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Everything posted by Sibob

  1. Just out of interest, did you remove the neck to see if there was a serial number there? Si
  2. Yeah I guess sending either a Midget or a Big Baby round the opposite way would solve the problem and provide people with some context between the ranges! I'm in the same boat as Crez, pretty full on gigs wise. Good stuff Si
  3. All sounds good to me, and how long will people have it for? Cos if it's a week each, this is like a 7month thing so far....which is fine, but we should probably be quite strict about it Si
  4. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='543823' date='Jul 18 2009, 10:12 AM']Not here... we've lost a few venues but it's more down to the economic climate, I think.[/quote] +1 Si
  5. Shame you have to get rid of this mate! It's a beauty I've owned a Jazz Deluxe, and I much prefer my passive jazzes! How are the injuries? Si
  6. I play in drop C standard, so C, F, Bb, Eb with 45-105 strings with a low action (low for that tuning anyway....and I play hard) It's more about the core of the string than the gauge of it, mine are custom wound with a thicker core giving more tension. Higher tension obviously allows you to downtune whilst retaining an action that is playable and not buzzy, I doubt I'd be able to tune standard with them, but then I have other basses for that Newtone, who makes my strings, can cater a set of strings for any tuning you want, any tension/gauge combination. Oh and they're around the same price as a set of Elites/Rotos.....just take 3 weeks to get to you lol Good luck Si
  7. Now come on guys....lets not hijack the thread! anyway...........the '73 is the closest thing I have to a pension at the moment haha Si
  8. I hope Alex is plotting the tour route out haha Si
  9. Very very nice! If I had the bunce, I'd be PM'ing! Have a bump on me Si
  10. Looks very similar to the wear on my '73 (ex WoT's), so i'd say it was fairly genuine Si
  11. Very cool! That is a biiiiig rout isn't it........get a Darkstar in there! Si
  12. Higher & Higher by Jackie Wilson is a great example of what you're talking about, as well as a lot of Kool & The Gang Si
  13. Am definitly up for trying one at some gigs! I'm in High Wycombe, South Bucks, so could pickup anywhere near like Reading, Oxford, Watford, West London etc etc. It could probably even work out that enough chatters around the country want to try them who are in driving distance of each other, creating a sort of chain pickup as it were!? Si
  14. Mine are all absolutely sober! . The second one you can't see my bass, but it is at a show, but I'm fine if it doesn't count and you just want to marvel at it! lol. The last one was us warming up backstage at a show, the arrangement of my hair around my face was purely down to head-banging and the camera shutter going off at the right time.......classic . Wish I could actually grow a beard like that! I hope that I win because I never win anything except when I won £9 on a Cloud 9 scratchcard that I got for my birthday this year but that isn't as good as a bass cab from Alex......fanx Si
  15. Is the Jap Squier Jazz an actual 1983? If you can get a fairly exact date (to the year), I might be interested when you sell it....pending a price obviously PM me if you like! Cheers dude Si
  16. I use: Standard tuning 40-100 Drop C Standard 45-105 (high tension) 5 string standard 40-125 I get on perfectly with them, never want for anything heavier! Si
  17. [quote name='misrule' post='522670' date='Jun 24 2009, 03:33 PM']Great stuff -- it sent a shiver down my spine Cheers Mark[/quote] Ooo, thats a nice reaction! Thanks guys, very appreciative! Si
  18. Sold the MOTU on here, but the buyer had no need for the manual . So perhaps you have a MOTU with no manual, perhaps you just collect obscure manuals....what you do in your personal life is no business of mine....but I'd love to help you achieve it! ha Anyway Yeah Si
  19. Sibob

    Jazz Bass!

    In defence of US Jazzes, my US Jazz Standard is a diamond! Wouldn't swap it for anything..... I've never played a load of MIA's & MIJ's too compare, but going by others experiences you do have to search for a good one a bit more with the MIA's, but mine is testament that awesome ones are about! I would say, regardless of where they're made, try a load of basses. There might be a MIJ and MIA hanging on a wall, the MIJ might not be as good in this particular instance, but you'd buy it over the MIA because of peoples preconceptions about them! I will say that the MIA Reissues are a little overpriced, but then who on here actually buys 'new' basses lol, go second hand! MIJ prices are starting to creep up as well, as they know that people are starting to choose them over MIA's. You also have to be careful not to fall for a 'basswood' bodied/cheaper pickup japanese model, the more expensive alder/ash bodied ones (with US p'ups) are where you wanna be looking regarding MIJ. There's a MIJ 75RI for sale in the FS section here, £475 I believe. Bargain! Good luck Si
  20. Beautiful bass! Have a bump.....if only I had some spare bunce! Si
  21. [quote]I could do a trade for a good US/MIJ Precision with cash my way.[/quote] I don't think those maths work lol Good luck with the sale though, this looks like a beaut! Still never tried a Shuker electric Si
  22. Dammit I thought I had some unique moves going on lol. Someone has to move on that side of the stage, the guitarist doesn't ha! Si
  23. Haha, that'd be me then I suppose some people are not used to seeing the bass player move, it's called having passion for what you're playing Si
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