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Everything posted by warwickhunt

  1. I'll also praise the Peavey 410 TX TVX cabs. I had a few of them 'back in the day' as I couldn't afford SWR but when stood side by side or gigged in comparison, there was not a lot (if anything) between them. I also plumped for the 210TX at one point and paired it with a 410TX run off a GK800RB. The 800RB had separate outputs to run 300w @ 4ohm and 100w @ 8ohm; oddly it meant the 210 had to be hooked up to the 300w and the 410 to the 100w... seemed fine to me!
  2. Houston we no longer have a problem! Gigged last night and I went belt/braces and took EVERYTHING; IEM, monitor, backline, Rolls PM351, Behringer P2... you name it. Intent on having bass through backline regardless of IE. Bass > pedals (ditched digital Plethora just in case it caused cumulative latency) > amp amp tuner send > Rolls amp DI > desk desk Aux send (vocals/guitar/bass) > Rolls Rolls mix desk + amp > IEM Initially all of this was hooked up with cables so that I could have no potential for digital issues etc. Amp into Rolls was fine in my IE. Desk into Rolls into IE 'awful' as before. I then swapped to wireless so that I could easier get around out front and to the main desk interface; sound with wireless bass and wireless IE was the same as wired, no change in signal or tone. I plugged my IE into the guitarists Aux channel and his bass feed was fine ergo the issue was something on my Aux feed. I then had to do a quick vocal line check and the vocal sound was equally as bad on the FOH as there was IE. My vocal mic was swapped (assumption being it was my mic), just the same! A minute of messing with the desk interface and clarity, vocal mic OK.... within seconds my bass is clear through IEM! I queried what had changed as I needed to be sure it didn't happen again and it transpires that it could have been a combination of a guitar amp patch/setting/template that was applied to my channel (my words/definition) and a noise gate kicking in/out. Apparently because the room we were playing was significantly smaller/different to any other + we were using a sub with a full range signal sent to it, we didn't use a previous saved board. I now have to ensure that when we play on Sunday (different band but same PA/guitarist), whatever was applied/disapplied to the desk is done on a saved board. Genuine heartfelt thanks to anyone who has given me pointers, tips or suggestions. Cheers folks.
  3. INIT setting I'll bear that in mind. The good thing is I've sourced a Rolls PM351, worst case scenario if I can't sort the mixer issue out I can do a mix of my bass and the desk send (sans bass but with guitar + vocals in that mix) in the Rolls.
  4. This^ Absolutely correct, I've checked and rechecked that the bass direct to the P2 to IE is fine as are my pedals to P2>IE (I worked back over to identify where this starts in case it was cumulative) and I'm fine at home with 'my' gear. The issue starts when I get my Aux send feed from the desk. I've downloaded the Soundcraft manual and I'm reading/rereading (I need to process some aspects of how this works/is routed etc) so that I am clued up for the weekend. This has pretty much snowballed from the start of 2023 I'm blissfully playing through my gear and the band has never had complaints or negativity re venue sound, to the present situation where it is silent stage (except drummer) and IEM, no foldback. I'm not a luddite and I'm happy to do this if it works for the band, audience AND me but I see little genuine benefit for me and not a great deal more for the audience. As you say @BigRedX, I also suspect that there is something routed/applied to my Aux that shouldn't be and I'll likely find it is a simple click away from compressed/driven mush to crystal clear bass.
  5. I'll check that on Friday @Bassmonkey2510. I'm not dismissing it but the tone of it defo seems to involve excessive compression + possibly drive/distortion rather than EQ related (unless it is extreme EQ). You have set me away thinking that if I likened it to anything it would probably be more suited to a guitar tone... I wonder if there is some universal setting on the Aux sends that was engaged by the guitarist who runs the PA. Not blaming him for sabotage but I wonder if some setting is transferred over to my channel. As for others, the consensus is that they can hear me but it isn't like the bass tone I get out front or through my cabs when I used them. I may have said on another thread that this weekend I'm going to plug my IE lead into whatever they plug into and listen to their mix; I'll then know if it is global across the Aux or just my feed. Thanks for the constructive advice.
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  7. What? Thanks for that insight but I'm assuming I've missed something in translation or you simply have a high opinion of your ability to EQ my bass... without having any idea what it is! This illustrates that you have no idea what you are talking about. I suggest you take your over inflated opinion of your self and place it where your very expensive IEM should not be placed.
  8. Genuinely appreciate the suggestions and don't be put off by the fact I've tried them. I tried the internal switch literally as soon as I plugged it in for the first time. I may still try it again as there is never a guarantee that something has changed elsewhere in the signal path in the meantime. I'm actually wondering if there is a way I can record what is coming into my P2/IE... wondering if I can connect something simple into the headphone output rather than my IE?
  9. I'm using the KZ10s @la bam which are used by many of you and recommended as the budget starting point by @EBS_freak and others. Aside from that I can run my bass direct into my P2 direct to my IE and the bass sounds fine/great. This is an absolute ball ache for me as I can not get my Aux sent IEM sound to even resemble a bass that I can use as a reference sound for how I'm playing. Everything on the Soundcraft ui16 is showing as registering normal, no overdrive or compression yet the tone is like a bee farting in a watering can! I'll see how the Rolls PM351 works out but because we've never had time for a full tech rehearsal, I keep trying little tweaks and adjustments on the go. What I will try this weekend is to plug my IE into someone else's Aux and see what they are hearing as nobody has said anything about an awful bass tone in their mixes... hmmmm maybe they've never cared. LOL
  10. @Bassmonkey2510 FOH is fine. Metering - nothing is overloading/clipping. Wireless AND wired through IEM or studio headphones is exactly the same. It is a total mystery why my bass (and none of the other inputs to the desk) in the Aux mix should be so bad but in bypassing the Soundcraft desk/mixer and using the bass into a Rolls PM351, I can hear my clean bass tone and get a mix of the rest of the band.
  11. LOL Presets I'm happy with but I'll need to find one which does loads of low pass... which I'll need to listen to on my PC.
  12. Not done it that way yet but does that allow for editing etc?
  13. Anyone got any recommendations for a chorus template or setting which will let a lot of the bottom end through and only chorus the top end/harmonic overtone. Our guitarist/PA guy is whinging about my attempts to generate a faux 12 string sound and that the chorus is way overpowering... 'deal with it' was met with a stony face! I'm sure I selected a bass specific template but I'm looking for tips before I start hooking my Plethora up to my PC and messing about.
  14. That's the nice easy version... which I've tried. #1 - wireless is flaky due to the number of devices using the congested 2.4ghz. In my short and limited experience of using IEM I've had drop outs from bass radio gear and/or IE wireless; presently I'm going wired to a Behringer P2 to IE. #2 - I'm OK with mixing on my phone and that is a doddle, which leads to my personal issues... The tone of my bass in FOH is fine, the sound through my IEMs is truly and absolutely AWFUL! We aren't talking a bit of EQing, it is a horrendous compressed, overdriven mush! I've tried plugging in good headphones - same. I've used my IE with a variety of sound sources - fine. Ergo I know it isn't my IEM and has to be the desk or associated equipment. My present plan is to use a Rolls PM351 so that I have a clean bass tone in my ears and a feed from the desk with all other band members which I can blend.
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  16. How would I hear the rest of the band? Guitars use no backline so the FOH is the only sound source, likewise vocals. I don't need to have the drums through my IEM as I get enough of the drum bleed through either the vocal mic or ambient; the guitar on the other hand is non-existent as are the vocals, how do I hear those?
  17. Do you have pics? Rather than trying to tension the nut further, can it be removed and replaced?
  18. Pic and brief background + my initial thoughts on amp less/IEM Plethora - essentially there for me to attempt to replicate the sound of a 12 string... not proving to be so easy and a bit of reverb/delay for the acoustic guitar. Fishman - a really nice clean pre that isn't too coloured but gives me a notch filter (useful Hofner Club bass being hollow) and a LPF but no IR/cab sim/drive. Sansamp Para DI - recent replacement of my Sansamp DI. Gives me the cab sim and a bit of drive which the Fishman doesn't. I've played bass 45 years always with amp + cab. Presently play in a Dad's rock/pop/ covers band (more of which later) and a tribute to Cheap Trick band + a duo where I play acoustic guitar (Fishman has a switch to select between guitar/bass EQ). The guy who is main man and guitarist in the covers band owns the PA (RCF 715 tops) and bought a Soundcraft UI16 (or whatever) and went full IE no backline, which he has encouraged me to do as it gives more control and a better experience for the audience. Now this it may do but we are having ongoing issues due to the frankly awful IE sound I get of the bass; it doesn't even sound like a bass, never mind MY bass but it is fine FOH. This is where @Baloney Balderdash touched upon my main gripe with band sound; I play music for my enjoyment as much as the punters and if I'm frankly hating what I hear, then why do it? I've taken a long time to conclude that while playing average music, for an average audience in a frankly average pub may pay me more and with greater frequency than being more selective, I've voiced that I won't be playing just what the average p*ssed up punter wants to hear and I won't be playing in some of the flat top, estate pubs where a live band could as easily be replaced with karaoke. Quality gigs, even if at reduced fees and less often is the future with me and I'm going to sort out this IEM sound issue or I'm going back to amps/cabs and plugs for attenuation. Oddly the tribute band has had the same issue with IE sound as it is the same PA/guitarist until Friday night when we used in-house engineer and a very big/nice Yamaha desk... no issues with sound whatsoever BUT I had no control of mix once we started and the band mix seemed to skew and I struggled to hear things. Hey ho, we shall see.
  19. Am I missing something (I know I am btw) but a click track is barely acceptable IMHO for a live show but to then play to a click AND have the bass on some form of recording... just be done with it and do karaoke... or stick Spotify on and play the album through the PA! Before you ask 'YES' I'm old. LOL
  20. I chose not to ask... because I never get those kind of offers.
  21. Are these 2 statements directly connected... what are the leads used for? I NEVER get those kind of gigs/offers!
  22. I'd like to put money on them being Bass Direct pics.
  23. I'm in the band that is NOT playing 'Shadowplay'!
  24. I wondered about that but I just checked back through the thread and there really is a fair bit of very constructive info and advice been given over including the bone of contention that if you are driving a 600w amp to the point of it and/or a 1400w cab distorting then you are too loud... leading to a bit of niggle over hearing protection, which tbh having read from a neutral stance is all pretty valid. Defo seems to be all typical BC to me.
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