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Everything posted by bigevilman

  1. Hey Guys! After getting rid of my SVT810 for a couple of light weight eden nemesis 2x10 (4 ohm) cabs, I think its time that I get shot of my well-gigged Laney head and invest in something a bit more fuller and not so 'tinny'! I'm currently in a 3 piece blues band, playing songs by Hendrix, Cream, Gary Moore, Santana etc. I'm looking to get that more vintage sound, but I don't wanna have to buy a older head unit. I've been looking at the Orange bass terrors, as they have a twin 12AX7 preamp, which can provide the nice bit of valve overdrive that I need for stuff like Hendrix and Cream, as well as it being lightweight. I was wondering if any of you had an opinion on this head unit or any suggestions? I'm looking for summit thats lightweight, and not gonna weigh as much as one of my 2x10's lol Joe
  2. Well I've just sold my previous cab a couple of days ago to a customer from the great country of Slovakia..... [attachment=43153:Ampeg_Rig.jpg] Today, I purchased a couple of nemesis cabs off Jamesent. They still seem to retain a nice warm tone which I'm happy about....and they're less than half the weight of the ampeg haha [attachment=43154:IMG_0050.JPG] Hopefully upgrade the head unit next. Get me a little mark or maybe a shuttle 6.0.....
  3. I'm so gassing for this ATM....but need 2 replace my sold cab first :/ good luck with sale dude
  4. A pair of Genelec 6010A are in your price range, and Genelecs are amazing! They have a couple of pairs at Lincoln University and they're are so clear its unreal! Another way you could go is some Samson Rubicons. They've been getting rave reviews everywhere, and I believe you should be able to get a pair of 8's under £400.
  5. Both Garageband and Logic are Apple-made products so they will be fine on your iMac. I'm currently running Logic Pro with my Alesis io26 and its great for recording my bass with my sansamp. In regards to interfaces, you can pick a m-box 2 mini like andy said. They go on ebay for about £100 and often come with a copy of Pro-tools LE. I'm not sure it still comes with it, but when I first got Pro-tools 7, it came with a copy of BFD lite, a virtual drum machine which uses real audio samples. You can download midi drumbeats off the internet and BFD will play them. Hope that helps Joe
  6. Back On eBay Will accept £500 from BC's to end the auction and do a straight cash deal [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230437990531&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT#ht_500wt_970"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...IT#ht_500wt_970[/url]
  7. That, my friend, is stunning! I've been looking a for a decent DJ for a while, but alas, you catch me at a time where money has gone tight Good luck with the sale someone's gonna get a beauty of a bass! Joe
  8. Posting a picture of the actual amp may help
  9. [quote name='riff raff' post='739301' date='Feb 8 2010, 07:32 PM']you sure thats a seventies cab?mines got a square back.with no angle on the top and bar for moving.and plastic grab handles on the side.[/quote] Well according to its serial code, it was either manufactured in 1954, 64 or 74, and I don't think it was pre 70's!
  10. On Ebay now :- [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ampeg-70s-SVT-810-The-original-810-cabinet-BIN_W0QQitemZ230434572766QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL?hash=item35a6f889de#ht_500wt_957"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ampeg-70s-SVT-810-Th...de#ht_500wt_957[/url]
  11. [quote name='jonnyfastfingers' post='735838' date='Feb 5 2010, 09:27 AM']Bought this bad boy off of Robbie Williams' Bass Player (hence the RW logo sprayed all over the Flight Cases ). It's a 600 watt head with valve pre-amp and MOSFET power stage output. As you can see in the pic's the accompanying 1048H is flightcased also. It was manufactured in 1996 and has had a recent service. Looking for a trade really, would like an all valve head in future so maybe part-ex either way. If I get no interest it will be going on evil bay some time in the next few weeks. [/quote] How much a price you looking for the whole rig?
  12. New forum rules say you have to state a price dude
  13. Hey there Tom Do you know if this would straight fit into a Mexican Jazz? After some new electrics for mine as they're getting pretty weak on the tone front. Cheers Joe
  14. Why couldn't this have been put up about 3 weeks ago? Was well gas'ing for one of these :/ Good luck with the sale
  15. [quote name='SS73' post='727054' date='Jan 27 2010, 10:59 PM']Any pic's of the speaker backs, or what drivers are in there?.[/quote] I'm currently not in town, [at uni at moment], so when I get back il take some pics
  16. Can't go that low dude, still need to replace it with another decent cab
  17. Hey dude I preferably want to trade this as I'm gigging still, so need a cab to do that with! But cash-wise, I'm looking for about £600. Heres some pics as well [attachment=41021:IMG_0026.JPG] [attachment=41023:IMG_0035.JPG] [attachment=41022:IMG_0031.JPG] [attachment=41024:IMG_0039.JPG] [attachment=41025:IMG_0045.JPG]
  18. Hey guys Well as the van failed it's MOT we've had to invest in a new van. As it's smaller, someone in the band has to downgrade... And that person seems to be me I'm looking to trade my 70's 8x10 for a decent quality 4x10. I bought it from antoines in hull last June, and since thn has been gigged regularly. It's been kept in as good as condition as the day I bought it, and I'm utterly distaught to see it go... But needs must! I'm looking at brands like bergantino and markbass. I shall have pictures tomorrow Edit - For Cash, will part with it for £[s]600[/s] [s]£550[/s] [s]£500[/s] [b]SOLD[/b]
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