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Everything posted by bigevilman

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  3. W.....O.....W!!!!!!!!!! Thats beautiful! I'm in the same situation as you...uni student with no steady income :/ Shame you're getting rid of this, but good luck with the sale
  4. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='708270' date='Jan 10 2010, 10:15 PM']There's still a very nice black DJ5 for sale on here (sorry, shameless plug).[/quote] Haha how did I know that u was gonna say that! Your DJ5 looks stunning....but is a bit out of my price range I'm afraid....Gutted tbh :/
  5. Cheers for the feedback guys Just lost out bidding on JO5 on evilbay about a hour ago....oh how it mocks me! Gonna keep looking though Out of curiosity....are all the DJ's passive? I've noticed that some JO's are active, but to be honest, I've only ever had a go on a couple of cheap active basses, so I wouldn't be too sure whether active would the route to go or not any advice?
  6. [quote name='bassmat' post='702369' date='Jan 6 2010, 12:41 AM']Yes, you maybe right in thinking it is a little high. However, when you buy these from new, at £280, the switch can wear out very quickly, then die. The pickups and electrics are pretty poor quality. Hence, not too long after, or when you realise these issues, you are making these upgrades anyway, or selling the guitar on. I have done it all for you and paid for the pickups, new pots, wiring and John Diggins time to install them.... all you have to do is play it. Oh, and how many of those 'New' guitars come with a genuine Gibson case to put your nice guitar to sleep in? None, i wager- you have to buy one... I realise some 'upgrades' that people do, maybe in hindsight, aren't worth the money. Sure you can buy better pickups, but, I'm confident, and know, that this guitar sounds and plays great. The reason why i'm selling it is because it hurts to play it, due to a car accident... strange but true. Sorry for the rant Regards, Lee[/quote] Apology's if I offended you Lee, or anyone else, I was just hoping to pass some helpful advice, but obviously, re-reading the listing, it is quite well priced. Good luck with the sale dude
  7. Hey Guys Wondering if you could help me out. As my next student loan is kicking in this week (and its my last year of getting loans), I see it as the perfect time to invest in a replacement for my mexican jazz. I'm looking to go down the 5 string route, as while I was at bass day, found it easier than I thought to go from 4 to 5 . Laklands have always impressed me when I've seen artists play them live, they seem to have a great sound to them. The two models I'm looking at are the Darryl Jones & Joe Osborn skyline 5 strings models. Can anybody tell me the differences between them? Apart from the obvious block inlays I'm guessing they have different pickups, maybe one has more midrange?
  8. It could be a squier precision 5 like this one [url="http://www.activemusician.com/store/product.asp?sku=EM.032-1505-565"]http://www.activemusician.com/store/produc...EM.032-1505-565[/url]
  9. I'm agreeing with rayman....i actually said out loud WOW when i saw pictures! Its a shame ur letting go of such a beautiful instrument! I'm after a 5'er but i cant afford that :/ good luck with the sale dude
  10. [quote name='bassmat' post='701138' date='Jan 4 2010, 11:33 PM']Hi,all Epiphone Dot (335 copy) with: upgraded electrics, dimarzio jazz and a '59 pickups. comes with an original Gibson case. Sounds great, with a lovely action and in great condition. Around £350-00 Cheers Lee[/quote] I fink your initial price is a bit high. I know the electrics are upgraded, but brand new, these are about £280 Maybe just have a refink dude
  11. [quote name='William James Easton' post='697086' date='Dec 31 2009, 11:54 AM']it's a bit like dogging.[/quote] Hahahaha love it! I don't gig sundays, so I'll make an appearance! I have no snazzy gear myself, so I'll just gawp at everyone else's expensive gear that uni students like me can't afford!
  12. I know shaun Was really up for having a go of it, but I'm in my final year at uni, so work comes first! All Pm's have been replied to and yes Joe, this is still available!
  13. Bought a project off Warpig at beginning of the month, but after working and celebrating the festivities, have realised I don't actually have as much time as I thought to even give this a bash :/ The pics are on this here:- [topic="69401"]Pictures[/topic] Whats included are:- Unbranded body in black, fitted with a black scratchplate SX vintage neck, winders, string tree and neck plate wizard thumper pickup with cts pots bridge The pickups have been wired up and have been fitted into the body. I'm looking for what I paid for - [b] £80 inc postage[/b] Joe
  14. Gorgeous! I'm after getting a 4x10 in the new year to replace my, according to my band mates, 'f***ing heavy' svt 810. Personally, I think they're just being a set of wimps If its still there in January, and no'1s had it off your hands, I may there with some lovely cash for ya Good luck with the sale man!
  15. I'd have this off ya, but i need to sell my 810 to finance it :/ good luck with the sale man
  16. Thats gorgeous! The block inlays on the neck are stunning You look as if you've done a top notch job man!
  17. I'm not too fuss about reaching the same volume levels, as most gig's my amp doesn't get past half way. Also, we've just upgraded to a 3-speaker-a-side Fein PA, with a couple of QSC poweramps, so i'll be DI'ing out of my sansamp through the PA. I just want something that will be loud enough to be a decent monitor, but have some great tone for smaller gigs if i decide not to DI. I still think a 610 will be too big, probs biggest size would a 410.
  18. After excessive amounts of grief off my band mates whining about having to lift my cab about when loading the van to gig, I've decided that after Xmas, i'm going to get shot of my gorgeous 70's svt 810, and get something that will stop the band complaining, and still give me a decent sound! I've heard a lot of decent things about aguilar, although haven't seen many rigs about. Was hoping there was going to one of the music shops at bass day selling some, but to my dismay, no . I saw someone playing through a pair of GS112's, a solo bassist playing to a backing track, and he had a nice sound. I know the DB112s are meant to have better mids than the GS's but is that the only difference? What are the 412's like? What kind of sound can I expect from mark bass 410's? Does any one else have any ideas for me?
  19. Just literally got in now, nice long 3 1/2 hour car ride, but was worth it Had to miss nathan east :/ bit gutting, but was nice to find a load of bass gear and see the calibre of people who called themselves 'hobbie' bassists Ok...so I thought I'd give a couple of surprises and disappointments of my experience today.... [u]Surprises:-[/u] Enfield basses and their super 8 pickups, and the range of tones available A Spear jazz bass hybrid, with a J-pickup, a set of P pups AND a musicman block - the neck on it was so thin and easily to play, yet it didnt feel like a £225 bass - May be a future purchase as a practice bass. Nigel Clutterbuck at the rotosound stand....WOW The friendliness of everyone! [u]Disappointments[/u] Lack of Aguilar gear about :/ fink i only saw one artist with a aguilar stack, and it wasn't any of the products i was interested in! The lack of sound control....I know its not that big, and theres a lot of instruments playing, but it was a constant noise war, and there was no like sound boothing....if that makes sense :S The amount of slap bass/ the lack of fingerstyle funk...it felt like a competition to see who could do the most percussive mutes in a minute! Every 5 mins I heard portrait of tracy! Not a disappointment, more of a growing boredom of it haha Overall though, a good £20 spent! Came away with some new strings and a renewed sense to practice shitloads! hahaha PS. I think a drunken MB1 was chatting to my friend for a good 20mins haha
  20. Any chance you could do some sound clips, I'm after getting a bit of tube overdrive, but dont wanna have to fork out for the price tag
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