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Everything posted by bakerster135

  1. [quote name='martthebass' timestamp='1419201309' post='2637617'] I've had a Mighty Mite neck (fitted to the last Affinity I had through my hands), rod access at the neck end and wood quality on the lower end of the scale. Definitely different to the neck on my LL which has better fretwork, a slab board and clay dots. [/quote] The Allparts necks have "ALLPARTS LIC. BY FENDER" stamped on the base. When I've had mine off it just has a date written in pen. Not sure how he'd get the clay dots in either? The Allparts neck don't have clay dots.
  2. [quote name='FretNoMore' timestamp='1418974675' post='2635300'] As already said, for rock it's not that useful. [/quote] I think Justin Chancellor would disagree with you. Probably Jon Stockman too, and his legion of bass-playing fans! I think they use these effects pretty well to be fair though, though they both have pretty bright tones and it's often for high, melodic, textural parts.
  3. [quote name='thebassist' timestamp='1418928662' post='2634994'] Are the dots inbounds clay on limelights? I played a couple but never checked that. [/quote] Mine look very clayish, more like clay than the original Fender furniture filler anyway!...
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1418733233' post='2632738'] Have I missed something? It's not a 'relic' - it's the real thing... [/quote] This highlights the distinction in definition between a "relic", and something that is "reliced" ... This is beautiful, and it's really got me hankering after a 70s Jazz! I picked up my Stingray from Andy Baxter earlier this year, needless to say he knows his stuff and stocks only the finest basses!
  5. [quote name='LemonCello' timestamp='1418670694' post='2632210'] The PUP's in my Limelight '63P died at a gig last wknd Phoned Mark and he was very good about it. He will send a new set of relice'd pup's and I'll return the buggered ones. He'll also refund the cost of my guitar tech to swap them out. Great customer service! [/quote] Oh god, that's worrying! Did they just stop working?
  6. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1417252248' post='2618527'] nothing sits like a P. [/quote] Both of my Jazz Basses sit exactly like a P on the front pickup, a lot more versatile, and a lot better looking to boot! There are a lot of gigs where the Fender "character" just doesn't cut it though, and that's personally when I appreciate the 'Ray's flamboyance! ;-)
  7. Burgundy Mist Jazz after recording last night. Pipped the Stingray, and sounded absolutely fantastic :-) [URL=http://s66.photobucket.com/user/albakio/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20141206_153740.jpg.html][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h241/albakio/Mobile%20Uploads/20141206_153740.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  8. [quote name='ratman' timestamp='1417730569' post='2623629'] The Tarkins are Big Muff based, and the TK-421s are Rat based. That's as much as I know. [/quote] Just to add to this, the Darklighter is essentially a Tubescreamer with improvements, and the Knightfall is based on the (now discontinued) Voodoo Labs Overdrive (which was pretty much identical to the Fulltone OCD).
  9. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1417778064' post='2623892'] I really am tempted by Burgundy Mist.... [/quote] Do it! It's a great looking, unusual colour. I've found that pictures don't really capture how it looks in the flesh...
  10. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1416946429' post='2615412'] Agree with comments above, highly unlikely to have done any serious damage. [/quote] Thank you for the reassurance! [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1416970308' post='2615665'] You probably just jammed the screws in at an angle and that's why they stopped turning. Maple is a very hard wood and it's not easy to screw into areas that have not been pre drilled. Those inserts are only of use if the screw holes have been seriously damaged by someone who has kept turning long after the screw had wanted to stop. As long as you ceased the pressure when the screws had wanted to stop then I'd stop worrying and enjoy the bass. But it's a little lesson to double check the neck is sitting properly in the pocket as you go. [/quote] Hmmm, this makes it a bit more worrying as the screws were all the way to the neck plate before I noticed... All seems fine though, as mentioned the neck is now flush at the joint, and doesn't appear to move at all when I'm playing it. Lesson learnt though, I certainly won't be doing that again!
  11. Hi all, Would appreciate a little advice on this... I was adjusting the truss rod on my AVRI Jazz Bass last night (adjustment at body end). When reattaching the neck I thought I had it firmly it the socket, and started to screw back in. There seemed to be slightly more resistance than normal, but I thought nothing of it and continued... Once I had all four screws tightened as much as necessary I turned the bass over, but noticed (to my horror!) that when looking at the join between neck and body (looking from the underside of course), there was a slight gap of around .5mm inbetween, meaning that the neck had been at a very slight angle and not flush with the body join while I was screwing! I immediately unscrewed the neck again and rejoined, ensuring that it was completely flush. What I want to know however, is whether there's any potential that I may have done some damage to the screw threads in the neck, and also whether this could cause potential instability now the neck is back on and the bass tuned to concert pitch?... Would appreciate any advice and/or reassurance (please!) that anyone can offer. Alex
  12. I use the Aguilar db924 which is basically the OBP1 as an external preamp. It makes absolutely any other bass sound awesome. I had a Spector NSCRFM as well which had an OBP1 going through EMG pickups. It sounded awesome. The Tone Hammer is an OBP3 in a box, they sound awesome too. Just depends if you want to control the mids or not. Overall though, they sound awesome.
  13. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1416435268' post='2610304'] a few little changes, more fuzz from the godzilla and a bit of earthquaker love [url="http://s245.photobucket.com/user/0175westwood29/media/IMG_0247.jpg.html"][/url] still love my lateral primer but for the minute till i properly get it into the songs its not really worth having it on the board andy [/quote] Looks good man, THREE fuzz pedals though!? Hesus ...Apparently, if you put all three on at the same time the planet will explode
  14. The Furman ones are good (e.g. SPB-8), though a little hard to come by...
  15. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1416172542' post='2607651'] Am I the only one that thinks it sounds crap then? Not much low end even with the low knob cranked! [/quote] Ha, really!? On that video, to me, it sounds like it's got more low end than his dry signal with the "Lo" knob at noon...Maybe it's my earphones! I have to disagree though, love the tone of it. Grindy and aggressive, with a fuzz-like quality, and unlike a RAT (n.b. I love RATs, btw!) it stays focused and flab-free when you take the gain past 12 o'clock!
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1415976045' post='2605774'] I was thinking PAC MAN. [/quote] Exactamundo! Your thinking, I like
  17. I'm sure Foderas feel absolutely fantastic, but the designs have always left me completely cold! The Monarch for example, just looks very pedestrian to me and not at all striking. Just feels like the proportions are just slightly out, somehow...Never got on with the sound either. Too much modern-sounding (Warwick-esque, I guess!) growl, and never heard an example on one capable of a warm, more vintage tone. All personal opinion of course! But I mean, seriously, [url="http://www.bassgear.co.uk/product/fodera-matt-garrison-standard-2/"]this[/url] monstrosity for 7K!?...That body looks like Snoopy with his mouth open!
  18. I see Matt's fixed the issue with volume at low gain now, which is great! There's no aggressive grind quite like a RAT with the gain at 9-10! :-)
  19. I see Matt's fixed the issue with volume at low gain now, which is great! There's no aggressive grind quite like a RAT with the gain at 9-10! :-)
  20. [quote name='abc' timestamp='1415808737' post='2603986'] Not a single clip from the builder? I find that quite weird...he does want to sell some of these no? [/quote] I think he's a wee bit busy with other COG related stuff to be making videos dude...I don't think he's having much trouble selling any either! ;-)
  21. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1412871582' post='2572877'] Re Legacy = Rotosound thing, I ordered a couple of sets and there was a dead string in one. Contacted Strings Direct who are going to send a replacement, of course. But I also asked if they were re-badged Rotosounds and he said 'yes they are' - so not just a rumour! [/quote] Out of interest, was it the A/.85 string that was dud? I seem to get a lot of dud A strings in the Legacy packs, but never any other string! ...Strings Direct have always been good enough to send me replacements when this happens though!
  22. Does anyone have any tips on where I could purchase a suitable box or packaging for posting a Jazz Bass neck? I'd rather just buy a box than carve up and a load of cardboard and stick it together!... If anyone can help, it'll be much appreciated
  23. Sounds awesome! http://pedalsandeffects.com/pedal-review-mantic-effects-vitriol-distortion/
  24. [quote name='dudi8' timestamp='1415088660' post='2596441'] I need advice! I'm ordering 2 basses from mark , one is a 64 jazz in candy apple red with matching headstock with light relicing, the other is a 61 stacked knob jazz in sunburst with heavy relicing (like bobby vega one) Which one should I order first?? [/quote] I don't think Mark's able to offer sunburst finishes on his basses, so that may affect your second choice...I have one of his 64 JBs though and it's excellent, so I would suggest that you get your CAR 64 order in post haste! ;-)
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