-tighten necks, and I have removed and reattached them on my other basses (poly finishes) without this issue. I just wanted to ask whether anyone else had encountered this? Is this relatively common on AVRI 60s reissues, or has something gone wrong here!?...The bass is finished in nitro paint, and true to vintage specs it does not have a rubber/plastic gasket underneath the neck plate, so perhaps these are contributing factors? Any advice will be much appreciated! [url="http://s66.photobucket.com/user/albakio/media/20150730_084631.jpg.html"][/url]
  18. Defo agree on the Agent 00Funk MK2. Had one before I got a Moog LPF (which I sold to you, I think!?...) and it was ridiculously wet and squelchy! I only got rid of it at the time cos it was a bit too extreme for my intended application, but I'd really like one again now... P.s. Probably not great using Bootsy as an example for a particular pedal maker, he seems to pop up on adverts for loads of envelope filters (Chunk Systems and EHX included!).
  19. Beautiful body on that! Is it still Afzelia? Looks amazing...EMGs too? Can't make it out on the pics. I was pretty tempted by this too, and I am NOT a fretless fan!
  20. Beautiful body on that! Is it still Afzelia? Looks amazing...EMGs too? Can't make it out on the pics. I was pretty tempted by this too, and I am NOT a fretless fan!
  21. [quote name='Muppet' timestamp='1437233312' post='2824596'] Have you used an alternate power supply? [/quote] Aye, it's 12V DC and needs 550ma, so be careful if you are...
  22. [quote name='sk8' timestamp='1436156273' post='2815378'] I did indeed! [/quote] Amazing, Lord of the Dance never rocked so hard! 😉
  23. [quote name='danbowskill' timestamp='1435688961' post='2811528'] There is a bargain COG EFFECTS knightfall for sale in the e,f,s forum..............that would sound lovely with the VT.I used to use the knightfall 66 into the VT and it was ace. [/quote] Definitely this, listen to Dan...If I didn't have one already, that Knightfall would be MINE! ;-)
  24. Is it Japanese or Taiwanese out of interest?
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