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Everything posted by bigevilman

  1. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='813860' date='Apr 21 2010, 03:26 PM']Does the Eden not do 2 ohms?[/quote] Nah, I've got the 'A' model, which is 4ohm per side in dual mono, or 8ohm bridged. [quote name='jonthebass' post='813822' date='Apr 21 2010, 02:50 PM']There's a man struggling with himself right there... go on, go on you know it makes sense [/quote] Tell me about it! To afford it at the moment though, will have to get shot of at least one of eden cabs....
  2. But then again....if i ran this on its own in bridged mode...... hmmmmmm
  3. Pity this isn't 4 ohm, or my bank balance would be significantly in the red Good luck with the sale man, that cab is B E A - utiful!
  4. Hey guys I'm looking to get a replacement cab for my two nemesis cabs. They're nice sounding cabs, but I'm having to compete with my guitarist and heavy-handed drummer to cut through the mix. I can pump my WT800 up with it, but it doesn't leave me with a lot of headroom. It came to a head last night when I played in Leeds. Managed to play both sets with no trouble, but by the time it came to the encore, the amp just cut out. I'm presuming (from what I've read), the amp kicked into safety mode to stop itself from frying, and cut out (to be fair, I did have the amp gain on about 7, and the volume about 8 for about nearly 2 1/2 hours of constant beating!). After trying to locate the problem, I ended up watching my band mates finish playing our rendition of Santana's Black Magic Woman with a nice pint of ale in my hand! I've now decided, although the rest of the band like the lightweight-ness of my new cabs, I decided to say b******s to that, and go back to a nice big cab . Luckily, I've made that decision just before a mate of mine goes and picks up his GT200 head next week from the matamp factory (what a bit of luck!). I've decided I'll tag along, and hopefully will end up trying out as many cabs as possible, and asking for some well needed knowledge! But I though I'd ask the lovely folk at basschat their opinions on what I should get. Basically, I don't wanna go back to a 810, as it was a massive cab for what we did, and TBF....was overkill! I want to have a cab that at least matches the guitarists 412 in size, but cuts through. Do any of you have experience with 4x12's? And how do they compare to 6x10's? Also, does running it in stereo make any difference to running it in mono? I've read about 6x12's running in stereo (3x12 a side) Joe
  5. Got cables from Dave a couple of weeks ago, only managed to test them last weekend at our farewell gig for our drummer. What can I say? Bloody amazing is what I can say The difference in audio quality is immense, I didn't realise cables made that much difference! Dave was extremely helpful, and postage was very quick. Will more than likely order more cables from him within the future...
  6. 4 or 8 ohm? pics would deffo help
  7. Thats a bargain of a price for such a beauty if i werent on the hunt for a p-bass, i'd be round yours giving it a try out! gd luck with sale....doubt you'll need it!
  8. [quote name='Shockwave' post='801935' date='Apr 10 2010, 05:19 PM']Uhhh, the colour is in the topic title! The neck is not as chunky as lets say a 51' Reissue. its nice is all i can say! Proper P neck.[/quote] Hmmm very intrigued Would love to see some pics when you get some
  9. [quote name='Higgie' post='801934' date='Apr 10 2010, 05:18 PM']It says Fiesta Red in the title [/quote] Seems like I should of gone to specsavers
  10. Whats the neck meant to be like on these? I'm after getting a precision, but have never tried the 50's reissues. Are they big and bulky or is it comfortable? Also, what colour is it? Is it in the fiesta red? Cheers Joe
  11. [quote name='51m0n' post='792353' date='Mar 31 2010, 07:48 PM']I'd try and avoid putting any effects on to what is going to tape. Its far too far away from the controlled environment you need to be in to work out of you are putting the right amount on for a start. Secondly once the afterglow of the gig has worn off you may discover you need to do a couple of overdubs to sort out some howlers. All made way harder if tere are effects all over the shop....[/quote] Aye, thats why u'd use pre-fader, so the DI-out would be untouched by the fx loop
  12. A mate of mine uses a Soundcraft Spirit FX16 desk when he records. It has 16 input channels all with nice pre-amps which have direct out ports at the back. You can select pre/post fader so it would be perfect for recording as it would be a untouched source file. All you need then is an audio interface to record it on (with 16 inputs if you're using all of them) and you're good to go. Obviously with this, you'd have to mic everything up, regardless of whether its going to FOH, but was to be expected anyways? P.S The Spirit FX16 has built in lexicon effects, so you know that reverbs gonna sound gorgeous
  13. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='767365' date='Mar 7 2010, 09:42 PM']Precisions are definitely growing on me again at the moment. I'm definitely moving towards a thicker sound with my wooden basses since the Stingray arrived - I don't listen to a lot of popular music at all, but I love the Precision sound on this... I bought the "Black Joe Lewis and the Honeybears" album on iTunes and it's fantastic. Bill Stevenson's sound is amazing! [/quote] Is it just me...or does Joe Lewis look like he could be Chris Rock's brother? I've gotta give it up for the P-bass. I used to have a re-issue when I was younger, can't remember what year it was, it was one of my first basses, and it was gorgeous. I wish now I hadn't got rid of it, but I found myself yesterday sitting in the uni studio, and saw a squier precision sat in the corner. I thought I'd kill a bit of time while my work bounced down. God, did I fall in love again! The neck just felt so right in my hand, it was so comfortable to play it was unnatural! I ended up sitting there for about a hour just jamming. I found myself today on my lunch break scouring these forums and ebay, GAS'ing extremely bad for a precision. It's kind of a good thing my bank account isn't looking brilliant, or I'd more than likely be the proud owner of precision right about now! Will hopefully get me a CIJ when some money comes my way though
  14. [quote name='The Funk' post='787217' date='Mar 26 2010, 05:17 PM']Pro Tools doesn't care what preamps you use via ADAT. I have a Digi 002 with a Focusrite Octopre giving me 8 preamps via ADAT optical. I also have a pair of Samson S-Valve preamps hooked up via SPDIF coaxial. As long as you can connect your Alesis io26 in standalone mode without hooking it up to the computer using firewire or something, you should be just fine. My cousin has a similar set-up but with a Mackie 8 x preamp unit instead. Does that help? EDIT: If you decide you don't like Pro Tools, you can always use the Digi 002/ADAT 8x preamp set-up in Logic.[/quote] Thats great cheers Funk That's all I wanted to know. I didn't want to invest a a couple of hundred quid into a piece of equipment that I couldn't use in conjunction with my other gear. I used to have a 002 rack but at the time, I needed something more portable so I got shot of it. Now that I'm about to finish uni, i'll end up investing back into one! I love using Logic, but for actual recording, Pro-tools seems more intuitive to me. I've got a new Macbook Pro on order, so a copy of Pro-tools 8 and some Digidesign hardware shall be my next purchase me thinks
  15. Hey guys I'm about to finish my uni degree at Lincoln and over the summer am wanting to build up my recording experience. I've recorded a few different bands, but I want to start building my equipment setup and get used to it. I've got a Alesis io26 which is 8ins/8outs. I currently mix and do most my music creation in Logic 9, but am quite fond of Pro-tools for recording and mixing down bands. It's something about the interface that just does it for me . Anyways, back to the problem! When recording drums, obviously 8 mic inputs should be sufficient, but that leaves me with no inputs for say a guitarist to DI for the drummer to play along with. Obviously, i understand that people connect channel strips of pre-amps for extra inputs through the ADAT connection. But for using pro-tools, pro-tools hardware has to be used. So heres my question....Could I theoretically purchase say, a 002 rack, which would allow me to use pro-tools, and then use the alesis io26 through ADAT as a set of pre-amps? Would Pro-tools allow me to use the Alesis, or does all my hardware have to be Digidesign? If this was to work, this would then give me the extra inputs that I need for a guitarist, as well as providing extra pre-amps for other mics if need be. I know its a bit of a bigger question, but hopefully some of you home recording engineers with pro-tool LE systems will be able to help me. Cheers Joe
  16. [quote name='bubinga5' post='772101' date='Mar 11 2010, 09:01 PM']Joe i take it it semi stops when you touch the strings...Grounding/earthing issue me thinks...[/quote] You're spot on bubinga....i think the ol' soldering iron will be out tomorrow morning!
  17. Hey guys I don't know if this is in the right section or not..... I've had a problem with my jazz bass for a while now, and was wondering if you could help me out. Basically it sounds as if its not earthed properly when i have the tone pot turned up. Even when I have both volumes turned all the way down, if the tones turned up, theres an almighty hum :/ I've attached a recording from my iphone. Apologies for the quality, but it shows the problem. Its an extreme hum, which is doing my head in, its not healthly!!!! I'm not sure whether its a dodgy pot, or whether its a earth problem.... cheers guys Joe [attachment=44643:Bass_humming.mp3]
  18. Hey guys I don't know if this is in the right section or not..... I've had a problem with my jazz bass for a while now, and was wondering if you could help me out. Basically it sounds as if its not earthed properly when i have the tone pot turned up. Even when I have both volumes turned all the way down, if the tones turned up, theres an almighty hum :/ I've attached a recording from my iphone. Apologies for the quality, but it shows the problem. Its an extreme hum, which is doing my head in, its not healthly!!!! I'm not sure whether its a dodgy pot, or whether its a earth problem.... cheers guys Joe [attachment=44641:Bass_humming.mp3]
  19. [attachment=44594:imagAux1...x_10_JB5.jpg] If they release this is black....i think I've just fallen in love
  20. Hey guys Just got me a Eden WT800 so gonna try passing my Laney head on. I've had it a couple of years now, where its gone back and forth between a mate of mine. I'm been using it as my main head for this past year with a 4 ohm 810, and it performed brilliantly. It's not in immaculate condition, I'll be totally honest. But its fully functional, and has never let me down. I then sold my Ampeg, and got a pair of lightweight Nemesis cabs. Unfortunately, I was in a rush to buy them, and forgot to realise that my head can only handle 1 cab at 4ohm....guess how many ohms my new cabs were! Back to the matter....Its a 300 watt head at 4ohm, its got a 7 band Equaliser, as well as a onboard compressor. Its jack outputs on the rear (no speakon I'm afraid). The only negative about this is that one of the equaliser sliders has kinda snapped. When I mean kinda, you can control it no problem, its just a little shorter than the others. I'll have some better pictures posted tomorrow, but heres just a picture when i first got my ampeg cab. [attachment=44593:IMG_0232.JPG] I'm looking for [b][s]£120[/s] SOLD[/b] + courier cost. I'm not really after trades, but you may be able to tempt me with recording gear
  21. Cheers guys Well like I said, we're the opening band, plus I'll be driving the van there, so don't think drinking before will really be a issue for me but will be party central when we finish WOOOO!!!
  22. [quote name='Captain Rumble' post='765725' date='Mar 5 2010, 11:51 PM']will sound great but seriously heavy (weight)[/quote] Aye I noticed the weight of it (29lb) but to be honest, thats no heavier than the Laney I'm using at the moment, so think I'll get over that fact [quote]If you're interested I've got a Markbass LMK (complete with aforementioned VLE control, among others) up for sale right now in the marketplace. And for extra valve crunch for minimal weight I could also sell you my Sansamp BDDI as mentioned earlier in the thread - it's a genius piece of kit - the only pedal I always use - and I wouldn't contemplate getting rid of it if it weren't for an urgent need for cash on my part![/quote] Cheers for the offer, but I already have a Sansamp at moment. I agree, its a fabulous little box! When I had my Ampeg cab, it somehow turned my Laney head from utter crap, to warm and rich....its like a miracle in a box I've decided on the WT800, its got the valve pre-amp that I was after, its the A model, so runs dual mono at 400watt per side @ 4ohm, perfect for my cabs . I've also decided for the overdrive, I'll just use my Sansamp through my FX loop. It means that I won't have to use it as a pre-amp anymore, and just use as a dedicated overdrive pedal. Cheers for all your advice
  23. Are any of you guys bike enthusiasts as well as bass lovers? My band, Castles Made Of Sand (www.castlesmadeofsand.co.uk) have been asked to open up in the blues tent on the Saturday night. We cover bands such as Hendrix Experience, Cream, Santana etc, generally blues rock. The line up doesn't get officially get announced until the actual weekend, but supposedly the blues tent is being made bigger this year, so it must of been popular the last couple of years. The turnout last year was 8500, so will be my biggest gig to date Hopefully would be nice to chat to any of you guys who will be there. Any of you more professional bassists got any advice for my first big festival? Cheers Joe
  24. [quote name='Adee' post='765103' date='Mar 5 2010, 01:38 PM']Superbass?[/quote] I presume umph is referring to the Marshall superbass range. About 6 months ago I would of definitely said yes to that, but I wanna go more lightweight. I'd love a traditional marshall stack, but not at the moment! Just seen a Eden WT800 head which im seriously interested in, might convert myself to a Eden man
  25. Gorgeous Fink a new bass head takes priority first though :/
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