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Cat Burrito

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Everything posted by Cat Burrito

  1. This is a great thread with some really interesting views. I found myself agreeing with Garethox only to scroll down and completely agree with Jakesbass! Er, so what do I know!? My view is therefore at best confused. I think there is a danger with comparing pro players to our own unperfected techniques (I'm thinking about myself here, so as we are clear) but also feel to an extent that the rule is there is no rule. Certainly it's best to be able to learn something properly before any corners are cut
  2. [quote name='NickH' post='669609' date='Nov 29 2009, 11:08 PM']at that price you can't go wrong. If you don't like it sell it on at minimal loss.[/quote] I picked up the 4 string version on a Basschat trade. I think this one has been through a few hands on this forum. It's sturdy with a great neck and a lot of tone. Yours sounds like a great deal. Not sure I'll keep mine forever but I have to agree with Nick. What's to lose? Go for it!
  3. [quote name='King Tut' post='669662' date='Nov 30 2009, 12:16 AM']Best bet would probably be to buy a whole new 70's style bridge from Bass Parts Resource and pull out the bits you need![/quote] I think this is probably a much better solution than those rip off merchants who brake up classic basses on EBay only to put the thumb rest on auction for silly money!
  4. I'm always jittery around trussrod adjustments. I hope it works out well in the end
  5. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='669636' date='Nov 29 2009, 11:38 PM']infact i may have just talked myself into keeping this bass. main reason i may like to keep this now is that, in passive mode it has a good low end sound when both pickups are activated and in parallel mode, so when i use my bootsy collins fuzz wah in certain songs all i do is put it into active mode where the treble boost is already at a desired level and so is bass boost, i then just turn off the neck pickup and i have my perfect tone for the fuzz. so in easy to follow terms, all i have to do is hit 2 switches rather than to try resetting levels mid set........ ok sorry for rant but unless you have the shizzy of basses then i may just keep this,,,,,lol[/quote] It doesn't seem that long ago that you were singing it's praises in other threads. It looks good in the photos & suits you. I was surprised when I saw it on offer. You may come to regret losing it. Just my 2 cents
  6. I think the grass always seems greener. If it ain't broke...
  7. I like the pod too. It's very simple to use & sounds great
  8. Looks like you are all a bit quicker than me when I use cut and paste! Nobody had commented when I started typing. I'd be rubbish in a gun fight!
  9. I switch off the moment the feedack falls below 99%. Aside 92-93 doesn't make it a vintage. I do like his questions and answers "Q: Hi, what serial numbers can you give me of the bass, thanks. A: Hi there, Why, may I ask do you want them? Kind regards"
  10. I've done gigs where we played and then suddenly the money disappeared, Anvil style! Not this way around. I enjoy the gig more than the money so I think I'd be a little disappointed were it to happen
  11. Welcome. I had a break from playing for a few years too & coming back was great fun, maybe more so than first time around.
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  13. There have been a few themes around this sort of subject on Basschat so do have a search. Personally I bought a Kustom 16w second hand on EBay for £29 and it's as good as anything I've heard. Brand new they are not much either. My personal view is that most makers have come on leaps and bounds over the last few years so most things sound at least halfway decent these days. The Kustom stuff isn't mentioned here a lot (seems to be a rock and country amp for US musicians although made in China these days) but sounds really good.
  14. I may have to subscribe as Borders is going t*ts up & they were my local stockist.
  15. Looks great - big, big fan of the 70s P bass too. That one is actually born the year before me!
  16. The one that I used to have that everyone always raved about was the Alesis SR 16 [url="http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product.asp?id=226"]http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product.asp?id=226[/url] I don't know what your budget is but these certainly were the standard a few years ago
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  18. [quote name='henry norton' post='668609' date='Nov 28 2009, 06:57 PM']If it's just a split Precision pickup the coils [i]can[/i] be wired 'in phase by mistake', which will lead to single coil-esque humming with no apparent change to the tone or output. It's a peculiarity of split coils. I use my Precision through a valve amp and it's no noisier than my humbucker equipped, fully screened EB......[/quote] I must confess that mine sounds great (tone, not necessarily the playing). I had this with my older 80s P bass and it was nothing some copper tape and a good clean out didn't sort out. But yes, good point
  19. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='668604' date='Nov 28 2009, 06:54 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Amazing-70s-Fretless-jazz-bass-guitar_W0QQitemZ220516668315QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item3357d1539b"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Amazing-70s-Fretless...=item3357d1539b[/url][/quote] I saw this yesterday and thought it was a bit, um, eyebrow raising
  20. My resonator bass (outrageously good for the cash) My Danelectro 63 Longscale
  21. You have to accept a certain amount of noise when playing P-basses through valve amps (my setup too). Have you got an earthing problem on the bass? If when you touch the strings / bridge / tone knob it goes quieter than copper tape is the answer. Otherwise it may just e that this is a noisy set up. You can learn to love the hum. Sorry was typing mine as Luke typed the same
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  23. Well I'm neither of those! Firmly in the middle, a pretty competent player without being flash and I'm sure many are the same
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