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Everything posted by WHUFC BASS

  1. Without a doubt - £770 is way too high for that, even with the Aguilar pickups.
  2. Yeah, that's a bit of a bargain mate. The pickups, preamp and hipshot would be around the £200 mark alone so you've done well there. Enjoy it, who knows, one day they might even be a collectors item 😂
  3. The Traben Neo basses are the best of the cheaper range of basses that Traben do but with the addition of the SD pickups an pre-amp you're onto a winner there. They're really nice basses and are really comfortable to play. They're not being manufactured any more as Traben was bought out by BC RIch who now only make their own version of the Chaos Core bass with the Traben bridge. I think yours is made from Royal Paulina (sp?) which is a far-eastern equivalent of alder. Do you me asking how much you paid for it?
  4. Guitar tech is NOT happy with Rickenbacker basses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQgAv2jcmcI
  5. I've got three Traben basses. Not the ones with the huge bridges, but the other more conservative bridges with Rockfield pickups and Aguilar pre-amps. They're really nice basses. Two of them are John Moyer Signature basses (one four-string and one five-string) and the only downside is that they're a little heavy. Everything else about them I quite like. They're my beater basses which I use for gigs where the venues are less than desirable. I've recorded with them too and they sounded pretty nice. Bought them in 2008 and still use them now.
  6. Clearly not a Euro LX as it states on the back of the neck (although hard to see) that it's made in Korea. Obviously a Legend 4 but the for that price? No Thanks! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Spector-Euro-4LX-Neck-Thru-Bass-Guitar-Faded-Blue-Glo/173778100284?hash=item2875fb603c:g:VtoAAOSwHphcWJlg:rk:4:pf:0
  7. Saw this just now. Apart from being attacked by woodworm, there's something dodgy about it to me. Not sure what, but the wear on it seems too excessive. Could be completely wrong - I'd like to see the neck and neck pocket stampings before I even set off to take a look at it in the flesh ... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-fender-jazz-bass-1971/333022565574?_trkparms=aid%3D777001%26algo%3DDISCO.FEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20160801204525%26meid%3D087715536efa4490bbca7d614201e864%26pid%3D100651%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D1%26%26itm%3D333022565574&_trksid=p2481888.c100651.m4497&_trkparms=pageci%3A7f31e3ae-2700-11e9-a599-74dbd18017d2|parentrq%3Aaedbd81e1680abda5a24a0f7ffd84a13|iid%3A1
  8. If you're on a budget the Kent Armstrong P bass pickups (with covered pole pieces) are cheap and put out some serious thump. If you've got the cash, Wizard Thumpers or Bareknuckle do some very decent P-bass pickups.
  9. That looks really nice. Surely an aftermarket pickup would be the jewel in the crown on this?


    Well said. I can't think of any other guitar that was designed correctly straight off the bat. It's been copied and imitated countless times, has a unique, instantly identifiable sound and is ergonomically perfect IMO. I'd go as far as saying that sound-wise, in a quality recorded mix, there wouldn't be much difference between a Pino and a Squire VM or CV with a quality aftermarket pickup. I'll never understand the 4k price tag for one of them basses.
  11. I've got one at the moment, along with an SVT3 Pro. The cab is great sounding and loud as hell. Mine is on wheels which is standard and has a handy handle which you push with. Just tip back and push (or pull). There's two handles to lift with which isn't too bad weight-wise. I'm actually selling mine for a stupidly cheap price if there's any interest in it.
  12. I saw this advertised on Gumtree the other day and having vowed never to buy another Stingray previously, due to not being able to get a decent sound out of the ones I'd owned, I was advised on another thread to try a 2 eq version (something I've never owned). I saw this one and was tempted but in the end let it go in the end. Oh well, it was a great price either way.
  13. I had a set of these KA pickups on a Squier P bass and they sounded amazing. Real high output with classic precision thump. GLWTS
  14. Interesting, not my thing though ... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-USA-Custom-doubleneck-Jazz-bass-Stratocaster-late-70s/362537932551?_trkparms=aid%3D888007%26algo%3DDISC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D55676%26meid%3Dae0d2f94ab0e486a8f667f4e588e0493%26pid%3D100009%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D1%26sd%3D143097794522%26itm%3D362537932551&_trksid=p2047675.c100009.m1982
  15. It'll be interesting to see what Korg have planned for Spector and the future line of basses. I think the prices of "pre-Korg" Spectors has just gone up slightly.
  16. I'd probably take this if it was nearer. Any idea how much it is to post?
  17. Last three digits will be month / year / year. You might want to open it up and check any QC stickers that might be dated in there but if it's really old then they might have faded considerably.
  18. There was something about Status basses along with a Trace Stack back in the 80s which was the pinnacle of bass gear excellence. There was a connection between the two companies too both being based in Essex, UK. I remember going up to Witham in Essex to get my Trace Elliot head serviced and in the factory were a number of Status basses that they used to test the amps out. At the time, I'd go as far to say Essex was the centre of the bass universe - certainly in Europe!
  19. I remember the interview with John Entwistle in which he explained some of his techniques on what I think was a black Buzzard bass (could be wrong). He reffered to slap bass as "that thing" and proceeded to launch into a killer riff. I also remember Ian Paice form Deep Purple on there giving a drumming demo like a boss. I'm assuming you didn't check out Bros and their Status bass offerings from Craig Logan. I don't think I ever saw it plugged in!
  20. Thanks for that! I remember Rockschool really well as it goes and watched it when it was on TV - I was about 13 or so at the time. I remember Henry Thomas and his Westone Thunder III as I had a Thunder IA at the time. They interviewed some great muscians at the time. Shame there's nothing like that on TV now as it was really popular.
  21. Holy crap, this won't be here for long at that price. These are great basses and at this price it's a steal. Worth noting that the bridge has been replaced too which definitely needed doing on the originals as they used the Fender BBOT style bridge.
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