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Everything posted by Shaggy

  1. Spooky - I've got a pre-EB Sabre neck (fretless conversion) that I put a custom Stingray body on! Put these two together, and you could make a couple of basses that make a bit more sense than they do right now......
  2. Shaggy


    Just bought some straplocks off Tom - smooth deal, nice guy - thanks mate!
  3. Excellent - great to see some RD Artist love too.! I assume his is a defret conversion, and custom refin? Nice guy, and top player
  4. Jeez I remember that at the time, can't believe it was that long ago........ ([i]fades into nostalgia[/i]) Bump for an amazing bit of kit and bass history
  5. [quote name='joegarcia' post='655613' date='Nov 16 2009, 01:13 AM']I have just today traded it with Gareth for his SVT-II. Don't worry though Gareth, the amps great. [/quote] Good trade Joe, great amps - I use one!
  6. [quote name='artisan' post='655296' date='Nov 15 2009, 05:38 PM']how about this little gem it's an Epiphone Allen Woody signature Rumblekat. semi hollow body,arch top & very nice it is too. (excuse the crap photo's they are the best i could manage now it's dark) it is a lovely bass & sounds propper thunderous. 30.5 " scale & only 4 weeks old. it has the propper Epiphone fitted hardcase with it too. i had no intention of selling it but i accidently bought an EBMM Stingray yesterday (you know like you do )[/quote] Got to say Epiphone are making some absolutely [i]cracking [/i]semi-ac basses at the moment. This would be my pick of what's for sale just now, if you can live with it being short-scale and fretless, lovely vintage bass and amazing price - seen one going for $2K in the US: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Vintage-Ovation-Fretless-Bass-Typhoon-3_W0QQitemZ270484311595QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item3efa1f0e2b"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Vintage-Ovation-Fret...=item3efa1f0e2b[/url] Semi's / hollow-bodies definitely have a sound that you just can't get any other way, use mine loads (Gordon Smith Galaxy, Gibson EB-2 & EB-2D); going to have to try one of the modern piezo ones Edit: re post above - those Rivolis were made by Peerless (Korea) and are really rated highly
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  9. That Goodfellow is absolutely gorgeous! Deal with Oli in confidence, he's a top bloke. The Guild used to be mine (moved it on to fund yet another old Gibson.....) and apart from the bridge p/u mod it's in time-warp condition, sounds and plays just like a vintage fretless should.
  10. Carrying on with the vintage theme: my '80 Sabre. It was my one and only bass for years and years, but sadly doesn't get much of a look-in anymore
  11. One left - can't be @rsed charging for a couple of stamps so whoever wants it just PM me your address EDIT: Now all gone
  12. Stunning, though I'd have stopped after the first two. And maybe the Alembic. And....... You're bass to the bone, alanbass!
  13. Just scored another pack of 3 Hartke “transient attack” nickel round/w bass strings on t’bay, I usually get the 4-string packs (quite reasonably, as all my basses are 4-string), but it worked out a quid cheaper getting the 5-string packs. So 3 brand new shiny low B-strings if anyone wants for the price of postage. They’re “medium” gauge, long scale, but I’ll check the quoted diameter if anyone wants. Decent strings too – good as any nickels I’ve used, for a stupidly low price.
  14. Never had an HH amp, although the guitarist in my first "school" band had a shiny new Valve-Sound combo - we were all dead impressed, especially as had back-lighting. For about a decade though I ran my old Fender Bassman 135 through a big old HH 2x15 - monster cab, monster weight. Never sure why they went under, as I always reckoned they were technologically ahead of Carlsbro, Laney etc, and way cooler design styling too.
  15. There was a time when if you watched TOPTP almost every bassist had one of these...... Love that double-neck!
  16. [quote name='Bassmingo' post='650616' date='Nov 10 2009, 01:39 PM']Interesting, that song has quite the unusual tone, but never figured if it was the bass itself or all that processing. hows it done?[/quote] Alot of compression and a touch of flange/chorus and overdrive I'd say - typical '80's power ballad production! They're naturally growly basses though, with a natural acoustic-like resonance (the mahogany I guess) and massive low end on the neck p/u
  17. That Overwater is [b]fab[/b] - the only one I've seen I've really liked
  18. It's horses for courses like so many bass-related matters - personal preference. I prefer passive, two pick-ups is a must, and I like the clear, glassy response of a single coil. But then probably the "holy grail" fretless tone is a Wal custom, and those are active humbuckers........and then strings are an even bigger factor than for fretted....... You've just got to try as many as you can really, see what the common "wow" factor is!
  19. [quote name='Bassmingo' post='650191' date='Nov 9 2009, 10:31 PM']thats a magnum??[/quote] Yup. Not sure what Ross Vallory is playing now, but then it was a Magnum 1, live & studio.
  20. [quote name='solo4652' post='649922' date='Nov 9 2009, 06:21 PM']Aha! That's what I'm looking for - only cheaper. My unlined fretless 'Ray has side dots where the 3/5/7/9/12 "frets" would be - i.e. where the notes are, unlike where they are on a normal fretted fingerboard. This means I struggle to switch between fretted and fretless boards, so I'm looking for a back-up for the 'Ray that ticks all these boxes - fretless, unlined, side dots where the "frets" would be (unlike many unlined fingerboards that have position dots in the same places as fretted boards), wide P-style neck, costs no more than £350. All suggestions gratefully received. Steve[/quote] Buy this: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-style-carbon-graphite-fretless-bass-neck_W0QQitemZ280417758642QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item414a336db2"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-style-carbon-...=item414a336db2[/url] - put your own dots on, fit it on a donor Squier (have to be black), and you've got the coolest fretless around for norra lorra cash!
  21. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='648454' date='Nov 7 2009, 11:59 PM']I'll never be a fretless-only player, so I need to be able to switch between fretted and fretless really easily. My Ibanez fretless (a 2366 P-bass from 1972) has "fret-edges", i.e. partial frets about a millimetre long set into the side of the fretboard, exactly where the frets would end on a fretted bass, plus the usual side dots you'd expect. When I'm playing, and glance down at the (side of the) neck, it looks like a fretted bass. To the audience, it's an uninterrupted expanse of (stained) rosewood. [url="http://tinypic.com/a/z8zs/3"]http://tinypic.com/a/z8zs/3[/url] Brilliantly simply, and simply brilliant. I'd recommend that to any fretted player looking to start playing fretless. The only thing I'd change (magic wand at the ready) is that I'd prefer a maple board. Rosewood doesn't have quite the sound I'm after.[/quote] Got exactly the same on my Ovation Magnum 1. TBH it throws me a bit, as my preference is for 1/3/5/7/9/12 dot markers [b]on[/b] the "virtual" fret-lines, whereas with this system they're of course in the usual "between the fret" positions, but after a couple of minutes I'm fine.
  22. [quote name='richrips' post='645404' date='Nov 4 2009, 04:15 PM']and i'm checking out barry adamson as soon as i get home! Thanks, Rich[/quote] Magazine ('78 - '81-ish) Listen to "Permafrost", "Back to Nature" and "The light pours out of me" - any track's a goodie though, superb band. Gotta hear "don't stop beleiving" (Journey) too of course! [quote name='richrips' post='645811' date='Nov 4 2009, 10:47 PM']NO WAY!!! that blue (white?) magnum with the metal scratchplate is pretty much the sweetest looking bass i have seen in ages! it's like a prop out of some 70's sci-fi! i saw it archived on some website and thought damn thats tasty.....[/quote] That was on ebay a couple of years back - definitely a refin, but a tasty one. Original finishes were only natural mahogany, a "sunburst" mahogany (like a T-bird), and possibly translucent cherry, with black pickguard. The first production bass to use graphite in the neck I think , along with Alembic. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='645858' date='Nov 4 2009, 11:45 PM'][/quote] Damn, where did you dig that old pic of me from! I'm sure I've still got those strides somewhere.........
  23. I've got a Magnum 1 (fretless), and it's a keeper. I'd say £500 for this is a good buy, especially with the case (made by Samsonite I think) - these used to be very unloved and cheap as chips, but recently seem to have acquired the classic status they deserve - V&R have one for around the £950 mark. Pickguard definitely a replacement (mines got a crack running from one of the jack sockets), but you can get replacement identuical to the originals on US ebay for £40. The aluminium bridge / pickup frame was painted black and most (as here) are stripped and polished. Barry Adamson, Jah Wobble, Kim Gordon (Sonic Youth) and Ross Vallory (???spelling -Journey) all used these - Barry Adamsons sound with it is one of the all time greatest bass tones IMO. Go for it! Edit 2 posts got in while I was typing that!
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