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Everything posted by warwickhunt

  1. You know when those negative folk say 'Why have you got two basses when you can only play one at a time?'... wrong!
  2. Cheat Trick's view from the stage... open act, day 1. Stormin' the Castle
  3. I needn't have worried about learning a Toyah song... she just did a pub covers set and I knew all of those!
  4. I'm playing at a bike rally weekend starting tomorrow and the headliner on Saturday is Toyah. I have been so tempted (OK I have) to learn a couple Toyah tunes OR Robert Fripp numbers just in case they suddenly needed a dep bassist... Has anyone done similar and it has come off?
  5. @Jack is your dad Joe Hope, artist and bassist?
  6. I likewise experimented yesterday. No amp or cab. Bass > Sansamp > PA Mixer / PA Aux > to my RCF310 mounted on a pole stand to the side of the stage at approx ear height. Perfectly tolerable mix of my bass, 2 vocals and the guitar, controlled by the app on my phone. I had a slight issue with 'bloom' on the 'A' which I had to correct on main PA interface at 1/2 time but that was easily fixed. I do feel that I may need to use my Fishman Plat Pro with the Sansamp to give me greater tonal flexibility; need to keep the Sansamp in as it gives me just the right kind of driven sound I like when just past 12:00. Oddly other Tech 21 products sound too bloated unless I do radical adjustments. Added to which I'm not keen on the SIMs and IRs inherent in some of the other pedal options I've tried. I now have the dilemma of which better quality cab/monitor do I get which isn't a random/rash decision based on this experiment as I want/need one purely as a FOH single cab for a duo I play acoustic guitar in. I have four RCF 310s but generally take 1 for small gigs and scale up when needed; a single 'better' monitor would bridge the 1 or 2 310 situation and I could still keep a pair of 310s as add ons. So RCF 932 or QSC 12.2! Unless I disappear down the rabbit hole of alternatives inc 10" options. I'll never need to go as large as a 15" for any of my situations.
  7. Opening the main stage @ 19:00 on Friday... Cheat Trick.
  8. Yep I play in a duo where I play acoustic guitar and a flick of the bass/guitar switch and the EQ centres are altered to suit; straight into the PA for the guitar and it sounds great.
  9. Ditto. I went through multiple pedals that have sims or IRs before settling on the good old Sansamp for drive and I kept the Fishman Plat Pro to use with bass and acoustic; it was the most transparent and useful of them all.
  10. ...and others are allowed to disagree. Short post... sorry.
  11. Whilst I agree with the thrust of that, I know of several occasions when someone has gone into their phone/pad to change settings to their Aux... and adjusted the wrong one. People should know better... but they are people!
  12. I was there and had vivid memories of Dave's comeback on the bottle thrower and his threat to do things to his girlfriend. LOL
  13. Nice, like them both. Oddly I reckon the less bottom heavy Sandberg would work better in my band setting as the mids/up over would cut through but in isolation and take the Yamaha.
  14. I've tried ampless and if it works for you it is apparently the end to all backline GAS... you just have GAS for the latest pedal and/or IE. However, I didn't like it and I've reverted back to my amp/cab and my custom moulded ear plugs. What I am going to do is get new plugs as mine are 10 years old and though still in good condition, I think my ears have changed shape and they don't fit as well. Each to their own and 'vive la difference' as the Scottish would say!
  15. Alternatively search on BC for Handbox WB100.
  16. Got the same bass/colour scheme and I traded it once... quickly traded to get it back. Lovely basses.
  17. Regardless of sound quality, I believe latency would begin to become an issue.
  18. Aldi or Lidl do packs of 50 / 100 for a few quid on their fabled centre isle, might be worth a look... just step away from the cheap screwdriver sets!
  19. I think that is pretty much my findings. Not got a problem using the KZs as listening devices for a laptop etc when there is no ambient noise but gigs... hmmmm
  20. I'm using the Comply but the isolation is not good. Could be my ear shape or that the KZs are quite large so pull/twist. I'm less worried about nuances of 1 v 5 drivers and/or mid range availability; I need to get the isolation sorted otherwise I'm turning up the IE volume to offset the drum bleed through from the acoustic drums.
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