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Low End Bee

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Everything posted by Low End Bee

  1. P Bass>Sansamp>Trace Elliott seems to work.
  2. Have a bump on me. I've got one and I like it a lot. Not the most portable beasty but I like the reassuring brick outhouse vibe.
  3. Weird. Unless your actually shagging your bass. Although that would be even weirder.
  4. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='674169' date='Dec 4 2009, 01:54 PM']Here's another great pic of a Precision. And Ginger Reyes from Smashing Pumpkins... :wub: [/quote] Bad ass
  5. That's the sort of thing Ray. Could do with another original band or two though. Go and write some songs. If I can do it anyone can. Back on to this next week. I've got a non band guy who's up for sorting this out.
  6. I'm a huge punk fan. But not this new fangled stuff. I've never heard of any of those bass players. Punk for me stopped when the mohican came to the fore and all the bands started sounding the same. Ska for me is the Ethipoians, Lord Tanamo, Roland Alphonso, etc. I wish they'd call it something else.
  7. I really like 'em. Never had a problem. Tried a few others including Elites, D'addario and Ernie Ball and was underwhelmed in comparison. Maybe they suit some basses better than others? Great on a precision for me.
  8. Very nice. Can just picture Gaye Advert with that now :wub:
  9. I've tried Elites and D'addario chromes on the P. Flats just don't suit how I play or get the sound I'm after. Much easier on the fingers though. After playing for a bit now I've decided my prefereces are for a fairly chunky rosewood neck strung with rotosounds (I know they get a lot of stick on here but I love the old cheesegraters), played with a 1mm pick and a wizard thumper.
  10. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='671109' date='Dec 1 2009, 02:23 PM']No, everyone should have two! One strung with flats, one strung with rounds![/quote] I tried flats on precision no 2 with great hopes. Yuk. Not for me. If it was a vehicle a Precision would be a Transit van filled with big boxes of straightforward bass. I love 'em.
  11. 2 out of 3 of those hurt my eyes. The G3 looks OK though.
  12. Apologies if this has been put on before. My guitarist sent it to me. I don't know what he is inferring? Watch him go at 1:10
  13. First gig on my own (my mum had taken me to, among others the Pink Fairies, Heavy Metal Kids and Hawkwind) was the Rich Kids at The Nashville in Jan 1978. Got plastered on Double Diamond. School was bad next day.
  14. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='668304' date='Nov 28 2009, 02:29 PM']I know this may be a little sexist but it's from experience but I realised last night that every female sound engineer I have have worked with has been brilliant, they always seem to care about your sound instead of just getting the job done. The lady last night was called in last minute, she hadn't been to the venue in a year and was in bed with a fever when she got the call but still did a fantastic job and I can't help but feel that if it was a man that wouldn't have happened.[/quote] She was lovely :wub: and very good at her job too. I'm noticing that the better ones are normally the younger ones these days. The people in their 20s who've done our sound have been top notch.
  15. Me. Great bass player. Always played for the song. Met him a couple of times on the London bike scene too. Obscenely quick rider on an old Triumph Bonneville.
  16. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='666356' date='Nov 26 2009, 03:42 PM']Want me to bring my Stingray tomorrow so you can have a fiddle?[/quote] That would be great.
  17. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='666317' date='Nov 26 2009, 03:17 PM']...actually I have never played an 8 string and that's one I'd love to try[/quote] Forgot that one. Definitely on my list.
  18. [b]A Rickenbacker 4001/3[/b] I'm in the 'they look cool' camp. Some of my favourite players have used one. They seem to be ridiculously expenxsive at the moment though. [b]A 5 or more string[/b] Even though the last three bands I've seen where the bassist has had one they've never touched the B string. Still I'd like to re enforce or overcome my prejudice. [b]A Hofner[/b] To see if it really is more than a shoe box with elastic bands. [b]An active[/b] Yep. I really haven't. Maybe a Stingray is up my street? [b]An Upright[/b] Looks like fun. I've tried most of the other stuff I wanted to.
  19. Rotten. Truly rotten. Played there 3 times this year and I love it. Best sound around, nice people and decent money too,
  20. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='666074' date='Nov 26 2009, 11:43 AM']15 - school hall. Played drums so hard, got blisters. Didn't cop off. Decided not to be a drummer anymore! [/quote] And you got more luck as a bass player?
  21. 1979! when I was 15 the seminal punk band Deadbeat we played at my school in West London (St Clement Danes which became Burlington Danes) with another band called Burnin Blockade I think who were in the year above. We asked them if they wanted to share equipment and they turned us down out of hand. They were playing Colombus copies through WEM practice amps. The guitarist and I were working at Maurice Plaquets music shop in Shepherds Bush at the time and when we told the manager he supplied us with a full Marshall stack, a real Les Paul Custom, Ampeg SVT with an 8x10 and a 68 Precision (which I eventually bought) It was a sweet moment when they saw our gear He turned up to watch us but the police wouldn't let him in as nearly all of Holland Park school had turned up to try to 'take us'. Kids. If you think London is unsafe now I can assure you it was proper naughty ( © Danny Dyer) in the 70s! In fact I think the first four or five proper gigs I did all had the old bill turn up for one reason or another.
  22. I would say yes generally on standard issue Fenders. as long as you're prepared for minimal sanding or shimming. I've got a Precision with a Jazz neck. Fitted fine.
  23. My error. it was a BTC control pot and not system on the jazz I had.
  24. As per the 50 basslines thread... Neat Neat Neat - Captain Sensible (on a Hofner Violin IIRC)
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