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uncle psychosis

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Everything posted by uncle psychosis

  1. I'm also interested in this - pretty sure a PJ is my ideal bass... but it does seem hard to find one I can afford!
  2. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1325383156' post='1482752'] Honestly, in my opinion, you shoulda decided what you wanted to do, and emailed him asking him for the money, and kept asking for it, then open the dispute as you have. I personally wouldn't have then changed my mind and offered to go halfs, and then recinded on that offer. The fella may only check his emails once a week, got the email about the pickups, and sent the money straight away then found the others... I would be annoyed and offers being changed. Apart from that, go through ebay complaints was right thing to do. [/quote] I agree with this. I don't think you'll have done yourself any favours with the dispute by changing what you asked for either. The best way to deal with an issue like this is to do everything through eBay. Personally I would have sent him one polite request (via ebay messages) to cover your replacement tuners and after that it would have been straight to "item not as described" and let ebay handle it all.
  3. [quote name='M-N-Y' timestamp='1325237303' post='1481133'] Probably a little more than your budget but these are monster basses build and tone wise. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/162608-fs-yamaha-trb-1005-trans-dark-red/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/162608-fs-yamaha-trb-1005-trans-dark-red/[/url] [/quote] I've got one of these. It's brilliant. Highly recommended.
  4. [quote name='stonecoldbass' timestamp='1325211202' post='1481075'] Beacause the older music gets... the less valuable it is?!?! [/quote] That's basically what copyright law says
  5. They're one of these bands who I'm sure I'd like but have never really listened to...keep meaning to pick up some albums but they all seem quite expensive given how long they've been out for...
  6. Man, thats really nice. Don't suppose I can interest you in a 5 string Yamaha?
  7. Can't help you amp-wise but bass-wise since you're happy with the Jazz and want passive I'd say....get a Fender Jazz G&L are also worth considering too. Jazz-wise the classic players series get a lot of love. If you go second hand there are also a lot of bargains out there at the minute. Its definitely a buyers market.
  8. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' timestamp='1323977050' post='1469495'] I was told that studying physics will earn you more or less minimum wage unless you do great things, (not saying you haven't or won't this is just another example!) and that if you actually want to study physics you're more or less giving up a fancy car and a fancy house. [/quote] I wasn't going to get involved in this discussion but I had to once I read this post---its [i]completely and utterly[/i] wrong. Physics is one of the best degrees you can do in terms of getting a good, well-paid job at the end. People who are highly numerate and highly trained in problem solving are very attractive to the financial services industry (actuaries, risk analysts, investment bankers), the manufacturing industry (quality assurance, manufacturing engineering, r&d engineering). You can go into teaching, become a patent lawyer, write computer games or other software---even working as a post-doc at the bottom of the academic ladder you'll probably be earning upwards of £28k. Don't just believe me either, ask PriceWaterhouseCooper: http://www.rsc.org/images/EconomicBenefitsHigherEducationQualifications_tcm18-12647.pdf They did a study for the Royal Society of Chemists and found that the top five highest paying degrees (on average) are Medicine, Law, Engineering, Chemistry, and Physics. You'll find similar figures from other sources if you look for it.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZsA3oyZY-Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0myc1493Sn8 Two really simple but absolutely awesome lines.
  10. There was a second hand Yamaha TRB1005 in the classifieds recently for about £400. Brilliant basses.
  11. I've got one of these. Its ace. Someone buy this!
  12. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1322853828' post='1456781'] Everything we hear coming out of a loudpseaker is "processed". The very process of amplification is a process itself. There is an argument that digitised processing is not as natural as analogue processing but I can`t see anything natural about any of it. And that`s ok, because it sounds good. [/quote] This. If you like the sound that you're making then it doesn't matter how many amps/cabs/pedals/pickups/effects/ADCs/DACs/DI boxes you're running through. A simple signal chain is not inherently better than a complicated one. Just different.
  13. [quote name='rapscallion' timestamp='1322665491' post='1454154'] Has anyone else had trouble with the floor covering on these pedal cases? After chopping and changing the effects in my signal path countless times, its starting to come up at the corners. I know they're cheap, but this seems like a pretty large design oversight. Any recommendations for a fix? at the moment i'm considering ripping it out and cutting a large sheet of fluffy velco and replacing it with that. I would staple it in the corners, but I'm not sure there's really much to tack on to [/quote] I had to fix a pedalboard which was in a similar state once. I went to poundstretcher, bought some self adhesive carpet tiles (a cheap car mat would probably do the same job), cut them to size and then stuck them down (using some "no nails" adhesive for added stength). Total cost less than £5 and works brilliantly.
  14. If a [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CPHnZV0K-k"][u]ten year old girl[/u][/url] can play the bass then a fully grown man shouldn't need to do any kind of "strengthening". If you do, then you're probably using the wrong technique in the first place.
  15. [quote name='Sean' timestamp='1322579166' post='1453019'] I've been browsing some wanted ads for band members and have found a band that claims to play venues on 'the house pa circuit' (sic). Also, wouldn't you be radically limiting the gigs you could play if you relied n the venue having a PA every time you wanted to play? Anyone able to enlighten me? [/quote] My band has done gigs in dozens of venues in both Edinburgh and Glasgow and we have never had to provide our own PA. All of the music venues around here provide PA (and limited backline). You might find that supplied gear varies greatly from area to area.
  16. I really like it--thanks. I'd probably make a few changes if I were in charge of it though...are you taking (constructive) criticism?
  17. [quote name='louisthebass' timestamp='1321991481' post='1445292'] No worries - when I'm playing the D & G strings, I place the tip of my thumb on the A string & use the flesh on the side of my thumb to mute the B & E strings. It sort of borrows from floating thumb... Hope it helps? [/quote] Thanks, thats basically what I'm trying to do. What do you do with your ring finger and pinky? Mine keep getting in the way!
  18. [quote name='louisthebass' timestamp='1321955383' post='1444696'] Check out Scott Devine or Adam Nitti's tutorials on YT (not very got at embedding these on here) regarding this very subject. I find the "moveable anchor" the most useful - thumb on pickup when playing the thickest string and then dropping the thumb down onto the string above (as you're looking down) the one you're playing and so forth and doing the same thing in reverse coming back up (hope this makes sense?). [/quote] Thanks for the tip. I kind of do that already. The problem is muting the E and (especially) the low B string on my 5er whilst playing the D and G strings. I'm good at muting the string immediately below the one I'm playing but not all of them at once!
  19. Hi guys I'm trying to work on my right hand muting as I slowly get my way into playing fingerstyle (been playing for a while, but always with a pick). Floating thumb seems the closest technique to what my hand wants to do "naturally" so I'm trying to give it a whirl. Does anyone have any good exercises/videos/suggestions for floating thumb/ right hand muting? Cheers
  20. Zvex fuzz factory has many levels of craziness. If you can solder you can also build one cheaply: http://www.musikding.de/product_info.php/info/p2192_The-Factory--germanium-fuzz-kit.html I've done it. Well worth it, especially if you're looking for mad sounds. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S8xRiOqXtc
  21. I mainly play with a pick and in my experience the thicker the pick the better. I'm currently using 3mm big stubbies and they do the job very nicely indeed. Am currently trying to learn more fingerstyle though---want to increase my repertoire a bit!
  22. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1321377032' post='1438452'] Wooten may only have chosen the colour but he's damaged his reputation by allowing his name to be associated with that wretched bollocks. [/quote] Thats my take on it too. I've always wondered how the scientists/engineers who work on this kind of thing feel about it. Do they really believe their own press releases?
  23. The question which I've often asked audiophiles---and none of them have ever answered---is why high end scientific equipment doesn't come with these fancy conditioned power cables and directional leads and so on. You can buy oscilloscopes that cost £10k (or more). They're for measuring signals with the utmost accuracy and minimising noise and so on. Why aren't scientists making the most of this awesome power cable technology to improve the accuracy of their signals? Why do pieces of scientific equipment costing into the hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of pounds not come with fancy power cables?
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