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Everything posted by TheRev

  1. I use the Krivo pickup and I'm really happy with it - nice woody tone great note definition and plenty of feedback resistance. Our drummer loves it as he can actually hear individual notes in a live setting. I bought it as I was fed up with fighting with feedback to the point that I didn't care if it made it sound like 'a big P bass', but the sound is actually very natural - not at all electric. In fact, when I've A/B compared the Krivo with my K&K Bassmax, (at living room levels) I reckon that the Krivo sounded more natural than the Bassmax. I'm a total magnetic convert now - the only thing I don't like about mag pickups is having to use a steel G and D string. Another one worth looking into is the Biesele: [url="http://biesele.org/pickups/"]www.biesele.org/pickups/[/url] I've not used one myself, but the bassist in Skinny Lister uses one. I've seen them loads of times and he always gets a great sound https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keftDs_abec
  2. Looks like a steampunk microphone! I like it.
  3. I don't want to poke the bear....but....on the Duke website the only bass that is stated to be 100% made in Germany is the Composite: (Below is Google's translation for the duke website - not mine: https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://duke-bass.jimdo.com/&prev=search) [font=Palatino][size=4][b]Made in Germany:[/b] the Duke "Composite" and the Duke "GRP fingerboard" are 100% in Germany - crafted - made![/size][/font] [font=Palatino][size=4]This statement isn't made for the Special or the Two Tone.[/size][/font] [font=Palatino][size=4]Now, I couldn't give a rat's arse where the basses are made - they're still good basses, but it seems really unfair to jump on a post and threaten legal action for incorrect information, when the pertinent, correct information isn't actually made available on the manufacturer's website. [/size][/font] [font=Palatino][size=4]If Duke are that touchy about where their basses are made, perhaps they could update their website with the relevant information. [/size][/font]
  4. I've only heard the BF One10 at the bass bash and although it's not going to prise my fingers off my BigE MAS45, I was pretty impressed by what it could do. Yes, it was heavy in the mids and less natural sounding than the MAS45, but if I was looking for a lightweight monitor for a low to mid volume gig, it would be high on my list of options.
  5. [quote name='Mr Bassman' timestamp='1477051090' post='3159512'] I can beat that! Acoustic Image Clarus SL + Crazy 8 composite 13.4lbs or Clarus SL + Crazy 8 ply 16.6ibs [/quote] Good point, well put. Can you still get the composite cabs?
  6. [quote name='Bassman68' timestamp='1476956032' post='3158732'] So far, I'm managing to get those 'plummey' tones with my Stingray, with the treble turned down & the mutes wound up, with old strings & the VLE on my Markbass head.. [/quote] The above plus flatwounds and you're 100% there, with the added bonus that you can play in tune above the 12th fret.
  7. [quote name='bassjim' timestamp='1476960865' post='3158795'] "I (the gitard) listened back to all of the last three days recordings and its all no good. The engineer used too much sansamp on the bass and the drums didnt have the right ambiemnce plus I thought the vocals could have been better so I deleted the lot. Next time we do this we will use my home pro tools setup. To save time I will do all the bass and program the drum parts. I rekon I can get a really good band vibe that will come out much better." He got the stems from the studio without telling anyone, made sure they were not recoverable from the same studio and did all this before any of the band could hear for themselves what he was on about. And yes we all chipped in to pay for it. [/quote] This sounds like someone looking for a solo project....I'd help him realise that dream if I were you.
  8. If weight is the main driver of change, then the most obvious option would be the Acoustic Image Contra or Coda combos. Both are around 22lbs, so slightly lighter than the 26lbs of the GK MB150. If you want to go [u]really[/u] light weight, then I'd go for a Barefaced One10 cab (15lbs) paired with an Acoustic Image Doubler (2.3lbs) to give you a 300W rig weighing in at 17.3lbs. It doesn't get much lighter than that as far as I'm aware.
  9. The more handles on the bag, the easier it will be to lift into a car. The Westbury bag looks like a good choice for this.
  10. I've just spent the past half hour concentrating on the tips and techniques discussed on Sunday and it has made a very noticeable improvement in tone, dexterity and stamina - me thumb barely hurts at all. Thanks Owen & Geoff!
  11. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1475495674' post='3146326'] I forgot to thank Roger who gave us a warm welcome and who smoothed the water when there was a complaint from The National Earthquake Information Center on the campus of the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado. [/quote] I think that was Owen's fault....
  12. I'd use one of the PA subs. As you already have them, why buy additional cabs?
  13. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1475418964' post='3145742'] Lot of organisation involved in these sorts of things - well done to all involved Andy [/quote] Couldn't agree more! I had a wonderful day, met lovely people, learnt new things and emerged surprisingly GAS free. But I do want a second MAS45 now....
  14. [quote name='Andyjr1515'] Got back home and the first thing MrsAndyjr1515 said when I walked in the door was, "Absolutely NOT!" Andy [/quote] Now - we talked about this.... It's very simple, you just need a few modifications to your house. I must apologise - I didn't put two and two together and work out that you were the creator of that stunning peizo fretless in the build diary... Dave
  15. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1475334193' post='3145144'] I've done EVEN MORE house keeping 1. Bassace. Bryant Solo DB, Kolstein travel bass, Felix preamp, Puma 500 amp, OneTen cab. Some 'fix your pickup jack to the tailpiece' devices 2. Happy Jack. Andreas Zeller DB and a KK BabyBass (plus, if I'm feeling mischievous, a Takamine TB20) 3. Bluejay. Cameras, video equipment, and lots of DB GAS! 4. Owen. Late 19C Saxony DB with new 5 string neck,TC preamp/Berg IP310 or whatever I have by then. You know how it is. Howlett 5 string bass Uke. NS5 string EUB.German Carbon bow. 5. StingrayPete1977. Gedo DB half carved and stagg eub both with Spiro weichs. Yita carbon bow. 6. TheRev. East German ply workhorse with Krivo magnetic pickup, EA Doubler amp, Fishman Platinum Analogue pre and BigE/MAS45 double bass cab; I can also bring my other preamps (Fishman Plat Pro and Fdeck series 3) if anyone wants me to. 7. Rosscoebones. Thomann DB with some entry level combis, all set up for slapabilly 8. invicta59 [?]. Zeller Bass, K&K pickup, GK amp and Fearless F112. Maybe also Tricky Audio 'Greenboy' cabs, and possibly a Tricky Audio builder (Guy) 9. SpondonBassed [?]. A fretless electric? Vantage and Ashdown combo. 10. Burg. Either the family, or a Boosey, a Stagg and a Yita Carbon bow. 11. Keeponehandloose. Kay twins, and maybe Barefaced Bb2 cab 12. PhilB. Thomann Strunal. Genz Benz Shuttle Max 9.2/ 2x10 shuttle cab and Mark Bass cmd112. 13. Geoffbassist 14. Mr Bassman.Yamaha Silent Bass SLB100, Clifton EUB, Eminence EUB, sound post setting tool, some Acoustic Image electrickery, some pickups and the Rob Allen Mouse (as requested) [/quote] I'll also be bringing an Eminence EUB and,if I can fit it in the car, our guitarist's double bass that he's left with me while he moves house. No idea what it is. It's a 3 hour trip, so I probably won't get there til 11. Dave
  16. [quote name='Mr Bassman' timestamp='1475326575' post='3145058'] What pickup is on your Eminence Rev? [/quote] Standard realist.
  17. [quote name='Mr Bassman' timestamp='1475318283' post='3144968'] Looks like I can make it. Not sure what to bring, anyone interested in Yamaha Silent Bass SLB100, Clifton EUB, Eminence R/N I'll bring sound post setting tool, some Acoustic Image electrickery, some pickups and the Rob Allen Mouse (as requested) [/quote] I'm bringing my Eminence so bring the silent bass or the Clifton?
  18. That looks like an East German Musima. Bargain at £200 if the neck twist isn't a major obstacle to playibility. These are great work horse gigging basses - they can take any abuse you throw at it.
  19. Ooo - that looks pretty. Nice and simple too. I had a Ten2 combo for a while, liked the amp but didn't get on with the cab.
  20. My first EUB was an Aria SWB Lite (the one the Stagg is based on). Compared to the Stagg, the Aria is vastly superior in build quality and noticeably better sounding. The playability is similar, which you'd expect from such similar designs. When I bought the Eminence,it was a massive improvement in all aspects. It feels,plays and sounds much more like a double bass than the Aria. It was a lot easier to play due to the design of the endpin which stopped the bass from spinning away from you - my playing improved dramatically as a direct result of this as I wasn't constantly fighting to keep the bass in the correct playing position. I've only had limited experience with the Far West bass - the bassist in a band (Willie and the Bandits) that I was sound engineering for at a festival had one and I had a bit of a chat and a noodle backstage after their set. The sound was great out front - it sounded like an amplified double bass, Fell wise, it was obvious that it was a quality instrument and it felt pretty comfortable to play.
  21. [quote name='BassDeLune' timestamp='1473892054' post='3134003'] I'd pay the £2k+ for a Yamaha or Eminence if I had tried out the field and decided it was the right one for me, but without doing that, it's too much to risk just on the reviews. That FarWest looks lovely, and I like the price, but Cornwall is a long way just to try one make. Thanks for the input, though. [/quote] Totally understand - we've all been there! I'll be bringing my Eminence to the double bass bash, so if you can make that you're more than welcome to try it out. I was able to try a Yamaha SLB in London, but bought the Eminence unseen on spec as the consensus on Talkbass at the time was that the Eminence sounded more acoustic, plus it was about £400 cheaper. I was extremely pleased with the Eminence and played nothing else for 3 years until I bought a big bass. If you're enjoying your Stagg, then to be honest, you'll love either the Yamaha or the Eminence - both are light years beyond the Stagg in terms of sound, playability and build quality. Yes, 2 grand is a lot of money for a bass that you've not seen in the flesh, never mind played, but I think that the majority of people on here who own basses of this level bought them on spec and no-one has said they regretted it.
  22. Also, in terms of a step up in quality from the Stagg, there isn't a lot out there for less than £800 ish for an Aria SWB LITE or £1100 ish for one of these: http://farwestmusicalinstruments.co.uk/the-redhead/ After that, you're in £2K+ territory for a Yamaha SLB or an Eminence. The FarWest basses are nicely made and sound good, I'd definitely recommend giving one a try if you find yourself in Cornwall.
  23. I'd say the chances of finding a shop with one decent EUB in stock never mind a range is between slim and none (and slim is on tour). Promenade music have three EUBs listed on their website - if any of them are in stock, that would be a good place to start.
  24. The string mute will be enough I reckon. If your neighbours can hear pizz playing on muted double bass then your walls must be made of paper.... Arco is a different matter - you could try taping up the f holes and stuffing a cushion between the tailpiece and soundboard, but then you won't be able to hear the note resonate properly, which is the whole point of arco.
  25. My first gig was 28 years ago at the high school disco. Most of the amps were borrowed from the band that went on to become The Divine Comedy and I think we played U2 and AC/DC covers. But 28 years is nothing, my band regularly support The Wurzels and they've been gigging for more than 50 years.
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