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Everything posted by bakerster135

  1. [quote name='Raslee' timestamp='1410899629' post='2554555'] Well ? [/quote] Bit delayed, but it's here and awesome! Photos very soon, I promise!...
  2. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1410635210' post='2551534'] Well here is Cass Lewis playing a Cutlass live in 1995 only months after forming the band so you better ask him again [media]http://youtu.be/LY9G2bNd8eo[/media] Obviously that does not prove the album was not recorded with a wooden necked Ray but as we are [i]clearing things up[/i], lol. I know Flea went to a trans Ray, his main bass before getting well known here, thats why I said [u]Debut[/u] stuff, and the Wal thing has been known for a long while, fwiw his best sound was his early Modulus days IMO. As for Tim C how do we know he used a trans era Ray on the album but not live? Just curious as he appears very connected to his pre EB bass, gaining the Badass bridge and the smooth pickup over the early ratm years. Ta [/quote] Definitely made myself look a bit of a plum with the RATM comment...Definitely a modified pre-EB (no body contour), I just kind of assumed it was a transition one because of the era. Whoops! Bit pedantic but I'd still say Flea didn't debut with a Cutlass. He did use a pre-EB Stingray, but switched over to the Cutlass live to get away from the neck stability issues he was having, so I'd say he [u]debuted[/u] with a Pre-EB Stingray! Agree about his Modulus sound, though my personal favourite is still the Higher Ground intro with a Spector NS-2! Word is that he did record Aeroplane with a Stingray however, possibly using the B/B/R EB Stingray that he was using live at the time. Excellent tone on that song, and great exposure on that solo! Cass was playing in a mate's band when I met him, at the Half Moon in Putney (band was called Asylum, unfortunately didn't last too long!...). He was playing a Cutlass at that gig, and when I asked him about it he said he started collecting them around the time of Stoosh as he had a bit more dosh. I think it's probably the case that he had only that one before, but started [u]collecting[/u] more later, so sorry for confusing things on that one. The reason I mentioned the Stingray on P&S is because I asked him what he used to record Little Baby Swastika specifically, and he said "an old Stingray". Either he was calling his Cutlass a Stingray, or it's possible he actually used his transition Stingray (seen on the Weak video) to record just that song, or the whole album!...Don't know, but that's why I mentioned it! Anyway, apologies for storming in again with false information! Let's get on with celebrating the wonderful tone of the Stingray I would also cite Paul Denman and his lovely 'Ray tone with Sade!
  3. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1410624208' post='2551397'] The three big Ray users mentioned here used variations on the theme to start with on their debut stuff and all pre EB too, Cass Lewis- Cutlass rather than Stingray and more known for using a Sabre anyway. Flea- Again a Cutlass as you can see the modulus neck in the early 1984-5 footage. Tim Commerford- Stingray Pre EB but with a Badass bridge and some kind of smooth faced pickup. Oh No maybe it is all in the fingers after all [/quote] Just to clear up a couple of things here: Cass Lewis - Definitely a pre-eb Stingray on P&S (I've spoken to him about this). He didn't start collecting Cutlass 1s until later on, while he was using G&Ls Flea - Used a Cutlass live a lot in the early days, but switched to transition-era EB Stingray (see the Give it Away video...). Recordings post - Uplift Mofo Party Plan are usually Spectors or Wals, very rarely a Stingray. Timmy C - Definitely used an 80s EB transition Stingray on that first album
  4. Defo the first RATM album or Skunk Anansie's Paranoid and Sunburnt. Classic 70s & 80s Stingray tones!
  5. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1410465287' post='2549807'] Can't wait to see the pictures of this one! It's taunted me every time I visited his website! [/quote] All being well it'll be with me on Tuesday, and I'll have photos up straightaway of course!
  6. Congratulations Kev, that's just beautiful Right number of strings too!
  7. Alex bought my looper pedal, we met up and had a great chat about all things pedals! Lovely chap and great BassChatter! Deal with confidence
  8. In three at the minute, and it's a right balancing act...Wouldn't want to be in any more!
  9. Burgundy Mist 64 J Bass should be coming my way shortly...
  10. [quote name='mikebass84' timestamp='1409727197' post='2542580'] Would you put the eq pedal before or after the swollen pickle? [/quote] Definitely after the SP. It's the sound coming out of the pedal that you want to EQ, not the sound going into it.
  11. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1409677062' post='2542166'] Thanks. I've also shot a message to Tom at Cog to see what he can do [/quote] Great stuff, Tom'll sort you out! :-)
  12. This: http://martoneaudio.com/LfoModBox.htm
  13. Another one, at the studio last night. COG Knightfall always on of course! [URL=http://s66.photobucket.com/user/albakio/media/20140828_212827.jpg.html][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h241/albakio/20140828_212827.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  14. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1409182146' post='2537322'] The latest reissue series is a quality step up from the previous models. Better finished, more of a vintage feel,,custom wound pickups etc.,etc. Definitely nicer and worth more than the earlier series [/quote] Having played a lot of AVRI Fenders, I don't agree with this. The 64 Jazz basses I've played have been good, but they don't feel as nice as the previous 62 reissues do to me.
  15. A lot of people (including myself) tend to have the bass up full, then use the treble (middle) knob like a tone control. Kind of depends on how the knobs are placed, but I have it so that the treble knob's screw hole is pointing up at me when in the halfway position. I usually have it set like this when I (rarely) use a pick, but have the treble set just a fraction shy of full-on when playing fingerstyle.
  16. I like listening to the demo without watching it, and pretending it's Jemaine from Flight of the Conchords talking ...
  17. The latest incarnation...Actually enjoying the Bass Whammy quite a lot, not as "warm" sounding as my WH-1 but a few more useful options! Just one more COG unit to come, then I'll be happy (for a little while! ...). [URL=http://s66.photobucket.com/user/albakio/media/20140823_203529.jpg.html][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h241/albakio/20140823_203529.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  18. Diago Powerstation. Inexpensive and awesome. You don't need an isolating psu, I use this to power my whole board (including Moog LPF and Strymon El Cap) and there's no noise at all!
  19. Nordstrand MM4.4 pickup would be pretty good for that I reckon.
  20. Please, will someone buy that burgundy mist Jazz off the website so I don't have to!...
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