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Everything posted by rumour6

  1. Far be it form us mortals to gainsay a deity..... on the other hand, in a fight between Satan and a bank manager I know who I'd back....
  2. Cheers Kev, being it's an early one it's a slim neck and you can norrow in the string spacing... go on, go on, go on, go on said Satan....
  3. Vielen Dank Janis, yes same really deep finish and effect but the blue in your's is more pronounced: your's is also the only other one I've seen with exactly (albeit gold) the same hardware, extra thick squared off tuning keys, thicker bridge components etc. Overall the weight just makes it ring for ever... neck is very slim, I think the change was around '93 but not absolutely sure. Andy
  4. Hi there only scales I have are luggage ones so not the most accurate.. they show just over 12 lbs, it is heavy... about the same as a Wal 5. On a 3" wide foam backed leather strap it feels fine. Andy
  5. Why, oh why, oh why, oh why....... I had a plan, good plan.. in fact great plan; and then.... YOU DO THIS!!!! A hidden secret since seeing Steve Swallow in 1986... aahhhemmmm your friend wouldn't be at all interested in the NT6 Thumb I've got listed... would they? would they? Pandora would find her goodly self completely outgunned on this forum....
  6. This one balances fine... seriously, no neck dive. Light it's not but balances it does... The last 1990 I had did as well but none of the newer ones I've had did...
  7. Thanks all, I do like the green Pedulla, in fact I think it looks really cool, but I really am covered for basses with a new ACG incoming... Price isn't set in stone so feel free to offer.. £10 is definitely out though... ta from [i][b]sunny? [/b][/i]Scotland (for a change)
  8. Hi there can you give me dimensions on the 1x12 cab please and just checking it's 8Ohm 300W? Ta
  9. 1990 Thumb NT6: Custom factory finish, never seen another; looks black but is actually a slightly transparent very dark blue/purple. I’m told by the previous owner it’s one of a set: a 4 a 5 and a 6 done for a show in 1990. Good condition for age, some small dings but nothing major at all. Handmade era, heavy duty hardware, you can see from the pix the extra weight to the tuner keys, bridge castings etc. Plays very easily, low action no buzzing, little fret wear; very, very articulate sound with a really solid low B Currently has Seymour Duncan Basslines fitted but the factory fit Bartolinis are included in the sale. 2 band EQ: Master Vol, Pan, stack Tr/Bass. Strung with Elixirs. Comes in an original Warwick Alu fitted flight case (in its cardboard outer). Some wear but it’s a flight case!!! Works well; when I got this it arrived from Germany in tune! [size=5][b]£1,650[/b][/size] [b]Thanks for the many offers of trades I've had but I think I'm going to have to sell and buy; this does however mean there's some wriggle room....[/b] Thanks for looking. [attachment=108498:bodyfront.jpg] [attachment=108499:bodyrear.jpg] [attachment=108502:fullfront.jpg] [attachment=108501:fullback.jpg] [attachment=108500:cover.jpg] [attachment=108503:hsfront.jpg] [attachment=108504:hsrear.jpg]
  10. Hi all thanks for the comments.. I've also had a few PM's so quick update to answer some questions.... Thanks for the offers but I'm not interested in any trades. I'm happy to ship anywhere just not at my cost hence the UK mainland bit... if you're elsewhere and you arrange the courier (so you can choose to insure/or not etc..) I'll take £30 off the top line. Sorry I don't have a Paypal account. This coming weekend I'm gigging in Saddleworth on Saturday and Surrey on Sunday if you fancied saving on the courier cost... Andy
  11. Thunderfunk TFB 750A... up for sale at £850 delivered to UK mainland. Sounds amazing, clear, detailed and with more punch and headroom than you'll ever need: to quote Dave Funk "other amps throw doughnuts... my amps throw bowling balls..." pretty much sums it up. Overall in very good condition, front and rear unmarked; it did get two scuffs on the top during shipping to me (pix included). It's in a Boschma case (included), whilst the rear panel is also included but doesn't slide into place as the level control for the DI sticks out a fraction too much. [attachment=107264:FC front.jpg] [attachment=107263:Amp Front.jpg] [attachment=107265:Rear L.jpg] [attachment=107266:Rear Rt.jpg] [attachment=107267:Scuff1.jpg] [attachment=107268:Scuff2.jpg] Thanks Andy
  12. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  13. Try asking if he's ever moved it; i.e. did it ever work... it could just be the threaded Allen key end has come off and may 'catch' again; if it's stripped it's reasonably major, like KiOgon says getting hands on would tell you in a minute. If it's too far away to try and you don't have a friendly tech I'd leave alone.
  14. It's easy.. you NEED both.. em want both, emmm ... had both. Try both, preferably playing the same set with the same band and gear and if at all possible the same venue... they're both fantastic at what they do and live the nuances of one will settle it for you... honest... problem is; change bands/set and.... it's Groundhog day!!! Enjoy
  15. Hi there, although not in the market just now I just HAD to say I [i][b]LOVE[/b][/i] the look of this bass. Good luck.
  16. rumour6

    Sold !

    These earlier Warwicks are just stunning, the slimmer, non volute, necks and Wenge boards are beautiful and the overall build is second to none. Good luck.
  17. Looks fabby, have to say I prefer the two pickups rather than the sliding Grabber version...
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