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Everything posted by Sibob

  1. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='579437' date='Aug 24 2009, 07:34 PM']The MM IV is Japanese and the MM V is USA.[/quote] Not sure this is right?! They list both MM 4's and 5's on the Fender.com website, and they're not in the habit of listing Japanese models So is this bass for sale US or Japanese? Si
  2. Then my Drop C Jazz. BEFORE: [url="http://img38.imageshack.us/i/jazzbody.jpg/"][/url] AFTER: [url="http://img4.imageshack.us/i/12012009167.jpg/"][/url] [url="http://g.imageshack.us/img4/12012009167.jpg/1/"][/url] [url="http://img19.imageshack.us/i/12012009160.jpg/"][/url] [url="http://g.imageshack.us/img19/12012009160.jpg/1/"][/url] Si
  3. It used to be an early 90's Encore Precision bass, when they were 4/4 (full size), then it got made into: BEFORE: [url="http://img33.imageshack.us/i/01082007450.jpg/"][/url] [url="http://g.imageshack.us/img33/01082007450.jpg/1/"][/url] [url="http://img5.imageshack.us/i/01082007452.jpg/"][/url] [url="http://g.imageshack.us/img5/01082007452.jpg/1/"][/url] AFTER I pimped it: [url="http://img40.imageshack.us/i/10112007560.jpg/"][/url] [url="http://g.imageshack.us/img40/10112007560.jpg/1/"][/url] [url="http://img15.imageshack.us/i/10112007559.jpg/"][/url] Si
  4. I love my Ashdown ABM EVO II, along with my mini48 & mini15 cabs, it's done around 600-1000 gigs over 5 years and the head has only ever needed one service. Speakers have never gone! And even when it needed a service this January just gone, Ashdown Customer Service is second to none and was uber cheap! Never understood the 'Wooly' thing, peoples ears must be dead after years of gigging lol, I plug my passive Jazz basses into my ABM, and keeping everything pretty much flat (some boosted mids), I get growly, clear and fat tone in bucketloads! Not to mention some smooth tube-overdrive when needed....which isn't that often...but still, nice and natural if you over-use the tube in the preamp! Love it, never needed to even think about trying other amps! Si
  5. Blue Jazz Increasingly falling in love with the Sonic Blue! Si
  6. Yup, keep it on SG's yeah!? noice! , anything else I'm gonna get my trimming scissors out Warmoth do seem to do some nice options for those intrested in SG's......I'd actually love to get my hands on an SG shape with jazz pickups! Si
  7. I wouldn't even call it fancy, it's the most confusing and convoluted website I've ever seen! Who cares about looking up the progress of their instrument when the guy obviously spends more time doing that than actually conversing with the client! If you'd ordered a Shuker (as one example).....you might not have had many pictures....or an update on the website....but you'd probably be holding the bass by now lol Good luck with it Si
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  9. "For the 3rd and final time" lol, [quote]I'll state again that my initial 'peeve' wasn't with the prices themselves, more the mis-representation of them on the website at the time[/quote] I'm not sure a Land Rover comparison is also a fair example, Bass Guitars have relevance in a city context.....Land Rovers don't Si
  10. Thanks everyone for their input, I'll state again that my initial 'peeve' wasn't with the prices themselves, more the mis-representation of them on the website at the time. The gallery have a great reputation, put out some amazing work, and of course the jobs involved are highly skilled. To be honest, now Alex has updated the website....this whole thread as probably been quite positive! Cool Si
  11. [quote name='Golchen' post='575159' date='Aug 20 2009, 09:48 AM']I have no objection to anyone charging what they like for any given job, it's then up to the punter as to whether they want to bite. However, I think that it's pretty poor to stick the wrong prices on the web. If you are using the internet for any kind of sales then I really think that you should keep stuff like that up to date, it's not like it needs changing every day, and you could always just put 'call for prices'.[/quote] +1 [quote name='davidmpires' post='575226' date='Aug 20 2009, 10:34 AM']I'd wait for Alex's input.[/quote] + of course Si
  12. Ok cool, I think the Time Machine series is around the £2200 RRP mark for a 'Relic'! I'd be interested in a PM with the price you paid if you're doing that!? If not, no worries at all Cheers Si
  13. So, hypothetically, if I was to order a '68 jazz or some-such, would it cost more than the stock '64 Relic? Si
  14. [quote name='Delberthot' post='574757' date='Aug 19 2009, 09:22 PM']I got quoted £250 to route a musicman pickup in my gold bass from Jimmy Moon in Glasgow[/quote] Thanks mate, I feel much better now Si
  15. No absolutely! I'm certainly not trying to taint their good rep, perhaps something got lost over the phone. I'll probably just go in and get some quotes, perhaps using Silddx's work as a haggling point . But yes, an up-to-date website is kind of a must in todays e-business orientated world Si
  16. [quote name='Mokl' post='574717' date='Aug 19 2009, 08:47 PM']One thing worth noting is that I don't think that page of the website has been changed or updated for as long as I can remember so I expect prices have gone up. I am also considering using them for some fretwork that needs doing on one of my basses and it would be useful to have a realistic price guide. I imagine that on the whole they tend to quote when people walk in with instruments, or over the phone (as they did with you). Once they have more specific details I guess they can more easily give an accurate price.[/quote] I'd tend to agree with you, but giving your customers some out-dated quotes, and then quoting more over the phone/to your face isn't exactly going to create a positive vibe. They seem to update their stock fairly regularly, surely it's not too much trouble to change some setup prices Si
  17. I should point out that it is a mere suggestion that rosewood is more expensive to refret than maple. In this particular example, where a bound refret is quoted on the website as £130, I reply with rosewood after Alex's question of "rosewood or maple", and I'm given a quote of £50-£70 more than the website. So i'm only deducing. It wouldn't surprise me if Maple is more expensive still, for the reasons mentioned above......but then where does the £130 come into it? Si
  18. Yup, Imperial set is what you need, not sure of the specific size, although can find out if you don't want to buy a whole set (although that is helpful) Si
  19. My qualm isn't necessarily with the price itself (although it is more than I wanted to pay), I know it's a skilled job, but rather with the slightly mis-leading website prices! Especially the re-fret example Si
  20. [quote name='silddx' post='574669' date='Aug 19 2009, 08:18 PM']Mmm, interesting, I got charged £75 at the Gallery very recently for routing for a soapbar and providing all new electronics with pull push pots. Thought that was very good value.[/quote] Yeah exactly, so why is it costing me £100 and I'm supplying all the junk? haha. Just to clarify, they supplied the electronics? [quote name='geilerbass' post='574679' date='Aug 19 2009, 08:25 PM']Perhaps the £30 is for routing a soapbar into the space of Jazz?[/quote] Precisely, if it is something specific like "routing a larger pickup into a smaller existing rout", it really should say. I too would have thought that a single Jazz pickup would be on the cheaper side of the various combinations available. Si
  21. So I call up the gallery to get a price for the routing of a Jazz pickup into my Precision bass, it goes something, although not word-for-word like this: Me: So I'm interested in [what I've explained above], I notice that on the website it says from £30... Gallery: [politely cuts me off] ah well a jazz pickup rout will probably be more like £70-£80 Me: Oh right....so If I supply the pickup, knob and pot would you be able to put it all together for me? Gallery: Your talking about £100-£110 for all that Me: ok thanks! Now I understand that they've covered themselves by saying "From £30" on the website, but what are they routing for that amount of money?.....1/3 of a Jazz pickup?. I can understand if someone phoned up and wanted three darkstars put in, thats a lot of work....but one jazz pickup?. It's basically double what I thought the whole process might cost. I THEN asked about a refret for my 1973 jazz, I wanted to ask about binding: Me: I see that a bound refret is £130.... (and it doesn't say "from" this time) Gallery: Is it rosewood or maple? Me: Rosewood Gallery: Yeah your talking £180-£200 for that Me: Uh-huh, and does that retain the original binding? Gallery: Yes it would do I'm no luthier, but an extra £70 because (and this is down to real basic deduction, please tell me otherwise) it's a rosewood fingerboard as opposed to maple?? I know people are gonna say they're justified because they're the best....just think their website could perhaps have some better indications/examples of prices! Si
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  23. Very very nice!! Whats the thinking behind the 4 colours? surely that wasn't common practice in '59?! What's the deal with Custom Shop now? The website is a bit lame....only one Precision model, The Pino. One Time Machine Jazz, the '64. With the rest being made up by artist models, surely there is more!? Si
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