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Everything posted by bubinga5

  1. Two basses up for sale, that are surplus to requirements.. Fender CIJ 62 RI Jazz,Custom Shop pickups..Badass II Labella Flats...Good condition with a few marks here and there, but overall good nick... £450....now £400 Warwick Corvette Double Buck 5..Good condition, a few marks on body that are hard to see unless close up..Only just got this and love it but i dont need so many basses.. Monstrous tone, very versatile, very light.. £550...now £500 Dont really want to trade but you never know.
  2. I bet that sounds amazing...Nice touch with the black/gold control knobs......
  3. ...ive got a gut feeling that a Celinder J5 would be better..i would love to play both to see...
  4. [quote name='Nick Brown' post='528353' date='Jun 30 2009, 09:23 AM']Thought I'd join in ............. [/quote] MY WORD thats killer... So are AC's that good...? Sorry didnt go through all posts...Better than Celinders/Sadowsky's/LowEnds??
  5. [quote name='molan' post='532572' date='Jul 4 2009, 07:06 PM']I like all of these! I've got a stack of Acid Jazz albums I picked up free when a friend of mine worked at MoJazz for a while. Must dig he out & see what I have buried away My favourite BNH song was always the full 8 minute version of Dream Come True. I can't find the full version on YouTube (there are a couple of versions but one sounds like it was recorded through a sock & the other has glitches part way through). Here's a live version with the bass quite high in the mix, still not the best sound quality but quite watchable: [/quote]Love it Barrie.. By the way, looking forward to the Sei matey.....should be middle next week..Very excited!!!!!! Was listening to the sound samples and the bridge pup is killer...Roll that of a touch and im in tone heaven..Speak soon..
  6. I had the fretted version. my first bass.. was a great bass. heavy mind....
  7. [quote name='YouMa' post='532539' date='Jul 4 2009, 05:35 PM']Blazin the crop was good.[/quote] Yeah was good...Brand New Heavies album called Rhyme Heavy, with lots of great rappers was superb!!Very funky hiphop..
  8. This is a beast...could you play fingerstyle on this bass..or is it more of a pick instrument??
  9. For the dance/funk/groove fans..An old favorite of mine...'East West Connection'.....My sister introduced to these guys...Awsome bass playing on the album..The guy on keys is just amazing!!!!...Also anyone like Rae and Christian? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoYsPKCCIEs&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch v=xoYsPKCCIEs...feature=related[/url] A Rae and Christian classic [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjyrkHXysJE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjyrkHXysJE[/url] Thought i may add these..When they were good like this, they were very very good [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXA5koWaJzY&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXA5koWaJzY...feature=related[/url] One more great.. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cXKGzqq99Y&feature=PlayList&p=9262BB5E07525DB5&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=1"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cXKGzqq99Y...=PL&index=1[/url] Ok just one more classic from the vaults...Vibraphonic [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R00y_sgxSkE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R00y_sgxSkE[/url] the bass playing on this is awsome...played on a Jaydee Celeste i believe I just had to add my favorite disco tune of all time... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhGCzGQb42w"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhGCzGQb42w[/url]
  10. If i had just one day i would be nervous...could i fit it into one day?????..Like B said, give Roger a call, see what hes got, i know hes got a wonderfull second hand NYC 5 string with a quilted maple top...I would also go to Rudy's Music Stop for sure!!!!!!!!!...They have got great basses coming out of there ears...You may like Rudy's 'Pensa' basses..they are unknown but amazing...Also i would go to the 'New York Bass Works' they make basses that are very special i believe...They look a bit like Surine basses... Metros are as good as NYC's, they just dont have the fancy tops... For something different check these out...I would love to try these instruments [url="http://www.newyorkbassworks.com/home.htm"]http://www.newyorkbassworks.com/home.htm[/url] You know Roger is your man though..
  11. [quote name='Faithless' post='532282' date='Jul 4 2009, 09:57 AM']Doesn't he play Alleva Coppollo basses?[/quote] Well he used to.
  12. [quote name='Stingray5' post='532228' date='Jul 4 2009, 03:52 AM']Rats - missed it! Hopefully, iPlayer will have it. If MJ was considered a genius -- and I am a fan -- then what does that make Stevie Wonder?[/quote] you can watch it again on BBC iplayer S5
  13. [quote name='Hamster' post='532198' date='Jul 4 2009, 12:58 AM']Nathan Watts plays some fantastic bass line so nonchalantly [/quote]for sure i was watching that man Watts ..Was great...What a band Stevies got behind him...What bass is Nate playing..Ive had a few beers tonight, but i thought it was a Valentie? a bit like my spelling i could be wrong?
  14. I have loved this bass for a while now....Whats the pre amp like through this bass?
  15. I bought one from Sadowsky direct and it was quick! not sure what the price difference would be...There is a beautiful used NYC in the for sale section of Sadowskyv at the mo..Wonder how much that baby would be?
  16. I liked it..Loved the sound of that G&L,...Have played bass with some rappers and always think when it comes to Hiphop less (bass) is more, but that was cool..Will check out the forum...
  17. Dont know if anyone has seen..Just spotted a couple of RV5's a standard etc...
  18. You get what you pay for...Laklands Fenders etc are great basses..But you can bet Celinder's , MTD's etc are alot better, depending if you like them of course..
  19. Is any one a member of Gospel Chops.com, ive just been looking on youtube at some of the vids from GospelChops and there is some great material/tips to learn from..There is a site that goes to adverts on the DVD's they sell, but there is a forum type site also...Was hoping these youtube vids came from there... Dont know much about the site...Havent got time to join right now........Any idea?
  20. [quote name='Johngh' post='529157' date='Jun 30 2009, 10:14 PM']I'm putting my Yamaha TRB II 6er back up for sale. Come's complete with hard case. Its in exceptional condition, and sounds teriffic. I have 3 6ers including this one, so one's gotta go. Looking for a straight sale at £475, I will deliver if within a reasonable travelling distance from Derbyshire, or meet halfway. No trades sorry. Please PM with a sensible offer. [attachment=28042:yam_body.jpg] [attachment=28043:yam_body_2.jpg][/quote] Ive said this before. But i just cant believe TRBII 6's go for this sort of money...I used to have one in blue...Just fabulous instruments, especially in this condition.. Have a bump..
  21. To be honest (and no disrespect intended) i wouldnt want a car shop spraying an expensive bass..I would rather a luthier do it..I think i may have just answered my own Q...But who?
  22. Oh i hope he is ok Jake..Ive met Jim a couple of times, the last time was outside an Incognito Gig he was playing...Very very nice man,and an awsome player..
  23. [quote name='BigRedX' post='527727' date='Jun 29 2009, 01:50 PM']From experience I know that Fender-style bases simply don't suit me and place far too many restrictions on my playing style for me to ever consider having one. By the time I would have put right all the problems I see with a P- or J-style bass, it would have so little in common with the instrument it started out, that I might as well have something that's been design properly from the ground up to be different. Also (not a criticism aimed at anyone - simply an observation) I find it fairly depressing that for many people claiming to produce original music their originality hasn't extended to their choice of instrument.[/quote] Surely it doesnt matter what instrument a person chooses to play on..As long as the music is good...The instrument is just a tool.... What does having an 'Original' bass guitar' have to do with writing "original' music...I dont see any link in that at all....I dont mean this to sound like a criticism but there is such a thing as thinking about your instrument too much Its a means to an end...Ok i have a few basses but there all to cover my needs as a bass player in different projects..some i play more than others.. The most original musicians could play Squire Jazz (great instrument) and be original...A non original musician could play a Carl Thompson and still be erm...non original..Its the way your mind thinks, not who makes your instrument...
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