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Everything posted by rumour6

  1. Temptation is good.... giving in to it is MUCH more satisfying
  2. 810 gone... amp and 215 left type bump... go on make an offer....
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  5. Clock back and [b][size=5]Final Price Drop[/size][/b] type bump... ONLY £1,500!!!!
  6. Have played this and it's a stonking bass; 'beeps' is also a top bloke to deal with.
  7. Weekly sojourn...as a famous man once said... Neeexxt
  8. Sunny (well for 5 mins anyway) Saturday morning bump.....
  9. Sunday night leisurely stroll through these fine pages towards the top....
  10. Bump the 'nth' latest in a noble lineage....
  11. Sorry, not for me.. same message as oldslapper...
  12. [b]Trade Combo for a PJ Briefcase and I'll pay for both couriers type bump[/b]!!!!
  13. Hi there, don't fancy any of my Trace gear as a trade do you? http://basschat.co.uk/topic/148299-trace-elliot-bonanza hope the link works.. If you do drop me a pm. Andy
  14. Ah.. well if you fancy it, or anything else feel to PM me with any offer... good luck Andy
  15. Price drop bump... can't really get any cheaper than this foks... mega bargain...
  16. Not in the market but have to say this looks fabulous.. never seen one in white, even 'White' gear was black... ditto the rest, if you like the tube sound you'll just end up trying to get another... but it'll never be quite the same... lovely.
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