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uncle psychosis

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Everything posted by uncle psychosis

  1. Hey folks I'm trying to learn "You keep Me hanging on" by the Supremes (see the "I love playing bass" thread in general chat) but I'm really struggling, despite having a great video of someone playing it... Does anyone have a transcription for this? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkoEVKPyAlM&feature=mh_lolz&list=FL4Wla4407VUz2BG3Y2ThtMA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkoEVKPyAlM&feature=mh_lolz&list=FL4Wla4407VUz2BG3Y2ThtMA[/url]
  2. I have a really irritating gap in my bass knowledge. I started out playing woodwind instruments and have a lot of music theory knowledge---I know all my major, minor scales, decent grasp of modes and chord theory. Problem is, I've never learned the names of the notes on the fretboard and I've yet to find a method for doing so that actually works for me. If I could do so I think my bass playing would come on in leaps and bounds almost overnight---I know lots of the theory, I just need to know where the notes are so I can apply it!
  3. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1317972161' post='1396717'] Sounds like Ab Gb Eb E to me. [/quote] [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1317972549' post='1396721'] ...Although this shows it as starting in A... [url="http://www.musicnotes.com/sheetmusic/mtdVPE.asp?ppn=MN0064793"]http://www.musicnote...p?ppn=MN0064793[/url] and this video as Ab. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkoEVKPyAlM[/media] [/quote] The version I'm trying to learn is in Ab. One of the problems is that the recording is slightly off-key---I suspect that some studio trickery has changed the final pitch a little bit---so it makes it harder to discern the pitch correctly. Its also so far removed from my normal comfort zone that I'm just getting annoyed and frustrated which obviously makes things harder.
  4. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1317935184' post='1396532'] What's the song mate? [/quote] "You Just Keep Me Hanging On" by The Supremes. A James Jamerson classic. Just cannot get my head round it. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3bjMtqpGBw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3bjMtqpGBw[/url]
  5. Sometimes I love playing the bass. Other times, like tonight, when I'm trying to learn a song and failing bloody miserably (can't even work out the root notes ffs...) I just get totally pissed off and disheartened
  6. I'm not sure I'd say there's "too many", but I would say that the whole product range is really confusing. I find it really hard to work out what options are available and which aren't. Whilst we're here---does anyone know if there are any squier p-basses that come with ashtray and pickup cover as standard?
  7. [quote name='EskimoBassist' timestamp='1308003871' post='1268076'] Sorry to dig this up guys, but I'm having a little trouble. I've just bought a G&L 5 string, from this very forum infact, and am looking for a decent gig bag for it. I don't really want a hardcase as I am wanting to be able to commute with it. It should preferably have a decent amount of padding (25mm+), back straps, a couple of pockets and most importantly, a neck strap/cushion. [/quote] The SKB SC-44 may be up your street. Its a hard foam case with shoulder straps. I commute with mine and it works great. The inside is moulded to a generic jazz bass shape. Both my 4-string jazz copy and my 5-string Yamaha TRB fit in it though, so I imagine a 5-string G&L would also fit.
  8. I used to get email notifications but that seems to have stopped since we moved to the new software. Suspect the Classifieds will be a bit quiet as a result...
  9. [quote name='BH12neil' timestamp='1317768495' post='1394478'] one lead runs from the main input socket in my amp to the 'effects out' socket in the pedal, another separate lead runs from the 'input' socket of the pedal to my bass. Am I right so far? [/quote] Yes. [quote]That leaves a a third socket on the pedal marked 'dry out', what is this and what is it for, should I be using it? My guess is that its for linking other pedals which at the moment I don't have but hopefully will have in the near future.[/quote] "Dry out" is an uneffected signal. So if you wanted to run two amps and have a fuzz sound in one and a clean sound in the other you could connect "dry out" to the clean amp and "effect out" to the dirty amp. Not all pedals have a "dry out"---quite a lot just have one input and one output. [quote]This brings me to another question which is if in the future I was to invest in some additional pedals and a pedal board how would this work lead wise?[/quote] All you need are the cables to connect the pedals together in a chain. Like this: Bass to input of pedal 1 Output of pedal 1 to input of pedal 2 Output of pedal 2 to input of pedal 3 Output of pedal 3 to input on amp.
  10. I got myself a tin of hammerite spray paint off ebay and used that when I did this. Give your enclosure a quick wash down with soap and water and then let it dry. Find a dry, dust-free well ventilated area and then do a thin coat with the spray paint. Leave it a few hours (the longer you leave it the better). Then do another thin coat. Repeat. After 5 or 6 coats you can probably stop. Then leave your enclosure alone for 72 hours until the paint is totally set (or find some way of baking it to speed the process up). The key is patience.
  11. I have no experience of the Spector or the Musicman, but I own one of the newer Korean Yamaha TRB1005 models. The build quality is fantastic, it has a very versatile range of sounds and despite being a 35" scale length I find the neck very comfortable to play. I picked mine up for a very reasonable price too. I would definitely recommend one without hesitation. Photos of mine are here: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/96631-the-yamaha-trb-porn-thread/page__st__20__p__1350292#entry1350292
  12. Read what the Evening News / Scotsman have to say about the gig here: [url="http://edinburghnews.scotsman.com/theguide/Local-Buzz-Two-bands-to.6844892.jp"]http://edinburghnews.scotsman.com/theguide/Local-Buzz-Two-bands-to.6844892.jp[/url]
  13. I recently got a Snark, I really like it. Tunes my guitars and basses equally well (sometimes seems a little bit iffy with the low B on my bass but othertimes it works perfectly---suspect I need to find the "sweet spot" for it) and the microphone tuner on it works well too. If you want a clip-on tuner I'd definitely recommend one.
  14. This Saturday folks. Keep your eyes peeled for a feature in the Evening News too
  15. Value on stuff like this is hard. If you can date it precisely then your best bet is to try and find someone that has a bass of similar age and wants a matching case. You might find someone willing to pay quite a bit for it then (because it will increase the value of their bass then!)
  16. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1316768982' post='1382514'] Ha! Steven! The "uncle psychosis" name threw me out! Sorry I can't make your gig, I got your email, I have a gig of my own that day. Let me know when the next one is, so I can go and cry some more looking at that bass [/quote] No worries. Its Sam by the way...you're getting my first and last names confused! I actually bought a new bass recently---Yamaha TRB1005---so my next few gigs will be using that. The Vintage is still well loved though
  17. [quote name='dc2009' timestamp='1316728198' post='1382183'] If you're talking about covers, then more often than not, the majority of your audience will be music fans but not perhaps as many musos as might go and watch an originals band. With that in mind, I would say that unless the bassline is a definitive part of the song, that non-musos remember, I'm thinking the likes of Hit me with your rhythm stick and billie jean here, then most people won't care if you've got the right effect or not, and most likely won't notice your use of an effect, unless you're using it out of place from the original, in which case it might actually detract from the sound. [/quote] I agree with this. For my part, in general I think that bass effects sound sh*t. There's the odd use here or there that sounds cool but as a rule of thumb I think they should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.
  18. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1316630241' post='1380716'] It does! I stupidly sold that bass locally... and I have seen it in action at a gig afterwards... I almost cried. Incidentally, the new owner is also on this forum. I still want that bass... But it does not sound like a bridge pickup alone can sound, which is what I use most of the time. [/quote] It was me you sold it to!!
  19. If I had a grand going spare I'd be all over that, regardless of the Maiden connection. That is amazing. Want!!
  20. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1316612643' post='1380362'] That sounds reassuring, thanks. And yes, a parallel/series switch is on the horizon. I did that mod to another jazz a couple of years ago and I liked it a lot. [/quote] I was going to suggest that you do a series/parallel mod before you bother changing pickups completely...the mod you did to that jazz in question sounds immense.
  21. [quote name='[email protected]' timestamp='1316477949' post='1378695'] Failing all that, any other ideas on how to offload it would be very welcome! [/quote] If you *really* want rid of it I'd go down and spend the whole lot on something you could sell easily and that keep their value pretty well---probably Boss guitar pedals or something.
  22. Get something like a Korg Pandora Mini or a Vox Amplug. Or a DI box and a small mixer. Your neighbours/housemates will thank you for it, and when you're living in a tiny boxroom you'll appreciate the space!
  23. Wow. Not really my kind of thing but those are some serious chops. Tastefully done too. Sounds really good.
  24. [quote name='gazzatriumph' post='1374421' date='Sep 15 2011, 01:36 PM']The stock strings seem a bit twangy will this lesson as they get older or can some one recommend a different set.[/quote] The strings will get a bit less twangy as time goes on, so you may want to leave it for a few weeks or so and see if you're any happier then (bass strings are so expensive I don't recommend changing them unless you have to...).
  25. [quote name='Colledge' post='1213221' date='Apr 27 2011, 10:00 PM']i really like my skb semi-hardcase. most of the protection of a hardcase with the extra pockets and lightweight-ness of a softcase. [url="http://www.dv247.com/cases/skb-1-skb-sc44-rectangular-bass-soft-case--42261"]here[/url][/quote] I've also got one of these and I really like it.
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