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Everything posted by TheRev

  1. We use 2 Yamaha DXR 12 tops and a DSR15 sub for all our pub gigs and any events up to 150 people. It's plenty loud enough for us with everything going through it, but we're a loud acoustic band with a controlled drummer, so perhaps a full on rock band would need more. Having said that, I use the same rig with an additional DSR15 sub for a small festival stage and it copes with the rockier stuff without protesting, but only just...
  2. My drummer would love this. If the guitarist didn't complain about me drowning him out I'd have two cabs in my rig - one for me and one for the drummer.
  3. The Divinyls - 'I touch myself'. Not especially well known over here but a classic in the USA [media]http://youtu.be/wv-34w8kGPM[/media]
  4. The Axe brand were very cheap and not particularly well-made range of basses and guitars advertised in Kerrang magazine in the late 80s.
  5. Completely forgot about these chaps. I caught the end of their set at Camp Bestival a couple of years ago and have been trying to see (and book) them ever since. They're on tour soon, but unfortunately I have a gig on the night they're in Bristol. Steampunk-Victorian-punk-thrash-comedy: These blokes do it all.... [url="https://youtu.be/21QqXumEWFU"]http://youtu.be/21QqXumEWFU[/url]
  6. I have a Roland Microcube, it's great little beastie. I mainly use it for busking but also take it to the In-laws to avoid having to watch competitive dancing and bakery on television.
  7. What yer talking about? There's three proper basses in the second picture.
  8. I've always enjoyed Ali Friend's projects - mainly because of how he fits the double bass into the different genres, rather than how many fancy notes he plays: With Red Snapper: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ev8jUs-omr8"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ev8jUs-omr8[/url] With Beth Orton: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFZc4ax4tJs"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFZc4ax4tJs[/url] With Clayhill: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1JQ27c-we4"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1JQ27c-we4[/url] Not Ali Friend, but this is what I listen to when I need double bass inspiration: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohmSPv-rtSQ"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohmSPv-rtSQ[/url]
  9. It's either that or going on the TalkBass DB fourm....
  10. Been gone for a year or so I think.
  11. I've decided to keep this for now. My new magnetic pickup seems to like it just as much as my trusty old Plat Pro and I'm finding the tuner/mute very useful. GAK are now pushing these out the door for £200, so for not much more money you might as well buy a shiny new one. Dave
  12. It worked for me, got as many gigs as I can handle. That's with one band though, dunno what the gig situation would be as a bass for hire (assuming that's your situation?).
  13. [quote name='DorsetBlue' timestamp='1443082060' post='2871956'] Excellent, love it! [/quote] Why thank you sir! Live version available at a Dorset pub near you...
  14. I haven't used the Rotosounds either but I've had almost every set of Innovation strings available. (Silver slaps, Super Silvers, Honeys, Rockabillys & Ultra Blacks) I'd suggest trying Super Silvers first - decent enough pizz tone from the E and A but still flexible enough to slap. Another option (and my current go-to string) would be Thomastik Spirocore Weich. Very defined, warm pizz tone but surprisingly slappable for an all-steel string. Plus, if you don't like them, you'll have no trouble selling them.
  15. Evetything my band does - though Viva! Lyme Regis probably just pips the rest [media]http://youtu.be/CEDamHYeQI8[/media]
  16. It will be fine. On my bass the E and D Anima strings are too long and the metal windings have to go around the tuning peg. Never had any problems.
  17. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1440437997' post='2850737'] What's the neck like on these? I had a Mondial which I'd have kept if the neck had been slimmer. [/quote] It's wider and flatter than my EBMM Sterling. Feels nice and playable to me but I spend most of my time playing double bass, so all electric bass necks feel nice and playable to me....
  18. I have an Italia Rimini - it has a modern yet 60s sound and styling. I don't play electric bass musch thes days,but when I do, that's the one I pick up, Here: [url="http://www.jhs.co.uk/italia.html"]http://www.jhs.co.uk/italia.html [/url] scroll down tot he bottom of the page.
  19. The Ropemakers, Bridport. Dorset The Spice Ship, Weymouth. Dorset The Bell, Ash, Somerset. These three have looked after us since day one, which is why we give them all 3 dates each year when other pubs get one.
  20. MAS45s are great cabs - I'm currently considering whether I have a need for 2 cabs..... Although these cabs are designed to work best with double bass, they also work very well with electric bass - ideal for anyone who has a doubling gig. If you're not aware of the good work done by Mike Arnapol on behalf of bassists everywhere, you can find his website here: [url="http://www.masoundworks.com/"]http://www.masoundworks.com/[/url] The MAS45 was designed by Mike in conjunction with BigE loudspeakers using their 'Manipulated Vortex Waveguide' technology (nope, I don't know what it means either...) - you can read about BigE here: [url="http://bigeloudspeakers.com/"]http://bigeloudspeakers.com/[/url] Essentially their designs mean you can get a lot of noise out of a small box. Dave
  21. Cheers Geoff - I suspected that it wasn't an easy thing to do. I've oiled/lubed the worm and the gear and fiddled about with the screw that attaches the gear tot he roller, but the E tuner is still stiff and creaky. Are there other parts of the machine that I can oil up or loosen in some way? I've seen the Baker machines before and much as I love to have a set, they're about 60% of the vale of my bass - and that's before they're even fitted. My luthiery skills are minimal and hampered by lack of time and patience! Although I'd rather have plate style machines, I wonder if the single machines like these would be easier to fit? [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/rubner_doublebass_machines_4_string.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/rubner_doublebass_machines_4_string.htm[/url] As long as the holes in the pegbox are big enough for the rollers, then it would be a simple matter of four small holes per tuner, no? Cheers Dave
  22. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1437749125' post='2828802'] It's that man again he butchered it a little bit more than usual IMHO [/quote] Nope-that's how Guild intended them to look. They actually sound rather good and play well, just a bit of an acquired taste in the looks department.
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