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Everything posted by bubinga5

  1. Just the guitar riff on its own is a classic. One of the greatest soul funk records ever recorded.
  2. Where was everyone when i was selling my 5502 deluxe, same weight same colour a few months ago..Ended up selling it for 650 to Bass bros... Unbelievable
  3. Its alway genius. Its just so fabulously funky. And everything is so perfect. Imagine Steely Dan and Prince. Jeez..
  4. Dont get me wrong i love love love a good SR5 single H. second hand SR5 H in my opinion the greatest Music Man experience you can have as it is THAT SOUND. Zingy highs with just huge punch. I really dig it because its not Jazz bass and its not P Bass. But imo op this is just overpriced nostalgia to make Ernie more money. Hes already a millionaire. Just keep it real cxxk end.
  5. I bought this recently because i will always be a jazz bass player at heart and wanted a back up.. This bass has totally blown me away. Ive had some really high end jazz basses from Suhr to Atelier Z to blah blah. I stinky poo you not this is up there. This bass through an Aguilar 212 and Eden 500 is just...
  6. I have a 40th Jazz Gold Edition and believe me it feels and sounds as good as any Jazz ive heard.
  7. Hey.. was wondering if anyone knew where i could source some brown tortoise shell adhesive sheet from. Ie to cover a pickguard. Thanks for any info.
  8. Hey.. was wondering if anyone knew where i could source some brown tortoise shell adhesive sheet from. Ie to cover a pickguard. Thanks for any info.
  9. Total bargain. The woodline Indonesia models are around that price.
  10. When most people listen to a record they either don't listen to the bass. Or they do but think whatever it makes me dance. Me and i am thinking you fxxxrs recognise how clever his bass line is. And it is really clever.
  11. https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid05sJDMjjSBCuHzhgdZ66BAyhgAbPcejQUZYrgvYZjcDTU6EAX3QnJTXYsi9prSxNpl&id=718435818&post_id=718435818_pfbid05sJDMjjSBCuHzhgdZ66BAyhgAbPcejQUZYrgvYZjcDTU6EAX3QnJTXYsi9prSxNpl&sfnsn=scwspmo
  12. Its the old lets make the exact same body shape cookie but put something slightly different into the cookie cutter mix Fender, made by low paid workers. But release it and make it really badly with no QC.. Blah Blah. That is Fender in a nutshell. Ive played some really nice Fenders but they are more miss than hit.
  13. I bought an RV5 direct from Sadowsky back in 2012 for £1700. That bass was phenominal. Incredible sounding and the build quality was just...
  14. I tell what I would pay to see.. a bass off between Mono Neon and Paul Mcartney. Thats how pointless this thread is.
  15. Apart from a Shaky Shakin Stevens moment this is the first album I bought 32 years ago. Its still in my car all the time.I hold this album up in the greatest soul funk albums of all time. Its just seminal.
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