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Everything posted by Shaggy

  1. I’m a big fan of DI: conceded defeat on the “power race” within the band a couple of years back when we bought a 2.5kW PA with full mixer, crossover etc, and got a volunteer sound guy at the same time. My Ampeg SVT-2 / Mesa 2x15 rig could cope with it, but the sound guy was pushing hard for me to DI so he could control the mix, so I grudgingly gave it a go. Everything else miked; drums (x3 mics), guitar amps (x2). I wanted to keep valves at the front end at least; so initially used an all-valve Retrospec Juice Box active DI also feeding into a small digital head (Yamaha BBT-500H) / 2x10 cab on an amp stand acting as a stage monitor; pumps out enough for the whole band to hear it on stage, which is crucial. Now using Molan’s old Eden VT-40 with built-in Demeter preamp; nice fat DI sound, bags of on-stage power (still with the 2x10 / amp stand), and almost as compact as the digital head. I probably get more good comments about the bass sound now than when backline-only – the PA definitely throws it deep into the audience and the crossover helps keep it defined. Biggest beneficiary has definitely been my back! Transport easier too – all fits in the back of the crappy small family hatchback. The 2 guitarists are still using their 4x12 full stacks though even though they’re miked up, as it “looks right”!
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  3. Lindy Fralins are [b]really [/b]nice: got a J model in my '73 P/J fretless. SD Antiquity II's also highly recommended and look the business in an old Jazz. Neither cheap, but they do pop up on the 'bay and here now and again.
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  5. Some info on this recent thread: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=71270"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=71270[/url] and I guess the mods will probably move this to the amps section too. I'd say around £300 in good nick (what I'm selling mine for if anyone's interested!). These cope with the average pub gig fine, but I guess would be underpowered for anything much bigger. Plus points are the tone - gives me a gorgeous buttery tone on fretless I can't get with any other amp; it's really compact and portable for an all-valve head, and of course it's vintage Trace.
  6. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='681218' date='Dec 11 2009, 12:27 PM']Actually I quite like it... sorta MusicMan-esque and the proportions are very sympathetic. +1 on the knobs though. Going on what Neepheid pointed out about glue being not necessary, I wonder if it really is glue. It would make sense if it was maybe switch cleaner or something had been sprayed in there and it inadvertently bonded the varnish to the control plate. ???[/quote] Beat me to it, was going to say it looks like someone's tried to style it like either a de-pickguarded Stingray or a Wal Pro1 Nice bass though - Ibanez's golden era IMO
  7. [quote name='OldGit' post='680342' date='Dec 10 2009, 03:16 PM']Well if it helps, as I mentioned in another thread about vintage bass prices, had I spent the money on a pre-CBS bass 10 years ago, it would now be worth about 4 times as much as I paid for it and 8 times much as the ISAs I did buy are worth ... Of course I can cash in my ISAs ....... In fact may just do that and buy a vintage bass [/quote] ain't that the truth! Fabulous looking ol' P Chris, although I thought you liked a little less finish! Definitly my favourite of the "solid" Fender colours. I bought a '65 T-bird IV from V&R earlier this year and had similar reservations about them, but on the whole they're not a bad bunch. The vintage market is an absolute minefield, especially when you're a player rather than a collector
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  9. [quote name='bassjamm' post='674858' date='Dec 5 2009, 12:11 PM']Are Thunderbirds the daddy?[/quote] Oh yes.
  10. Shaggy


    [quote name='MB1' post='673147' date='Dec 3 2009, 01:26 PM']MB1. And hes Previously had Transactions with Shaggy and Lozbass! [/quote] Yup, recent smooth deal with Tom_683 no problem at all
  11. [quote name='chris_b' post='671562' date='Dec 1 2009, 09:13 PM']It's the Road Ready version of the Powerhouse 1000 cab.[/quote] I stand corrected - grille & logo are just the same as on my Diesels. Whatever it is - you can bet it's heavy!
  12. I've got it on a CD, but I'll have to get my kids to show me how to email sound files! Cracking track - I hope your guitarist is hotter than a hot thing though!
  13. [quote name='BassBod' post='671444' date='Dec 1 2009, 07:12 PM']Please don't put a MMite neck on it...is that just a cruel way to make me buy it back (and starve the children for a few months)? BB[/quote] I'm [i]sure[/i] your kids would rather you had a nice Xmas prezzie for a change instead of them.... Anyway fear not, original neck aint going anywhere, I've really just done the opposite of what WoT did with his fretted '71 when he put a fretless Allparts neck on - just gives you an easily swappable option.
  14. Luverly! I think it's a Diesel cab though rather than the Powerhouse - pedantic I know!
  15. Last bump before she's a keeper. Now with the original bridge back on (so bit of discount), and with added option of Mighty Mite fretted rosewood neck (amber nitro) if wanted
  16. Bumping one last time Instant Bernard Edwards with this babe!
  17. You'd think a s/s pre / valve power set up would be plain wrong, but our guitarist has late '70's Peavey Deuce with the same arrangement and it sound excellent - very Fender Twin as you say. Great price for a rare bit of kit, if I hadn't recently acquired an AC30 I'd have had this. Bump!
  18. I once had a bass do that (with the A), tried everything to find it - just like that old VW ad with the mystery "squeak". In the end I could only assume it was the truss rod resonating; it seemed to come from the neck, and got shot of it. So not much help really - best thing is just check every nut & screw is tight, bridge saddles are firmly where they're supposed to be, nut hasn't come unglued, and try a change of strings.
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  23. [quote name='Snarf' post='659909' date='Nov 20 2009, 09:58 AM']Hah, no way! Damn, that's a nice looking bass. I do agree though, they would make more sense with bits swapped over! Where did you find the pre-EB neck?[/quote] Came with my fretted (maple) '80 Sabre as a "spare" - it had a fretted rosewood board but someone had overtightened the truss rod and slightly split the board at the top end, also lost the truss rod adjust nut. Otherwise fine - I had a local luthier put an African Blackwood fretless board on, check the truss rod was OK, and he found a Fender bullet truss rod nut that fitted. Lovely body colour on yours - I'm guessing it's a later period (mid '80's?) one as it's got the pole-less p/ups.
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