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Nail Soup

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Everything posted by Nail Soup

  1. Look, as long as I like it and I'm happy with the price I paid then it's all good, right?
  2. Good one.... but due to his choice of name you'd have to contextualise it by mentioning bass. Otherwise they might think "I'm no Flea" means "Well, I can jump quite high" 😀
  3. I’ve dropped this one a few times at band rehearsal and gigs. Never won any arguments though😃!
  4. When people wanted to say they were OK but not great at football they could say "well, I'm no David Beckham, but......" or similar. That name would be widely recognised to equate to "a good footballer", even amongst non-football fans. Is there a bass player whose name you could use in the same sentence structure and would be similarly recognised? (Not just know the name like Paul McCartney, but know they are a bass player) Or is bass just too far outside the public consciousness? "Well, I'm no Bernard Edwards" anyone?
  5. BBC 6Music Amy Lame show (4pm today) is based on Sisters with Transistors and features the maker of the film: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000vfl7 Available on catch up too of course.
  6. This is on 6music at the moment - Valerie June "Call Me a Fool", gets quite a few plays there. And deservedly so. She mixes up country, roots and soul to great effect. Probably more soul on this track.
  7. Echoing what you posted before? I thought I was in the dub version of the Reggae Thread for a minute!
  8. I think it involves shaking a pineapple or something?
  9. Talking of Prince, he made it into a clue in the Times Latin crossword ( yes, it has a Latin crossword!) this week. Perhaps one of you BCers could solve it🤔? (the Prince clue, not the whole thing... )
  10. I'd say that while Prince was extremely good on all of the main rock/soul instruments, his primary influences on music were his style/production/arrangements such as use of space and fusing of rock/R&B. Not as a guitarist. So the prize would go to someone else.... can't think who though!
  11. Phew, just caught up on the Reggae thread after a few days away.! Good stuff ! Here's Mr Vegas - Heads High
  12. OK, I'll throw my hat it! Start of blurb: I abandoned early on any attempt to incorporate Zulu-based music. Also abandoned an idea to have a narrative based on Leonard's Great-Grandad's story. But two ideas did come to me ...... the "Zulu" in the phonetic alphabet and the reconciliation process which the UK and Zulu descendants have been involved in. These combined to lead me to the young persons word of apology, which in phonetic alphabet is Sierrra Oscar Zulu Zulu. Disclaimer: I didn't, and haven't, checked that those are the correct words for S, O or even Z! One word from Leonard's GGD's life story survives in the lyrics - Himalaya, the name of the boat he sailed to Africa in. End of blurb Technical details: Studio one drums, Vantage Avenger bass, Vox Standard 25 guitar, Squier tele guitar, Studio one strings, SE58 mic, Studio one DAW.
  13. I've been replaced by a backing track? 😉
  14. I play in a punk and new wave covers band and would refuse any suggestion to use backing tracks..... just goes against the grain for me. Just a personal view. As a punter I’d avoid any band using backing tapes, especially covers bands of material that was originally played live. However I recognise there some genres of music where recorded backing is part of the genre e.g. rap.
  15. Wedding-related but probably already taken: The Hitch MoonHoney Always the Bridesmaid Wedding-related but probably best avoided Marriage of Convenience Give it 6 Months Starter Wife
  16. Too much going on there....... but in a good way 😃👍!
  17. If that's not offensive then may I suggest the following? Fånny Eiderdown and the Coverlettes
  18. Co-incidentally, I also became aware of this track a few days ago, via 6muisc catch up (Gid Coe)…… I thought it was really good too! I'm not good at picking up songs from ads, probably because I never got into the habit of using sham or googling.
  19. I sometimes use multiple commas just to fit in with other people who use multiple commas. I guess that makes me a comma comma comma comma comma chameleon. .
  20. From the thread title I expected the OP to be an advisory list like: Do not start a Basschat thread on the following topics: Tonewood Playing for free Compression Picks Vs Fingers 4 Vs 5 strings
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