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Low End Bee

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Everything posted by Low End Bee

  1. My name is LEB and I am a gasaholic I haven't had a bass since September 2008 Then again I haven't had any disposable wedge since then either.
  2. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='652634' date='Nov 12 2009, 01:40 PM']I had one of those and a slave version too running two Electrovoice 1x15s in late '70s. It sounded great (at the time). I don't recall what happened to that rig, I certainly don't remember selling it. [/quote] I can't remember what happened to mine either? Perhaps they escape and roam free in a field somewhere like the one in the pic.
  3. My first gigging bass amp in 79-81 was one of these matched with an ex sound system 1x18 cab Loved the sound at the time.
  4. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='650640' date='Nov 10 2009, 02:00 PM']Like the football analogy is any less useful than Bilbo using Branford Marsalis as an example![/quote] Isn't Branford Marsalis left back for Sporting Lisbon then?
  5. Think of music/songs like football. Bass players are the hard tackling, short passing midfielder. A bit like Dave Mackay. We drive the team forward. If you all play and do your jobs well you'll get a good result. We all know who the prima donna goal hangers with all the tricks and no end product are though....
  6. I love my Digitech Bad Monkey. More overdrive growl than distortion though.
  7. At a recent gig the other bands bass player played one of these (with rounds on) through my Trace and it sounded huge. Not remotely like the one dimensional thump I was expecting.
  8. How about: Write some lyrics Fit some chords to them Try lots of basslines in different styles to go with it At worst at least you've written a song.
  9. [i]"On that bass forum you're on- can you ask a question for me. My friend has a bass. On the headstock is 'Roger'. Detective work over the years has told him it's a Roger Rossmeissl, the fella who made the Rickenbacker classics. But he was wondering what more info he could find. If he could date the thing by serial number etc. Can you see if anyone knows anything and I could get you a picture maybe? It looks like it's a 50s 60s thing. You sometimes see Roger guitars (£1000+) but Basses are never to be seen."[/i] OK I'm asking[attachment=36022:P2212080003.jpg] That's not an attractive headstock. The rest looks cool though. Any ideas?
  10. [quote name='jonthebass' post='647445' date='Nov 6 2009, 05:49 PM']Maybe part of it is him asking to not be featured?[/quote] I wouldn't want anyone to know I was in the BJ's either.
  11. Photos up tomorrow. Mrs LEB has the camera on a jolly tonight.
  12. I've whipped the pickguard off. They've put a 500k pot in place of the 250k Fender S1 original. The only lettering I can read is '0924 CTS' the rest is obscured by a bird poo of solder. The receipt just says "CTS pot"
  13. I've just had a Wizard Thumper put in my 2007 MIA Precision. I got the shop to ditch the S1 and put in a new CTS vol pot. When I took it to rehearsal I noticed the volume knob on the bass is silent below 6-7/10. At max volume the red clip light on the amp didn't come on until the input was at about 3 o'clock where the original Fender pickup was doing this at just after 12 o'clock. My DiMarzio equipped Precision clips at about 10-11 o'clock. I was expecting this to have a similar sort of output. That said it sounds lovely. With more of a thicker warm P Bass tone than before. Have the well known guitar shop in Kew done something wrong. Is it a faulty pot/wiring. Or is it the pickup? I'm rubbish with electrickery me.
  14. [url="http://www.myspace.com/magicshipband"]Magic Ship Myspace[/url] Knocked out in an evening. Don't expect Jaco Band name is changing in December too. It's all go.
  15. I imagine that there isn't a lot of difference in output on there own. The 715X will only belt out it's 500w with an additional cab. From memory the 715 doesn't have the compressor or the tweeter (as you said) I would think the 715 will be OK for small gigs. Anything larger you'll probably DI anyway. As an aside there are often lots of nice Trace heads and cabs in the classifieds. I kinda wish I'd gone down that route now. The 715X is a big old lump.
  16. I love it. A Sansamp in SVT'ish mode for recording and a Bad Monkey pedal for live. Obviously it's got to fit in with the song. I don't have it on for everything.
  17. I built my own precision with maple a jazz neck from scratch from bits sourced from ebay and the result is rather good for around the £300 mark. It's a lot of fun to do too.
  18. Hi Snip. That makes my giving up fro 18 years look like a gash story now! Thanks
  19. The four ferrules on the back of my precision look like the 'speed holes' on a 50s Buick. Therefore string through is definitely cooler than top loading. I can't notice any difference in tension between it and my top loading P though.
  20. I didn't say there was anything wrong with self indulgence Bilbo. Hell I bet at least 99.9% of us on here are.
  21. I went to see the Mott reunion at Hammersmith with my best mate (who's not in the band). After seeing Overend Watts performance he said that I'm exactly like that at gigs. I'm sort of chuffed and embarassed at the same time.
  22. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='638788' date='Oct 28 2009, 09:14 AM']Interesting point: I grew up a prog. fan in the early to mid-70s and one of the criticisms levied at prog and rock in general came from the 'anti-guitar hero' sensibilities of the Punk/New Wave movement. Guitarists were as culpable as anyone and criticised Steve Howe, Steve Hackett, Richie Blackmore, Leslie West etc etc as 'self indulgent.[/quote] That's 'cause they were!
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