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Everything posted by TheRev

  1. The EA Doubler is designed to do exactly what you want. It takes a bit of experimenting to get the best out of it - running the master volume at 3 O'clock and then using the input gain to set the overall level seems to get the most out of the eq. I now use my Doubler in preference to my Markbass LM2, mainly because it's tiny and light which means i can get more stuff in my gig bag.
  2. I use a Wolf ball. Not a wolf's nadger, one of these: https://m.thomann.de/gb/wolf_super_endpin.htm
  3. I love dead Spiros. I took my usual old Spiros off my bass so I could use them on a borrowed bass I was using on tour and didn't get round to putting them back on before our first gig with my regular bass (which now had new Spiros on). The sound was horrible, all nasal and sproingy. I'll be putting my dead Spiros back on for tonight's gig....
  4. Two weeks ago I was playing this amazing venue - the Rickshaw Theatre in Vancouver, BC. It's an amazing venue in Vancouver's Chinatown district which used to be a cinema showing kung fu films for the Chinese ex-pats. [url="http://s22.photobucket.com/user/RevDave/media/SkimmityHitchers_Rickshaw_MC_13022016_007good%20band-crowd%20shot.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s22.photobucket.com/user/RevDave/media/ML%20rickshaw%20crowd%20amp%20band%20amp%20badger.jpg.html"][/url]
  5. Excellent job, well done! Play it for a bit before taking it to a luthier for a set up. You'll have a better idea how you want it set up once you've had some playing hours under your fingers.
  6. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1453739759' post='2962318'] It's a defret as well. That was never born a fretless. [/quote] That'll be the 'custom' part...and what strings is he buying for £85 a pop? Double bass strings?
  7. Are you using a preamp to buffer the impedance of your J Tone pickup? If not, that could be part of the cause of your electric/wooly tone and feedback issues. As for strings, Innovation Super Silvers are nice low tension strings, or, for a bit more money, you can't go wrong with a set of Thomastik Spiro weich.
  8. Would a bass shop want them? I'll happily donate anywhere rather than throw them away.
  9. I'm clearing out my music room as it now has to double as little Rev's playroom. I have the entire 2011 run of Bassist magazine sitting around doing nothing, so if anyone wants 'em, come get 'em! I'm in Bristol, not far from IKEA/J2 on the M32. I also gig in Dorset a lot, so I could potentially meet down that way. Churrz! Dave
  10. TheRev

    Bristol Bash

    [quote name='sbrag' timestamp='1452686067' post='2952349'] I've not organised one before but I can try and sort a venue. A pub near me (Bs16 Staple Hill) I've rehearsed at before has a large function room and skittle alley. It's not the prettiest but could be functional and about 5 to 10 min from m32. [/quote] The Portcullis? The other Portcullis opposite Morrison's on Fishponds road also has a decent sized function room. Parking can be a bit of a 'mare, but could be OK if you do it on a Sunday.
  11. Yep - impedance is a tricky think to get your head around and I certainly don't understand exactly how it works, but there's what I do understand in terms of double bass pickups and preamps. Piezo pickups (i.e, the majority of double bass pickups) are high output impedance devices - usually between 5-10MOhm. To give their best performance, they like to be plugged into an amp with a similar input impedance. An amps input impedance - such as the LM2 is typically a few hundred KOhm - so it is designed to work best with a signal coming from a device with a matching impedance. So, you plug your 10MOhm pickup directly into your 220KOhm amp input and you've got an impedance difference of 9.78MOhm. That's a lot of MOhms..... Your pickup will work, and you won't damage your amp, but neither pickup or amp amp are working with the impedance that they're designed to, so the sound can be a bit thin and scratchy. Now, if you're happy with that sound, then fine, but if you feel that there's something lacking then you probably need a preamp What a preamp does is buffer the difference in impedance between the pickup and the amp, so that both 'see' what they expect to see and you get the full tonal range from your pickup. Think of it as a universal translator - it allows piezo pickups and amp inputs to understand each other. There's no reason why you can't buy a pickup and just plug straight into the jack input of your Markbass without a preamp and see if that works for you - it's entirely a matter of personal taste. You might find that a bit of EQ twiddling will get the sound you want. You can always add a preamp at a later date if you want to. Note: If you go down the magnetic pickup route then you very likely won't need a preamp, as the output impedance of mag pickups are much lower. Having said that, I use a magnetic pickup and still use a preamp because of useful things like low pass filters and a DI out. Good luck.... Dave
  12. I've used a MarkBass LM2 for years with double bass and been very happy with it - so no problems for you on that score. If you have £50-£100 to spend on a pickup then you should go straight to the for sale forum and buy the Underwood that's for sale. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/273151-underwood-pickup-for-sale/ It's a piezo, so you will very likely need a preamp to match the output impedance of the pickup with the input impedance of the Markbass. The Fdeck HPF mentioned by Owen is an excellent choice. You can't buy them from the guy who makes them in the US, but you can commission a custom pedal builder to make one for less than £100. Otherwise, keep an eye on the for sale forum for a second hand Fishman Platinum Pro
  13. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1452341876' post='2949024'] so essentially a 310?? [/quote] Yep, pretty much. When the model line was revamped from the *01 to the *10 models, the entry level 310 had active eq, which was essentially the same as the old 401 models.
  14. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1452257550' post='2948132'] I can't see any particular difference between that SB401 and the SB301/SB310 ... what am I missing? [/quote] The 301 was passive and the 401 was active. Otherwise they were exactly the same.
  15. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1452257550' post='2948132'] I can't see any particular difference between that SB401 and the SB301/SB310 ... what am I missing? [/quote] The 301 was passive and the 401 was active. Otherwise they were exactly the same.
  16. Euphonic Audio micro. 550W and only slightly bigger and heavier than a VHS video cassette.
  17. I have six - three double basses, two electric basses and one acoustic bass guitar. I did something like 70 gigs last year and played the same bass each time except for one gig where I used my Eminence portable double bass due to space constrictions. I should really sell the electrics as they only get a little bit of home use.... but I don't need to sell them, and TBH, I don't want to.
  18. I've never been one for naming inanimate objects and I haven't named any of my electric basses, but for some reason the double basses needed to be named, so they're Barbara, Jayne and Boris.
  19. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1450789158' post='2935868'] IME there are very few hollow-body basses with a 34" scale length. Off the top of my head I can only think of the Warwick Star Bass (but not the Rockbass version as that's only 32") and the Epiphone Jack Cassidy Bass. [/quote] My Italia Rimini is 34" scale.
  20. I had the black finish stripped off my fingerboard when I had the board re-shot. Didn't make an iota of difference to anything other than making my bass look better. The finish on my board was pretty thin though, so maybe stripping off a heavy laquer will be more noticeable.
  21. Another vote for the Christopher double bass bag from Thomann. I've had mine for four years, playing 60-80 gigs a year, including lugging it across muddy festival fields and it's still going strong. No rips, no broken zips no loose handles or straps. Quality bit of gear.
  22. Always fancied a bang on a set of Innovation Braided.... Can I interest you in a set of Velvet Blues? or, if you want proper slappy, I have 3/4 of a set of Innovation golden slaps (no G) and 5/6ths set of Superior Bassworks deluxe (the thickest string was cut to fit on my EUB so now it's just that teeny bit too short to reach the roller on a 3/4 bass0.
  23. Whatever excuse for a band that Rhys Ifans fronted. Utter shambolic bollocks.
  24. As a starting point, I don't think you can go wrong with Spirocore Weich. Nice easy playable tension but without losing note definition on the E string. If you decide you don't like them, you'll have no problem selling them on.
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